Recent content by Rubix314

  1. R

    Get Slimy

    Heeeey that's my post :D. I'll go update it... I guess I forgot to say this too--the script is running flawlessly for me too. I haven't tried a slimeling run yet, so I don't know about that quite yet, but it's been working fine on double-nodule runs. Big thank-you to Alhifar.
  2. R

    Get Slimy

    I'd imagine VERY close to my buffed muscle, maybe with the +5% gnome skill.
  3. R

    Get Slimy

    This isn't perfect since I've gained a few stats since then, but it should be roughly accurate: Muscle: 1370 (548) Mysticality: 825 (825) Moxie: 1298 (865) DR: 0 DA: 850 (82.2%) Coated in Slime: 6 turns (4 slime resistance) Weapon: Villainous Scythe Bonus Damage: +10 Prismatic, +30...
  4. R

    Get Slimy

    I was just beaten up. And I even had the chalky hand effect (no fumbles). Um...I don't think anything special happened. My CCS is just attacking with weapon, and it takes two hits to kill. I wasn't taking a ton of damage from Coated in Slime, but it was enough to get me to where two slime hits...
  5. R

    Get Slimy

    Edit: Never mind, I really need to think a bit before I post >.<
  6. R

    Get Slimy

    Edit: Never mind. It counts squeezes. I was being silly >.< Is there any way to make a buffer for a couple fumbles? I've killed 185 Slimes and I've gotten beaten up 7 times. I suppose piling on more Slime resistance (currently I'm only using the chamoisole to save money and be able to eat/drink...
  7. R

    Get Slimy

    I noticed something in the new update... "## This script assumes you will be using a skill that will do AT LEAST as much damage as LTS." What if we don't have LTS (or anything of that sort) permed? What else has changed? (Is there a version log for this script somewhere...) Modest...
  8. R

    Get Slimy

    For new people: I'll try to help with explaining the script, as I was once in your spot...mafia can be very intimidating. All you pros out there, feel free to correct me if necessary. To edit, go to page four of this thread and find Alhifar's link. Copy/paste all of it into notepad. In the...
  9. R

    Get Slimy

    How exactly do you set up a combat script? What would I type there if I just want to cleesh it and kill it? Edit: Woohoo never mind :D Edit Edit: err....never mind the never mind. I'm still lost >_> Edit Edit Edit: I suppose it would help to say what I tried. I went to the Custom Combat tab...
  10. R

    Get Slimy

    Yeah, sorry Bale/Alhifar/everyone else who helps so much. I'm very grateful for your efforts. But um....I'm still curious about the script because it's all gibberish to me =/. Does it change the Moon sign area's annoyance thing when it switches outfits too? Maybe it's time I start learning...
  11. R

    Get Slimy

    Do I copy/paste to notepad, make the necessary edits, and then save it to the scripts file?
  12. R

    Get Slimy

    I'm rather new to the whole Mafia thing, but I'd like to be able to use it for Slime Tube runs. For alhifar's script, how exactly do we edit the options part? Do I name my ML outfit "maxml"?