Auto-use items?


Active member
I can't seem to find a way to have KoLmafia automatically use Polka Pops or BitterSweetTarts when I acquire them. Since the effect they give commonly runs out before another drops, the mood keeps failing. Am I missing something basic or does this need to be scripted?


Since a mood will abort if the item can not be acquired you'd need a script to do this. You can attach a script to a mood to run. Something like...

Always, call polkatarts.ash

if(item_amount($item[polka pops]) > 0) use(1, $item[polka pops]);
if(item_amount($item[BitterSweetTarts]) > 0) use(1, $item[BitterSweetTarts]);


Well-known member
This is doable in moods.

When running low on Polka Face:

if polka pop > 0; use 1 polka pop