Recent content by adeyke

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    Bug - Fixed Generate Irony

    I got mine and used mine yesterday. Mine did give a message about it being HC permed, and it's showing up in my skills list as such. I haven't ascended since. A post on the KoL forums also mentions the HC perm. So you not getting it would be a bug, which I can't explain.
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    Bug - Fixed Generate Irony

    The current PvP season gives an item, Book of Irony. When used, this grants the skill Generate Irony, which can be used once per day to summon a spoon. This should get the same breakfast treatment as the other PvP summon skills.
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    New Content - Implemented Rumpus Room change

    From the trivial updates: It would be nice if breakfast automatically clicked these for us.
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    Bug equip( item item, familiar familiar ) fails when redundant

    Most versions of equip will simply do nothing if the desired state has already been reached: The one for familiar equipment is different. It instead gives an error:
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    New Content - Implemented Crimbo 2024

    Ah, I see it now. devilegg vs eggdevil. I also noticed that the command doesn't check _candyEggsDeviled; it'll still retrieve the candy and submit the request even if no uses are left. It's easy enough to make that check with a script. I don't know how these things are normally handled, so I'm...
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    New Content - Implemented Crimbo 2024

    I'll try to get that tomorrow, when I can use it again. I did look at my session log and noticed that my loginscript had "aprilband item tom", which uses choiceadv 1526, and when I then used the devilcandyegg command, my session log says this "Conduct the Patrol Beat" is the name of option 1...
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    New Content - Implemented Crimbo 2024

    The devilcandyegg command gives me an error: (It works if I first click the deviler's link in the relay browser.)
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    New Content - Implemented Crimbo 2024

    The candy egg deviler can be used 3 times a day to convert a candy into a deviled candy egg. There should be a preference to track this. A way to script its use without visit_url would also be nice, though that might not be worth the effort.
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    New Content - Implemented TakerSpace

    The pirate dinghy can also be used once per day for 1,000 MP and HP (without the item being consumed), so a preference to track that would be helpful.
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    Bug You are too drunk to continue

    I've lately noticed an issue with my max inebriety. It would go from 21/21 to 21/14, while also starting to give messages about "Familiar weight: KoL = 41 KoLmafia = 40". I noticed it when running UberPvPOptimizer. It was consistently happening when it equipped the lavalarva, after first...
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    Bug Approaching produce stand as werebeast resets sidequestOrchardCompleted

    In the wereprofessor path, you can successfully return the heart of the filthworm queen as a werebeast, and KoLmafia correctly sets the sidequestOrchardComplete property. However, if you click the stand again, you get the "As you approach the store, someone slams the door, flips the sign to...
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    Bug cyrptTotalEvilness = 998

    Lately, after using the GUI to adventure in the cyrpt subzones, I've been unable to go to the haert, until I go use the relay browser. I encountered the issue just now and saw the problem: cyrptTotalEvilness was set to 998. Apparently, it was set to decremented to 0, which set it to 999, but...
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    .JAR file issue

    You need a newer version of Java, which has already been linked in this thread.
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    New Content Clan Photobooth

    Here's my daily deed for the buffs, in case anyone else wants one: $CUSTOM|Combo|Clan Photo Booth Buff (50 adv)|_photoBoothEffects|3|$ITEM|Mox +10; Init +50%; +3 Mox Exp; -5% combat|false|photobooth effect wild|$ITEM|Mus +10; HP +50; +3 Mus Exp; +5% combat|false|photobooth effect tower|$ITEM|Mys...
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    Bug UI text sometimes truncated

    I'm running Windows 11 and have two monitors. One is 3840x2160, running at 150% scaling, the other 1920x1080, running at 100% scaling. I've encountered issues with text not fitting and thus getting truncated with ellipsis. I'd previously thought that it was only on my 4K monitor, due to the...