Recent content by Tiny Plastic Andalite

  1. T

    Philter, the inventory cleanup script

    Thanks Mandy, this helped! I found my data file location and deleted it, so that all items became uncategorised again. Then I chose "Keep all uncategorised items". This let me still be able to see new uncategorised items as I acquire new things. Am running the script now - going letter by letter...
  2. T

    Philter, the inventory cleanup script

    Philmasterplus, Fronobulax, thanks! Frono, I've come across other forum posts suggesting changing the files directly like you suggested, but my problem is that I'm using a Mac (OS Big Sur, v 11.4) and I don't know where my KOLMafia directory is. I've tried searching "KoLmafia", "OCD" and...
  3. T

    Philter, the inventory cleanup script

    Hi, just trying this for the first time. I haven't used OCD before this either. I don't like the default actions set for my items, is there a way to select all the items and change them to "keep" by default? Then I'll go through them one by one and change the action if I don't want to keep them...