No Scripts Work


I can't get any script to work, not a single one. I've tried EatDrink (the fixed version), networth, welcome_noob, and One Click Wossname, and not a single one will work. I do have ZLib installed, assuming I only need to put it in my scripts directory and nothing else, and I'm using version 13.8.

Is there something I'm missing, something I'm supposed to be doing? I can give detailed descriptions of specifically what's going wrong with each if wanted, but it's annoying that I can't get anything to work.

Thanks for the help!


How did you launch the scripts ? you can type call networth.ash in the gCLI, or you can use the top menu: Scripts -> networth.ash (if it's not in the list, make sure networth.ash is in the right directory, then do Scripts -> Refresh menu).


Oh, I never realized everything would happen in the gCLI. Everything is popping up in there as it should. Thanks, and sorry for being a noob! :)