r28372 improved level handling. It no longer jumps to the wrong level after seeing my stats, but it still doesn't update after grafting. I'm not sure how to make mafia look at api.php. I've taken to logging out and back on, but we're getting closer!
I lost my preferences a few months ago and I'm still finding places where mafia's state is off. I'm thinking it might be a good project. No way autoscend can handle that.
When you graft a familiar, the familiar is removed from your terrarium and the familiar equipment is returned to your inventory, which of course mafia doesn't know yet.
We'll likely want to track which familiars are grafted where.
Level (number of grafts) determines which council quests you are on. I suspect it determines which food and booze you can use, but I haven't verified that.
I assume stats determines which equipment you can wear, but I haven't...
There's a familiar weight issue "Familiar weight: KoL = 11 KoLmafia = 6", but I think I saw on Discord that it might be a KoL bug.
I figured out how to fix the stats thing. Here's the fix that worked for me:
So much better already! Recognizing standard restrictions really helped. The stats and level still going up and down. I remember that happening in another path when the character pane and the api don't show the same things. I think that was why.