Summon prismatic wads in breakfast options?


New member
Could it be possible to add summon prismatic wads to the breakfast options? I always miss out on summoning them!


Or even just add the following code to your loginscript:

if(!have_skill($skill[Rainbow Gravitation]) && can_interact()) {
	int rainbowLeft = 3 - get_property("prismaticSummons").to_int();
	if(rainbowLeft > 0) {
		foreach wad in $items[twinkly wad, hot wad, cold wad, spooky wad, stench wad, sleaze wad]
			retrieve_item(rainbowLeft, wad);
		use_skill(rainbowLeft, $skill[rainbow gravitation]);
	} else
		print("Already created 3 Rainbow Wads today!", "#FFA500");

Note how that works. It needs to ensure that you have the necessary wads before casting the skill. That's the real reason this is a bad candidate to add to default breakfast options. It will spend your meat to cast the skill. That's not appropriate behavior from a simple checkbox.