Mafia and Ultrarares


Active member
If one encounters an ultrarare monster while auto-adventuring will Mafia abort the fight or fight past it? (just pondering adding auto-aborts for that to WHAM if it isn't already handled...)


Mafia will abort and wait for the user to fight the monster.

That's what my sister has reported to me and she should bloody well know since she's gotten four ultra rares to my zero.


Active member
I thought so, but as I've not encountered one either couldn't be sure :)
Good, no need to add that then.


i got a hypnodisk back in may and had no idea i did. i only found out the next day when i used the maximizer and it was telling me to use the hypnodisk.
went back through my session logs and found it the day before. i thought mafia would autostop too, but it didnt for me the one time i encountered a ur


What in the? How in the?! That's like winning the lotto four times.

I'm just a tiny bit resentful. She got a Baio last month while ascending zombiecore. Previously she got a falcon crest shield, hypnodisk and incredibly dense meat gem at various times. She's just a lucky bitch.

For the meat gem I was in the house so she called me over to see the meat bug. She was all happy squeels when she realized what the strange monster was. She was automating turns and I saw mafia's pop-up window displaying the meat bug because back then mafia still called up its built-in browser for aborts. She's just the sort of person who farms the treasury at low levels. Seriously! I cannot talk her out of that nonsense, but she's also the sort of person who gets a meat gem so joke's on me I guess.


Staff member
I got Baiowulf once, ended up selling it though as it wasn't on my main.