KolMafia Guide for Noobs - Upd Feb6,2010.
Although a few KoLMafia guides exist already, they are either out-of-date, too brief, or too complex. They work, but are typically for more advanced players that catch the lingo and references. My guide is by a noob, to be on the level of noobs. It is (hopefully) easy to understand, pretty verbose, and up to date (at time of writing anyways in Jan 2010).
Note that there are some light SPOILERS in this guide for illustration purposes.
This guide is for those players that are interested in using a great third-party tool to enrich their Kingdom of Loathing experience significantly. Mafia is a java program that acts as a go-between for you to the KoL server. It has its own frame that contains a lot of functionality. In addition, you will use a normal browser window to play like normal. Mafia helps you in many ways:
1) Mafia allows you to use a 'Relay Browser' which is practically identical to the normal playing environment. The only noticeable difference is that Mafia adds bonus information and reminders that are very helpful when playing. This is by far my favorite feature because you do not have to try to learn a brand new interface to use and learn Mafia.
2) Provides some alternative interfaces to do certain functions that you may or may not like better than the built-in interface. At the very least, you can easily say... look up a mall price on something in Mafia without having to redirect your browser to the mall and then back to your inventory or adventuring location.
3) Automation. KolMafia allows you to intelligently automate actions, from small scale to larger scale. As an example, you can easily set up a 'script' combat button that will then do exactly what you want it to do; Maybe a Disco Bandit always wants to Pickpocket if possible, followed up by a Disco Dance, then auto-attack the rest of the way. Or an owner of a certain familiar wants to extend each fight to maximize Meat/Mana/HP,etc gains. Instead of doing this manually for each fight, you click ONE button which does the entire sequence!
4) Reduction of lag. Mafia works as an interface directly to KoL. What this means is that when you automate actions, no browser refresh is needed. This is really helpful, as a 12 round auto-combat using the Script button can be done in about three browser refreshes.
5) Collating of information. KolMafia keeps track of all stat gains, meat found, items found, and an entire log of everything that has happened in the game. The info is logged automatically and effortlessly if you want it.
6) Ability to call player written scripts which do various stuff. For example, one of them will help you equip outfits to get new Tattoos. These require more trust, but I will show you how to examine scripts and see what they do.
Remember... Automation is only ONE aspect of KolMafia! I generally avoid too much of something 'playing for me' myself, and it is entirely possible to use and love KolMafia with NO automation whatsoever!
Unless you are outright opposed to the concept of KolMafia or Greasemonkey, I'd strongly urge you to read this guide and give it a try. By the end of the first Lesson, you will know enough to decide for yourself.
I have only played KoL for 3 months. I am hoping this means that I will not take stuff for-granted like year-long players. It also means I will not address details that I simply don't know about or haven't explored much yet (Clan Dungeons, Basement Dive, etc.).
I assume that you have played KoL for at least a few weeks before reading this guide. This is simply so I can reference examples while teaching. This is not a strict requirement though... it just means that you might not catch some of my examples.
Finally, you need to be able to PLAY while reading this guide! Learning while trying to break a speed ascension record or something is probably not the best way to go. 50 turns should be enough to get through most of the lessons.
My main goal is to start out playing KoL using KoLMafia's 'Relay Browser', which is basically identical to normal browser play. Then, each short lesson will progressively give you a new 'trick' that you can use. This lets you learn at your own pace.
Continue working through the guide by doing 'Lessons' until you have learned as much as you want. The lessons are roughly in the order of importance, or more honestly, the order in which I figured the stuff out.
There is tons of stuff that I probably won't cover, but by the time you are done with the lessons, you will have the hang of it.
Although a few KoLMafia guides exist already, they are either out-of-date, too brief, or too complex. They work, but are typically for more advanced players that catch the lingo and references. My guide is by a noob, to be on the level of noobs. It is (hopefully) easy to understand, pretty verbose, and up to date (at time of writing anyways in Jan 2010).
Note that there are some light SPOILERS in this guide for illustration purposes.
This guide is for those players that are interested in using a great third-party tool to enrich their Kingdom of Loathing experience significantly. Mafia is a java program that acts as a go-between for you to the KoL server. It has its own frame that contains a lot of functionality. In addition, you will use a normal browser window to play like normal. Mafia helps you in many ways:
1) Mafia allows you to use a 'Relay Browser' which is practically identical to the normal playing environment. The only noticeable difference is that Mafia adds bonus information and reminders that are very helpful when playing. This is by far my favorite feature because you do not have to try to learn a brand new interface to use and learn Mafia.
2) Provides some alternative interfaces to do certain functions that you may or may not like better than the built-in interface. At the very least, you can easily say... look up a mall price on something in Mafia without having to redirect your browser to the mall and then back to your inventory or adventuring location.
3) Automation. KolMafia allows you to intelligently automate actions, from small scale to larger scale. As an example, you can easily set up a 'script' combat button that will then do exactly what you want it to do; Maybe a Disco Bandit always wants to Pickpocket if possible, followed up by a Disco Dance, then auto-attack the rest of the way. Or an owner of a certain familiar wants to extend each fight to maximize Meat/Mana/HP,etc gains. Instead of doing this manually for each fight, you click ONE button which does the entire sequence!
4) Reduction of lag. Mafia works as an interface directly to KoL. What this means is that when you automate actions, no browser refresh is needed. This is really helpful, as a 12 round auto-combat using the Script button can be done in about three browser refreshes.
5) Collating of information. KolMafia keeps track of all stat gains, meat found, items found, and an entire log of everything that has happened in the game. The info is logged automatically and effortlessly if you want it.
6) Ability to call player written scripts which do various stuff. For example, one of them will help you equip outfits to get new Tattoos. These require more trust, but I will show you how to examine scripts and see what they do.
Remember... Automation is only ONE aspect of KolMafia! I generally avoid too much of something 'playing for me' myself, and it is entirely possible to use and love KolMafia with NO automation whatsoever!
Unless you are outright opposed to the concept of KolMafia or Greasemonkey, I'd strongly urge you to read this guide and give it a try. By the end of the first Lesson, you will know enough to decide for yourself.
I have only played KoL for 3 months. I am hoping this means that I will not take stuff for-granted like year-long players. It also means I will not address details that I simply don't know about or haven't explored much yet (Clan Dungeons, Basement Dive, etc.).
I assume that you have played KoL for at least a few weeks before reading this guide. This is simply so I can reference examples while teaching. This is not a strict requirement though... it just means that you might not catch some of my examples.
Finally, you need to be able to PLAY while reading this guide! Learning while trying to break a speed ascension record or something is probably not the best way to go. 50 turns should be enough to get through most of the lessons.
My main goal is to start out playing KoL using KoLMafia's 'Relay Browser', which is basically identical to normal browser play. Then, each short lesson will progressively give you a new 'trick' that you can use. This lets you learn at your own pace.
Continue working through the guide by doing 'Lessons' until you have learned as much as you want. The lessons are roughly in the order of importance, or more honestly, the order in which I figured the stuff out.

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