Recent content by snooty

  1. snooty

    Bug - Fixed is_coinmaster_item no longer returning true for Wrecked Generator

    Has something changed again? r28334 broke my breakfast script at "create 3 mini kiwi aioli", so I reverted to an older version I knew still worked. Is there a new standard for coinmasters stuff now and I'm just out of the loop on where that info is located?
  2. snooty

    Bug - Not A Bug I can't open any .jar files after r25707 [Java 8 no longer works with Mafia]

    I had no idea about the locations info, thanks for that! This morning I finally got a Java exception error message on this box. Returning to Oracle's JDK 21 seems to have resolved whatever was going on with Adoptium's and OpenLogic's versions. Or...something? Because I just fired up the most...
  3. snooty

    Bug - Not A Bug I can't open any .jar files after r25707 [Java 8 no longer works with Mafia]

    Thank you! I had the latest one from Adoptium, went back and looked at it was more recent than the one I had from OpenLogic, so I went back to that one. It's the same version as BigVinnie's, but the GUI still won't open, and there's still no error message or signs of life on Task Manager :cry:
  4. snooty

    Bug - Not A Bug I can't open any .jar files after r25707 [Java 8 no longer works with Mafia]

    Heh, sorry, I have no idea where to go to even find all that. It's the most recent version from Adoptium, so, probably the same?
  5. snooty

    Bug - Not A Bug I can't open any .jar files after r25707 [Java 8 no longer works with Mafia]

    Nothing comes up at all, no mafia GUI, no error message, nothing. No idea what you even mean by "running from a command window", I'm hardware, software is all Greek to me. Sorry I'm so hopeless :cry: I double click on the .jar from the folder where it lives in File Explorer. Running Task...
  6. snooty

    Bug - Not A Bug I can't open any .jar files after r25707 [Java 8 no longer works with Mafia]

    Since the switch to Java 21, mafia no longer even comes up. Both machines (Win11) have the current JDK. Both have been rebooted since install, and since downloading the latest mafia version. I've been using r28237 since yesterday, and have no clue how to go about resolving this. Sincere thanks...
  7. snooty

    BatBrain -- a central nervous system for consult scripts

    Mafia's having a fit again, JDK up to date, latest version (as of 6 hours ago), and I get this... Help please 😭
  8. snooty

    Issue with wham.php?

    Everything's working fine for me now (fingers crossed, don't wanna jinx it). Between mafia updates and Ezandora fixes, one of them must have worked. I just ran my first regular breakfast script with 0 issues today.
  9. snooty

    Winterbay's Helpful Automatic Monsterbasher (WHAM)

    It was all characters on one machine, I hadn't changed a thing in preferences. Ended up changing the stasis variables available on WHAM to resolve it. No desire/need to stasis anyway, so that worked for me. With the amount of rl time the new content is taking on a daily basis, I expect I won't...
  10. snooty

    Bug December 2024 changes in KoL break lots of stuff

    Source Terminal no longer functions (even in browser).
  11. snooty

    Issue with wham.php?

    The only thing that worked for me so far was manually rerunning Detective Solver, everything else mafia still has a fit :cry: Have the latest build, updated JDK a month or so ago? Someone wake me when all this is sorted please 😭
  12. snooty

    Issue with wham.php?

    Thank you so much, xKiv!
  13. snooty

    Issue with wham.php?

    Pretty sure we can add Source Terminal to the list. Thanks for posting the fix code, Crowther! My eyesight is crap though and I honestly don't trust myself to not screw it up entirely. Do you (or anyone) know if these scripts are being maintained? Updating from the script manager would be...
  14. snooty

    Issue with wham.php?

    Thanks y'all! r28158 obviously wasn't up when I posted. I'll come whine again tomorrow if that doesn't get the job done. I assume mafia no longer recognizing the clan photo booth is part of the bug issue ckb posted the link for? There is some lounge stuff posted in there.