Feature Add tracking for Asdon Martin Bumper cooldown

Currently there is no tracking for the cooldown of this skill - it can be worked around by using the banishedMonsters preference and current turns, but this can run into problems when we use the bumper on a monster that cannot be banished, but we can use the skill on.

The skill has a 30 turn cooldown. I'll try to capture html of using it next chance I get (or maybe someone else wants to provide the html)
In addition to the unbanishable-monsters issue above, there seems to be a KoL-side issue with the bumper as well: your cooldown doesn't actually reset until you encounter a monster directly, not as a fight triggered by a choice option.

Here is a summary of my log from one such instance:
[569] The Degrassi Knoll Garage -> Gnollish Gearhead; asdon banish used (free)
[598] The Junkyard -> erudite gremlin; no asdon banish available; killed normally
[599] Fantasy airship choice -> spunky princess; no asdon banish available; used Louder than bomb (free)
[599] Fantasy airship choice -> Burly Sidekick; no asdon banish available; killed normally
[600] Fantasy airship choice -> Spunky Princess; no asdon banish available; killed normally
[601] Quiet Healer (not from choice); asdon banish available
I think the asdon banish should have been available in the first [599] fight based on the cooldown, but it wasn't.

I was able to repro this in the Airship, Black Forest, and Outskirts of Cobb's Knob. I submitted a bug report to KoL, so this may change.