Recent content by Hextatpr

  1. H

    Ascend.ash: hands-off ascension script

    dj_d responded; he was even kind enough to include a million meat payment for "inconvenience".
  2. H

    Ascend.ash: hands-off ascension script

    I'd imagine; the point was mostly that settling with something further from this level of robustness (or so I've read) when I've already made the investment would be unusual. The goal here isn't actually to use the scripts but to learn from them, so there's not going to be a whole lot of "just...
  3. H

    Ascend.ash: hands-off ascension script

    I sort of already paid.
  4. H

    Ascend.ash: hands-off ascension script

    A week later and it seems to be off again. I wonder if this post will be what invites a response?