Recent content by fewyn

  1. fewyn

    Feature shop.php support

    Been specifically having issues with this build and garbo throwing a debug log and not working at all. Doesn't present issues in 28346 or earlier builds.
  2. fewyn

    New Content Toy Cupid Bow Preferences

    For some reason I didn't have HTML allowed as a valid extension for attachments... it does now.
  3. fewyn

    r28030 - Don't try to dereference a none location (NPE). by @phulin

    Yeah we migrated servers since I was no longer running Jenkins and forgot to re-enable the script that fixes the titles.
  4. fewyn

    r28000 - Enable building with Java 21. by @heeheehee-kolmaf

    Here are some options: I should write a post or something with links to some useful ones so people can find them.
  5. fewyn

    Bug - Fixed Mafia Auto Updater Broken

    This one checks Jenkins which has been decomissioned, you'll need to get your builds from Github. Here is an alternative (powershell) that I personally use:
  6. fewyn

    Discussion: Should we depreciate/remove Jenkins?

    Yes just the jars, the others are for MacOS and Debian Linux (some other distros can use .deb) specifically.
  7. fewyn

    Discussion: Should we depreciate/remove Jenkins?

    I have disabled Jenkins and created a permanent redirect to the Github releases page.
  8. fewyn

    Discussion: Should we depreciate/remove Jenkins?

    Since no one really seems to see a reason (nor I) to keeping it I'll be shutting it down. Probably in a week or so... I'll redirect the URLs directly to the Github page.
  9. fewyn

    Script showing progress in various paths/quests Snapshot is probably exactly what you're looking for. Greenbox is a close second doesn't have things like outfits and such but has a lot of the stuff people want.
  10. fewyn

    Discussion: Should we depreciate/remove Jenkins?

    Really what the title says... GitHub handles pretty much everything Jenkins does these days and it has seem to proven confusing where/how to download the latest build as of late. Just a little history Jenkins came around as an evolution from a bash script I wrote to build mafia via a cron job a...
  11. fewyn

    Bug - Fixed Mafia Auto Updater Broken

    Jenkins yes must have changed something that your launcher was working for. I semi-regularly update it to keep ahead of any kind of security vulnerabilities.
  12. fewyn

    Forum help and cleanup

    I'm all open to suggestions on what colours to change everything to. I just picked the quickest options in the admin panel for the moment.
  13. fewyn

    Forum help and cleanup

    Yes I can always change colours. I'm always open to suggestions, typically whoever fixes/pushes the change can change the tag so it's really open to me and the devs. We used to have "Minions" who could make changes like that but most of them have disappeared over the years.
  14. fewyn

    Bug - Cannot Reproduce Daily Build site comes up with "Bad Message 431" & unable to download latest build.

    It loads fine here? It crashes occasionally but it has a checker that checks if the process is hung every 15 minutes.
  15. fewyn

    Bug KolMafia dumping files in Steam folder I think this may fix that? Hopefully it'll show the correct location JDK is stored after.