Recent content by Hidden Knife

  1. H

    Mafia's fortune teller inputs

    Is there some way to change the answers that Mafia automatically inputs for the Madame Zatara’s Relationship Fortune Teller consultations? Something seems to have changed with Mafia or autoscend or something and now Mafia is putting in answers like cake and wonderwoman and giving me incompatible...
  2. H

    CONSUME.ash - A diet handler script

    Thanks, didn't know about that setting.
  3. H

    CONSUME.ash - A diet handler script

    Turns out it is possible, just can't do the CONSUME ALL command in Mafia. Instead, copy and paste the output from the SIM and remove the bits about closeting the Special Seasonings. Now if I could just figure out why Consume is not getting Vintage Smart Drinks when it is saying to get them for...
  4. H

    CONSUME.ash - A diet handler script

    I thought as much, thank you for the confirmation though.
  5. H

    CONSUME.ash - A diet handler script

    Is there a way to force CONSUME to not closet Special Seasonings? I've got the Boombox so I have a source of the Seasonings without buying them. I know it's probably due to the Value I have set saying the Seasonings are worth more to sell than use, but is there a way to override that particular...
  6. H

    Autumn-aton Override

    Try not filtering the zones at all, and see if the Rift shows up in the location list.
  7. H

    Autumn-aton Override

    Excellent point. And that list resets on ascension.
  8. H

    Autumn-aton Override

    Seems so, I've got the Pay Phone and still have the Shadow Rift in my list while using the script. Edit: Came back to add that I am currently doing a GelNoob run, if that makes any difference.
  9. H

    buttonFrenzy - Betterized stores

    It's a shame that this script was never improved to show the limitations. I also find it odd that I can't seem to find anyone that ever did a similar script that showed the limits as well.
  10. H

    Autumn-aton Override

    Looks good on the first use. I selected a zone type and had a selection of unlocked zones that matched that type.
  11. H

    Autumn-aton Override

    Will have to check this one out in that case.
  12. H

    CONSUME.ash - A diet handler script

    Still happening with r27339. Guess the forum links in svnrepo.json were never updated, or this one just got skipped?
  13. H

    volcano_mining.ash - Automate mining of the Velvet/Gold Mine at That 70s Volcano

    Getting this issue as well. Now this fixed version, excuse my complete inexperience, how would I use this alternate version? Would I delete the original and install this one instead, or is something a different process?