I'm not quite sure whether to characterize this as a bug or a feature.
There's a hard cap in game about combat rate modifiers--anything past +/- 35% doesn't do anything. The maximizer currently ignores this, for reasons that make sense: there are times when we want to go past this hard cap (Community Service, or certain scenarios where you're figuring out what buffs you can afford to stop maintaining), and it should be possible to recreate desired behavior by using the max and min keywords.
Combat rate is a bit of an odd modifier--there are times when we want it to take a large positive value and times when we want it to take a large negative value. When we want to max out combat rate, we can type "combat rate 35 max" and have a great time. The maximizer will occasionally bring you to values over 35, but reaching those higher values doesn't increase the maximizer score, so it'll only happen if you have so many buffs or such large +combat bonuses on gear that you'd do so by accident, or incidentally while trying to maximize something else. But when we type "- combat rate -35 min", something undesirable (for this situation) happens: the "-35 min" acts as a boolean modifier, which means failing to meet that expectation results in a failure. See attached for an example.
I've tried a few other strings I expected could yield the results I'm looking for (e.g., "- combat rate -35 max") and none yielded my desired behavior.
There may very well be a way to do this that I've missed. I'd love to discover this.

There's a hard cap in game about combat rate modifiers--anything past +/- 35% doesn't do anything. The maximizer currently ignores this, for reasons that make sense: there are times when we want to go past this hard cap (Community Service, or certain scenarios where you're figuring out what buffs you can afford to stop maintaining), and it should be possible to recreate desired behavior by using the max and min keywords.
Combat rate is a bit of an odd modifier--there are times when we want it to take a large positive value and times when we want it to take a large negative value. When we want to max out combat rate, we can type "combat rate 35 max" and have a great time. The maximizer will occasionally bring you to values over 35, but reaching those higher values doesn't increase the maximizer score, so it'll only happen if you have so many buffs or such large +combat bonuses on gear that you'd do so by accident, or incidentally while trying to maximize something else. But when we type "- combat rate -35 min", something undesirable (for this situation) happens: the "-35 min" acts as a boolean modifier, which means failing to meet that expectation results in a failure. See attached for an example.
I've tried a few other strings I expected could yield the results I'm looking for (e.g., "- combat rate -35 max") and none yielded my desired behavior.
There may very well be a way to do this that I've missed. I'd love to discover this.