Character Info Toolbox

Feature Request: Add a link to the appropriate Spookyraven location(s) when the Lights Out counter hits zero. This could be similar to the other counter links (Fortune cookie, dance card) with links for Stephen location and Elizabeth location (as appropriate).
Feature Request: Add a link to the appropriate Spookyraven location(s) when the Lights Out counter hits zero. This could be similar to the other counter links (Fortune cookie, dance card) with links for Stephen location and Elizabeth location (as appropriate).

I looked into that, but I didn't really like the look of how the link color contrasted with the style I made for it. It would be possible to sort that out, but I think the best way to handle this is to make a feature request for KoL to link the image to the manor, the same way that other KoL counter images are linked to locations, such as the ballroom dance card counter. I was thinking about making that feature request, but you could do it. ;)
I was really thinking of a helper for the wall, with reference to nextSpookyravenElizabethRoom and nextSpookyravenStephenRoom.
Like the other helper functions:

Mafia does not do this currently, eh? This is a CHiT function.
I'm afraid I don't really know what you are requesting. What would this helper display/do?

My guess, when the lights out counter expires, display links to the zones that you need to adventure in to continue the Stephen and Elizabeth quests. Similar to the list of semi-rare locations that displays when a fortune cookie counter expires. At least, that's what I would want this FReq to do.
My guess, when the lights out counter expires, display links to the zones that you need to adventure in to continue the Stephen and Elizabeth quests. Similar to the list of semi-rare locations that displays when a fortune cookie counter expires. At least, that's what I would want this FReq to do.

Yes, this.
I hacked together a poorly written and not-great looking example of what it would do.
See function on line 579: string helperSpookyraven()

Glad to work on it more to make it pretty when I have some time, but you usually do this faster and better than me.


How do you use it? I can't see it in my version of ChIT? Do I need to turn it on somewhere?

- edit - Upon looking at the documentation file and skimming the ash-script I am guessing I need to do a "zlib chit.helpers.spookyraven = true" to make it show up?
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chit.helpers.spookyraven is true by default so I doubt that was your problem.

Normally helpers are displayed in the chit.walls.layout but you might have removed them. Maybe you removed it because you didn't like getting advice on your semi-rares. Anyway, we'd be able to figure it out if you did a "zlib chit" and copy/pasted it here. Odds are that you aren't displaying helpers in any of your layout preferences.
Ah, I have my helpers in my toolbar, that may be it....
[COLOR=olive]> zlib chit[/COLOR]

[B]Copy/paste/modify/enter      any of the following lines in the CLI to edit settings:[/B]

zlib      chit.character.avatar = true
zlib chit.character.customtitle = true
zlib      chit.character.title = true
zlib chit.checkversion = true
zlib      chit.disable = false
zlib chit.effects.classicons = none
zlib      chit.effects.describe = false
zlib chit.effects.layout =      buffs,intrinsics
zlib chit.effects.modicons = false
zlib      chit.effects.showicons = true
zlib chit.effects.usermap = false
zlib      chit.familiar.hats = spangly sombrero,sugar chapeau
zlib      chit.familiar.pants = spangly mariachi pants, frilly skirt, double-ice      britches, BRICKO pants, pin-stripe slacks
zlib chit.familiar.protect =      false
zlib chit.familiar.showlock = false
zlib chit.familiar.weapons      = time sword,velcro broadsword,velcro paddleball
zlib chit.floor.layout      = toolbar
zlib chit.helpers.dancecard = true
zlib      chit.helpers.semirare = true
zlib chit.helpers.spookyraven = true
zlib      chit.helpers.wormwood = mainstat5,stats5
zlib chit.kol.coolimages = true
zlib      chit.quests.hide = true
zlib chit.roof.layout =      character,stats,familiar,effects, thrall
zlib chit.stats.layout =      muscle,myst,moxie|spleen,stomach,liver|hp,mp,axel|mcd
zlib      chit.stats.showbars = true
zlib chit.toolbar.layout =      quests,helpers,modifiers,trail
zlib chit.toolbar.moods = bonus
zlib      chit.walls.layout =
[COLOR=gray](If no values were shown, no      settings or values matched your input text. Type "zlib vars" to see all.)[/COLOR]
Hmm, this reminds me that I should update chit.familiar.weapons to include the stick-knife at least, and maybe some brimstone equipment too...
Well, that works if you think to click on the icon in your toolbar to see the spookyraven helpers. Otherwise I recommend using "zlib chit.roof.layout = character,stats,helpers,familiar,effects,thrall"
At least for the fortune cookies it pops up an icon automatically, I think, and I can still see its counters in the effects pane. Unfortunately space is at a premium in my charpane, so I'm not sure if I want something which pushes my effects further down. I'll give your suggestion a try tomorrow, however, and see what it looks like :) Thanks a lot for your help!

- edit - Nevermind, I had missed that I had to turn the kolmafia setting on to see the counter :P
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Finally got up and running with SVN. I am (slowly) updating the tracker brick for all the new quests and questlog messages.

I got this when starting up. The error happened while trying to update from SVN through the script, so I thought I'd ask about it here first before I slapped a bug report. Any idea why this might be happening?
[COLOR="#FF0000"]Character Info Toolbox has become outdated. Automatically updating from SVN...[/COLOR]
Validating repo...
Repo validated.
Updating mafiachit...
At revision 148
Pushing local updates...
charpane.ash => F:\Programs\KoLmafia\relay\charpane.ash
Update log for [B]mafiachit[/B]:
Commit [B]r148:
Author: balefull

Fix checking for antique machete and UV Compass.
Unexpected error, debug log printed.
Unexpected error, debug log printed.
[COLOR="#00FF00"]On ChIT's next invocation it will be up to date.[/COLOR]
Initializing chat interface...[/B]


Oh yeah. I intended to remove the automatic updating from ChIT. I'll do that right now. I've decided it just isn't appropriate.

As for the debug log, I doubt the problem has to me with me since it tems from...

class org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNException: svn: E155007: 'F:\Programs\KoLmafia\svn' is not a working copy

I have no idea what would cause that. Did you just recently move KoLmafia to the Programs directory in Windows 7 or greater? I know that OS dislikes anything which directly modifies a file in the Programs directory.
I've had mafia and all my scripts sitting on a portable hard drive for the past few months. So... no. I didn't know where the error lays, thought maybe there was a hangup on the SVN side that cause the exception.