Nemesis quest script

I can finally confirm that the 'retry' on the maze works.
Paths examined/made 21/21 ->no solution found.
You can't get there from here. Swim to shore and try again.
Swimming back to shore...
You lose 47 hit points
Current position: 6,12 on map 1
Current position: 6,12 on map 1
Paths examined/made 152/156 ->solution with 64 hops.
Mafia finished trying to solve the Maze. If it didn't, try swimming back to shore and using the 'Solve' button in the Relay Browser.

Thanks for adding that in ;)
This may be in here already, but a skimming of thread search didn't bring anything up.

I was able to run the script fine (one hiccup at the beginning: I had yet to talk to my Class at the Guild so the Fun House wasn't open; script aborted, I talked to them, and worked fine afterwards).

When it got to the cave and Strip farming, instead of my full-weight, beSpangled Hatrack, the script broguht out my 1 lb flaming gravy fairy, and equipped me in a few pieces of +Fam Weight gear. Any reasoning behind this? This was the first time I ran the script, so if there's a spot I need to fill in with a specific familiar, please let me know.
The script uses zlib's best_fam() function. Apparently it doesn't take the hatrack into account.

Alright, going through and editing it to:
use_familiar( $familiar [mad hatrack] );
equip($slot[familiar], $item[{insert best hat for the job here}])
Where {insert best hat for the job here} would be Spangly Sombrero for combat/items/blocking (yes I know it doesn't do combat, but it blocks which helps) and Crown of the Goblin King for Deleveling got things to work nicely.
The SC part has code to make sure that your familiar equipment doesn't deal damage. v1.8 uses that code in the TT, S and DB parts too.
One problem remaining with the Turtle Taming (which did hit me last time, but I wasn't sure what I'd done):
	else if ( npc.contains_text( "the remainder of them" ) ) turtles_left = 4;
This is the message that comes up after taming 1 of the 6 turtles, at which point you have 5 remaining, not 4. :)

Partially unrelated to working/not-working, but sort of not... you check directly for "You win the fight!" which might not always work, if you have anapets on or something similar. I'd changed my 1.7 to use the WINWINWIN text that KoL inserts for script writers instead.
Eh, no biggie. It's down to 3 lines added or changed now. If anyone and/or you cares:
	familiar farm_familiar = vars[ "nemesis_farm_familiar" ].to_familiar();
	if (to_familiar(vars["is_100_run"]) != $familiar[none]) farm_familiar = to_familiar(vars["is_100_run"]);
	string farm_outfit = vars[ "nemesis_farm_outfit" ];
Middle line is added. Basically, if it's a 100% run, use that as the farm familiar.

familiar choose_potato()
	if (to_familiar(vars["is_100_run"]) != $familiar[none]) return to_familiar(vars["is_100_run"]);
	foreach fam in $familiars[ Squamous Gibberer, Temporal Riftlet, Cotton Candy Carnie, Emo Squid, Levitating Potato, Untamed Turtle, Cuddlefish ]
This is added to (obviously) the choose_potato function. This is the only one that's questionable, but really, you have to do it... despite the fact that our 100% familiar is probably not a potato, we need to keep using it here.

	set_property( "battleAction","try to run away" );
	if ( have_familiar( $familiar[ Frumious Bandersnatch ] ) && to_familiar(vars["is_100_run"]) != $familiar[none] && to_familiar(vars["is_100_run"]) != $familiar[Frumious Bandersnatch] ) use_familiar( $familiar[ Frumious Bandersnatch ] );
	cli_execute( "conditions clear" );
And, our one modified line. Basically, while the Frumious Bandersnatch may be awesome, only use it if we're either not in a 100% run or the 100% run is the Bandersnatch.

The rest of the script uses best_fam now, so that already respects 100% runs. The only one that's really problematic is the potato one, because people can do familiars that cause damage and make their lives a painful hell. But that's their choice...
Heyo. Love this script and I use it every aftercore. A minor bug:

When doing the DB Nemesis quest, the script autoequips my Space Trip Headphones, which means that my cocoabo (the familiar that the script chooses) tends to kill the ravers pretty quickly.

I work around this by putting my headphones in my DC before running the script, but having it ignore them would be nice.
v1.9 respects Zlib's is_100_run setting, and I added "-equip safety headphones" when maximizing equipment for the DB part.
Thanks, I updated the script again (without bumping the version number).

You know, I would prefer that folks not do that, if only because I spent 30 minutes tracking down something recently because zarqon had updated zlib, not changed the version and I finally ran a script that required the change he "snuck" in.

I may be hypersensitive to this - my current job title is Configuration Manager - but I am hard pressed to identify a case where something is worth fixing but not worth changing the label. All that does is shift the problem to the user if the user happens to be unlucky enough to get the early version.
I avoid changing the version number if I upload a new version less than a half-hour after the previous one. I guess not changing the version number doesn't bring any benefit, so I might as well not do it :)
I avoid changing the version number if I upload a new version less than a half-hour after the previous one. I guess not changing the version number doesn't bring any benefit, so I might as well not do it :)

I'm not going to try and parse the double negatives but since my tone now reads as testy and directed at you, I do apologize. That said, I happened to be one of the three people who downloaded zLib in the 30 minutes the superseded version was available so....
I'm not going to try and parse the double negatives but since my tone now reads as testy and directed at you, I do apologize. That said, I happened to be one of the three people who downloaded zLib in the 30 minutes the superseded version was available so....

Seeing as I think I was one of the other 2 I think we should try and locate the third person and have a party :)
Awesome! One more script I don't need to look change by change to keep working on updates, though I still reserve the right to amble. :D Thanks slyz!