Recent content by hroth

  1. H

    TrueMall: Using true, real, actual, dynamic mall pricing in KoLmafia scripts.

    heeheehee, (I suppose I have to be more careful with my grammar...) It is easy to put this in, but I wanted to understand where this would be applied; how does one manipulate the market by offering a super-high price? For example, let's say we have a situation with: Store #1: Twinkly Wads...
  2. H

    TrueMall: Using true, real, actual, dynamic mall pricing in KoLmafia scripts.

    Sure. Here's the script documentation: # TrueMall # -------- # # Convert raw data from mallbots for mallprices.txt to give "true" mall pricing. # # True mall pricing may be, for example: # # 1. The cheapest item in the mall (the "first" item in the mall) # 2. The average cost of N items in...
  3. H

    TrueMall: Using true, real, actual, dynamic mall pricing in KoLmafia scripts.

    Thanks for the response. I should have stressed the term modest contribution when I originally posted - it doesn't hit any servers at all (enforcing the one / day rule rather conveniently). It is a simple tool to take data that's already out there and repackage it for the mallprices.txt...
  4. H

    TrueMall: Using true, real, actual, dynamic mall pricing in KoLmafia scripts.

    I've been enjoying the excellent scripts from Bale, dj_d, Zarqon, aquaelectrix and more and feeling the need to contribute back to the community. I think I have a modest contribution that meets a need that comes out once in a while in Item Handling scripts like EatDrink, PriceAdvisor, etc...
  5. H

    Current Performance I was wondering if a few folks could share what their current average take is from farm.ash - I am considering buying it and was wondering if the 'arbitrage' was still worth it. Thanks!