Bug - Fixed Incorrect encounter label in Haiku Dungeon


Staff member
From my session log.

[2156856] The Haiku Dungeon
Encounter: <font size=+2>23</font>
Round 0: fronobulax wins initiative!
Round 1: fronobulax executes a macro!
Round 1: fronobulax casts STUFFED MORTAR SHELL!
Round 2: fronobulax casts WEAPON OF THE PASTALORD!
Round 3: fronobulax wins the fight!
You gain 2 Strongness
You gain 8 Magicalness
You gain 8 Roguishness

Happened on every encounter that was not a choice.
What does the DEBUG log say the HTML is wrapping the encounter name?
I would bet this is change to the "b" tag, which caused many of the issues in the other Bug Report we have here.
