Changes to Non-Custom Combat Settings


Along with lazy evaluation being more deterministic, there is a new (undocumented) feature in the CLI which might be handy if you use KoLmafia like I do, and in hindsight, it might even be useful to ASH script writers (though, technically, ASH script writers have always been able to do this -- I'm just formally documenting an easier way to do it now).

First off, not only is KoLmafia willing to lazily evaluate item names, it now lazily evaluates battleAction property.  Therefore, if you use the "set" command to set your "battleAction" property, you can now set it to skill names (or "skill [skillname]" to avoid ambiguity) instead of relying on the skill ID, and you can set it to item names (or "item [itemname]" to avoid ambiguity), instead of the cryptic "item#" value.

While this is most useful on the CLI when simply typing away and deciding to use a new combat option in the next area (which happened quite often for me when I was logged into my computer remotely and was restricted to a headless interface), it might also be useful for ASH script writers who were thinking of whether or not to use TS or LTS in an area during softcore ascensions based on ML -- in other words, get pseudo custom-combat based on area.

However, you cannot string actions together with semicolons or anything, as I believe the battleAction property is the wrong place for that.  It's possible I might change my mind in the future, and if I do, I'll let you guys know.  But, hopefully this lazy evaluation feature is helpful to people who use the standard CLI interface and were frustrated with not being able to change their combat settings without logging out, editing their custom combat scripts, and logging back in again (which is what I found myself constantly doing).



I've got my CCS set to run away from the Mechamech, Raver Giant, Alphabet Giant, and Astronomer, and switch back and forth from CCS to normal attack settings as my moxie grows. This gives me the ability to do that in ASH, by setting battleAction to either "custom" or "attack". Plus, more obviously, Valley scripts can be much safer now that we can switch in and out of attacking with the dictionary.