Recent content by QSquared

  1. Q

    Scrolls script: Not Ready, help requested.

    At most an adding machine can only take (I think) 4 hits, so, there will never be a time when you're trying to do a speed run and end up with a 31337 scroll unless you are looking to do that. Hot, I think you need to treat the adding machine like you do with a multiple choice adv.  set a...
  2. Q

    Ambidextrous Completion of Rotflmfao

    Call me Confused, but does KOL Mafia check it's local directory for a copy of the script, and then, only if the script doesn't exist there, check the scripts directory?? I had an older copy of the script in the same directory as 'Mafia, and when I removed it the script started working with...
  3. Q

    Scrolls script: Not Ready, help requested.

    Check out this script, I got it from KiraCatgirl and have been using it as a basis for my own sets of "Throw multiple items due to ambidextrous funk slinging". In this script I only fixed a few small errors and I did not bother to comment it because it was so strait-forward, thought I did set...
  4. Q

    Ambidextrous Completion of Rotflmfao

    Okay, thats pretty straightforward, but then, if I stole this line and used it: void main(string roundString, string encounterString, string pageString) { why doesn't that work, I'm obviously declaring three string variables in the definition of main by using it, must these variables actually be...
  5. Q

    Ambidextrous Completion of Rotflmfao

    Alright, I found an example ASH (Fight Optimizer) and pulled the definition of the main function from it: void main(string roundString, string encounterString, string pageString){ Now my main function looks like the following: void main(string roundString, string encounterString, string...
  6. Q

    Ambidextrous Completion of Rotflmfao

    I have attached the fixed script, sorry I didn't do that before; the errors were all silly things like missed parens, as in '(' with no ')' I think they weren't found previously only because he doesn't have Funk Slinging to test with, which is why I didn't post. Calling this script on the...
  7. Q

    Ambidextrous Completion of Rotflmfao

    I fixed all the missing parentheses and such and ran the script, and I have good news and bad, The good news: The script works when run by hand against the adding machine! (Hurray!) The Bad News: The consult command generated an error in KOL Mafia when I try to run the script there (Booo!)...
  8. Q

    Ambidextrous Completion of Rotflmfao

    Thank you sir! A genius is you!
  9. Q

    Ambidextrous Completion of Rotflmfao

    I haven't been able to even attempt this because of how much I have been working lately. However I looked up the consult scripts through the searchyness, and I see how to call them. Would my script be something like this? [Begin Consult Script Pseudo code] If variable != "Done" If...
  10. Q

    Re: [CLI] Simple Scripts: Nemesis Prep

    Re: [CLI] Simple Scripts: Nemesis Prep I could be wrong but doesn't KOL mafia fill in dependencies for you? couldn't you just write this code such as this: conditions add 1 tongs; adventure * outskirts of the knob; conditions add 1 fairy gravy; adventure * haiku dungeon; hermit 1 ketchup...
  11. Q

    Ambidextrous Completion of Rotflmfao

    I can't see where that is referenced int his script, maybe I'm missing how it feeds the adding machine while using ambidextrous funkslinging
  12. Q

    Ambidextrous Completion of Rotflmfao

    I didn't care too much about this until they made the change over for needing to feed items to the adding machine to generate a gate scroll to complete the bridge the orc chasm quest. But now that it's required, I need to find out how to specifically tell KOL Mafia what the 2nd item to use...
  13. Q

    ASH - iterating through a list of items

    I would MUCH prefer this, as this is how C/VB/VBScript/JAVA/JAVAScript all do it, less confusion in my mind to be more similar.
  14. Q

    ASH - iterating through a list of items

    I vote Colors, or at least Bold & italics OR a note that says braces = optional sections thats a bit more prominent (is there on I didn't check honestly) ~Q
  15. Q

    The DB Stills

    I put the actual problem more succinctly in my reply to the original script creator topic, (but yes, you are correct the problem is ithe script fails silently and I am only adding the bubble-sort code) we should probably talk there instead of here, my bad, that topic URL is thus...