Recent content by cakyrespa

  1. cakyrespa

    ASH syntax highlighting in Kate

    Yeah, just figuring out how to do it. Implementing C-based commented (// and /**/) is easy, single character EOL comments are a bit harder with cc-mode. Let me figure out how to do it and put it in some documentation of some sort. That way, if you want it, you know how to do it, but it won't...
  2. cakyrespa

    ASH syntax highlighting in Kate

    Bah, I couldn't find my .emacs example, must have accidently deleted it. (defun my-ash-mode-hook () (progn (setq tab-width 4) (c-set-offset 'substatement-open 0))) (add-hook 'ash-mode-hook 'my-ash-mode-hook) Something like that should work. You can also put a function in the "0" but...
  3. cakyrespa

    ASH syntax highlighting in Kate Check out the above links. You can set up custom indenting for your style using some of those. I set up my .emacs to include...
  4. cakyrespa

    ASH syntax highlighting in Kate

    Awesome, that is what I guessed it was. I should have that done then. Not sure if I'm missing other keywords, at some point, I should really go through the Java code and see what I miss (or wait until someone points out my mistake). Current issues: * $item[bob's toy] verses some_variable[bob's...
  5. cakyrespa

    ASH syntax highlighting in Kate

    Yeah, just takes a bit to figure out how everything plays together with cc-mode. But, I did make a few other improvements, mainly to import and cleaning up "notify" and "script" (though, not entirely sure how to use that directive).
  6. cakyrespa

    ASH syntax highlighting in Kate

    Yeah, I tried putting it before "c-basic-matchers-before" but at that point, they already identified that it was an errant string. I just need to delve into the code a bit more and find where they determine that first. I went with the safest approach (treating [] as quotes) until I can figure it...
  7. cakyrespa

    ASH syntax highlighting in Kate

    Well, I couldn't figure out the silly little thing with the regex on the aggregates. Part of it is that ash allows this: $item[Doc Galaktik's Ailment Ointment]) but it doesn't allow this: string [string] values; values [Doc's Galaktik's Ailment Ointment] = "234 bob"; I got a regexp to...
  8. cakyrespa

    ASH syntax highlighting in Kate

    The movie, 9. My wife and I decided that it would be a date. And dates takes priority over programming... so I was told. :)
  9. cakyrespa

    ASH syntax highlighting in Kate

    Bah, moral high ground. :P I was going to do it anyways. Actually, I have a large hunk of a version done. Just need to fix a regex on [] where it is sometimes a string, sometimes not ($item[bob] verses some_map[bob]), and add in the keywords I've missed. But, first to go see 9. I should have...
  10. cakyrespa

    ASH syntax highlighting in Kate

    It is on. :P Veracity: Want to give us a list of your "wants and needs" as it pertains to the Emacs mode? I presume it includes font-locking, but best to ask.
  11. cakyrespa

    ASH syntax highlighting in Kate

    Heh, I could probably create a cc-mode derived mode for ASH too. I did create one of the csharp-modes. But, if you want anything less fancy, can't do much less than that.
  12. cakyrespa

    ASH syntax highlighting in Kate

    Mainly, it set it up so any file ending in .ash will automatically have this syntax. So, you don't need to manually set it up. I also made the following keywords: call, remove, exists, foreach, upto by, downto, in, repeat, until. I made the following types: int, float, boolean, string...
  13. cakyrespa

    Algebra in ASH?

    Awesome, thank you for posting the numbers. It does seem more reasonable, 10M for 2.3 seconds. I love how fast computers have gotten these days.
  14. cakyrespa

    ASH syntax highlighting in Kate Not really sure if anyone is interested, but I started setting up a syntax highlighting for Kate (a KDE editor). It isn't perfect, but at least most of the variables are highlighted enough for me to enjoy editing. I also think it makes ASH editing...
  15. cakyrespa

    Map of current effects and/or inventory?

    Ah, cool, that is what I missed ($effects[]). And figures I'd miss get_inventory() too. Thank you.