Recent content by GeminiRai

  1. G

    Bug - Fixed L12 Quest Status Incorrect for Ed

    Excellent! Truly a grand mystery. And I can confirm the fix is now in the latest build, aaaand that the problem no longer appears. > debug on Preference lastCouncilVisit changed from 9 to 10 Preference questL10Garbage changed from unstarted to step1 > debug off
  2. G

    Bug - Fixed L12 Quest Status Incorrect for Ed

    src/data/questscouncil.txt line 320, 49970f990b9 2022-04-03 14:53:27 -0400 320) questL12War<TAB>step1<TAB>started<TAB>Excellent....(actual quest text) Level 10 quest text for Ed the undying: "It seems that there is a castle in the clouds above the Kingdom, occupied by a band of giants. They...
  3. G

    Automatically buys 30 items at a time from the mall when auto-mallbuy is on?Woe is me

    Why does kolmafia want to bankrupt me? All I did was turn automatically buy items from the mall when needed. I don't see anywhere where the number is specified but for some reason whenever the auto-mallbuy is triggered it does something like this Searching for "scroll of drastic healing"...
  4. G

    Why does KOL Mafia beep at me every session?

    This has been happening to me as well. Vista 64-bit. JRE-1.6.0_22, in the x86 folder so assuming not 64 bit.