Purple Light District Club checker (power levelling aid)

pld 1.0

What is it?
A script (and a function) to tell you if you can get into the club in the Purple Light District. It parses your clan's raidlog and tots up the plusses and minuses for you.

Note: Depends on zarqon's excellent zlib.ash and my log_lib.ash, and pageCache.ash make sure you install them first.

For Users

pld will print how many times it thinks you could get into the club. Due to the asynchronous nature of Hobopolis, this can be inaccurate if your clannies are actively doing things that affect the availability of the club.

For Script Authors

Pld exports one method that reports the current raw delta between club popularity increasers and decreasers. I believe the current threshold is 22 not 21 as reported on the wiki, but you can use whatever number makes you happy.


int pld_club_level()
Returns raw delta between number of club popularity decreasers and increasers. Wiki says (and iocaine powder seems to agree) that you need to have at least 21 more decreasers than increasers to get in.

Change Log
1.0 2009/11/28 Initial release


  • pld.ash
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