Auto 2-day HCCS

It looks like the script might have aborted due to Counter Checker? I have had Counter Checker interrupt the script before, so I would just make my counter script blank when running it.
I'm actually often finding that the script will make too many flaskfulls of hollow even when it doesn't interrupt, to the extent where I think I could be using the smithereens better on better food/booze. I wonder if there was a way to make it so that the script only makes another flaskfull of hollow when it is required, rather than in bulk at the start.
It looks like the script might have aborted due to Counter Checker? I have had Counter Checker interrupt the script before, so I would just make my counter script blank when running it.

Actually, that's more likely due to not having Counter Checker. The only time 'expired' shows up in Counter Checker is:
		print_html("<font color=\"blue\">Time has expired for you to "+output+ ".</font>");
As that is not the same message, it's not CC causing the abort. That's just mafia's natural no-script counter handling, and CC might actually fix that... or either use your own counter script or just clear counters. Any of those would be potential choices.
"Xiblaxian Material" counter is added by CHIT, in helperXiblaxian:
  if(countdown == 0 && !can_interact() && get_counters("Xiblaxian Material", 0, 0) == "")
                cli_execute("counters add 0 Xiblaxian Material holoputer.gif");

Aaand ... any non-informational counter would to that?
(so SR window would not, but SR turn known from a fortune cookie would)
sometime feel like script ate extra wads in stands even when not required...

also i have 1 Dinsey food-cone -2 fullnes with necesary full stomach but script ate a knob (1 fullnes) + 1 fortune cookies, feel like i lost few adv...

despite those script are a great tool...
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I haven't run this script in a while but I'm getting burnt out so here I am again. Anyways after a certain point I've started getting this error when it tries going to the Government Lab which it can't do, because I don't actually have CI (I have everything else though). This is weird since I've always been able to do 2-day runs with the script while it was in standard in spite of this so I'm not sure if there's something I need to toggle that I forgot about or what.

In any case it's stuck no matter how many times I rerun the script. Here's my snapshot if that helps any.

Also here's the script text in pastebin form if that also helps any.

EDIT: Found a solution courtesy of the sexy people at /hardcore. Somehow 'spookyAirportAlways' which I could see with 'prefref spookyAirport' was set to true for some bizarre reason. At least that mini-crisis is over.

Also out of curiosity has anyone tried modifying the script to take into account the fact that it's out-of-standard or add support for Machine Elf, Puck etc? I'd try to modify it myself but I don't know fuck-all about scripting.
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The puck actually has always had support, you just have to use a sk8 gnome in the painting to enable it. I can maybe update my fork if there's enough interest, but honestly CS is so fast already I don't see the need.
The puck actually has always had support, you just have to use a sk8 gnome in the painting to enable it. I can maybe update my fork if there's enough interest, but honestly CS is so fast already I don't see the need.

Yeah, I can do 2-days normally (albeit barely), but I've been doing some 100% familiar runs and its been short about 10-12 turns so I was hoping to get a little extra leeway with stuff like the Machine Elf and VIP things.
The puck actually has always had support, you just have to use a sk8 gnome in the painting to enable it. I can maybe update my fork if there's enough interest, but honestly CS is so fast already I don't see the need.

While I'm sure there's some things I could do manually to add out of standard buffs and use the new toys we have, I'd greatly appreciate if you'd do an update for when I eventually burn out and head into a CS loop.
I too, would be interested in an update. But I'm not sure it's worth the effort for things like Baby Sandworm > agua de vida > mighty shout or Stomping Boots for free runaways. But just the Pool Table buffs, Swimming Pool buff, Mad Tea Party buffs, and Snojo (ice rice, training legwarmers, and ancient medicinal herbs) would be nice to have.
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It's been quite a while since I last used this script and I can't quite recall, was there a way to avoid using the quest rewards like the blood-drive sticker and the 10 drunkenness boozes? Or am I misremembering?
I'd be very interested to know if avoiding using rewards was a thing. I ended up just editing the script to abort before it would use the sticker/boozes so I could manually spleen/drink and store the rewards. I think it made them 3 dayers, but I didn't really care that much.
I think I just waited until they were so cheap in the mall that I could buy them with a day's farming's profits. So I never needed to not use them.
Hey guys. I'm pretty much a complete idiot when it comes to scripting, but would anyone know how to make it so Summon Smithsness isn't required? It is the only skill I don't have, and currently way too pricey for me to afford.
Hey guys. I'm pretty much a complete idiot when it comes to scripting, but would anyone know how to make it so Summon Smithsness isn't required? It is the only skill I don't have, and currently way too pricey for me to afford.

Issue is the Smith's Tome is kind of central to the script. Basically, if you don't have it you probably won't make a 2-day HC run with the script (unless someone has proven me wrong in which case ignore me).
Hey guys. I'm pretty much a complete idiot when it comes to scripting, but would anyone know how to make it so Summon Smithsness isn't required? It is the only skill I don't have, and currently way too pricey for me to afford.
As the yiffmaster said, it might not work so well for you. You do have a couple of options. Go softcore and pull the items or just deal with the script failing and run things by hand from there.

One problem is the script uses "create" often to craft with smithy items. This will cause it to abort. You can comment out these lines.
        use(1, $item[Flaskfull of Hollow]);
        create(3, $item[Louder Than Bomb]);
        create(1, classSmith());
        create(1, $item[Vicar's Tutu]);
                pulverize($item[A Light That Never Goes Out]);
                create(1, $item[Hairpiece on Fire]);
                create(1, $item[Work is a Four Letter Sword]);
                create(1, $item[A Light That Never Goes Out]);
Just put "//" before each of those lines were ever you find them. Then when it aborts, add // to the ones you missed. Not ideal, but it might work well enough.
So after redownloading the script it completely tanked my run. First it seemed to be trying to do 100% puck man despite the fact the options in the relay browser did not have anything selected for familiar. Secondly, the CCS completely messed up so I had to run fights in the haunted pantry (but oddly nowhere else manually). Thirdly, and the absolute worst point that completely destroyed my run, was a combo effect. As a result of the first problem, not only did the script spend 50+ turns in the secret government laboratory trying to get the limp broccoli and the G-9 serum, but upon running out of turns, it kept consuming booze up to 14 drunkenness. At this point, after getting the G-9 and limp broccoli (56 turns later) and still before the weapon damage test, it drank a sockdollager so I was overdrunk with 16 drunkenness. Really don't know why it messed up so much, I didn't edit the script at all on my end, so I have no idea why this all went so wrong after weeks, even months, of using the script just fine on a different laptop.
Despite multiple deletions and redownloads, the script still tried to 100% puck every time, taking out other familiars but putting them away immediately before combats. The only exception to this is the chateau painting, which correctly uses the cheerleader. If anyone else is having this problem, I'd be interested to know if they've found any fixes, but from my perspective, this script is currently broken, as there have been way too many times I've had to manually take over after it's spent 50+ turns in the lamp factory, the government laboratory, or even the pirates of the garbage barges.

I'd be eager to know of any fixes as I was hoping to modify this script at some point soon but now can not due to it failing.
I had a RNG-related failure of the script today: Couldn't get a cherry before running out of clovers. Just means I have to take over and finish up day 1... may have to fully manual day 2 too.