CLI commands with multiple parameters


New member
I'm using EatDrink script and it asks for multiple parameters in modal windows. I tried to submit them in CLI as "EatDrink 15,15,15", but it interprets them all as single parameter. Same with spaces.

Is there a way to call this script with all the parameters from CLI?


Staff member
You can do something like
ash import EatDrink.ash; eatDrinkFunction( param1, param2, ... )
You can even make an alias
alias eatdrinkalias => ash import EatDrink.ash; eatDrinkFunction( %% );
and then you can just enter
eatdrinkalias 15,15,15

I'm pretty sure this is covered in the EatDrink thread somewhere.


Active member
Yeah, somewhere in that huge thread is my alias set. Anyways, here's what I have and use:
eatdrink => ashq import <EatDrink.ash>; SIM_CONSUME=false; eatdrink(fullness_limit(), inebriety_limit(), spleen_limit(), false);

eatdrinkma => ashq import <EatDrink.ash>; SIM_CONSUME=false; MINIMUM_AVERAGE = %%; eatdrink(fullness_limit(), inebriety_limit(), spleen_limit(), false);

eatdrinkmq => ashq import <EatDrink.ash>; SIM_CONSUME=false; MINIMUM_QUALITY = %%; eatdrink(fullness_limit(), inebriety_limit(), spleen_limit(), false);

eatdrinknd => ashq import <EatDrink.ash>; SIM_CONSUME=false; eatdrink(fullness_limit(), 0, spleen_limit(), false);

eatdrinkndma => ashq import <EatDrink.ash>; SIM_CONSUME=false; MINIMUM_AVERAGE = %%; eatdrink(fullness_limit(), 0, spleen_limit(), false);

eatdrinkndmq => ashq import <EatDrink.ash>; SIM_CONSUME=false; MINIMUM_QUALITY = %%; eatdrink(fullness_limit(), 0, spleen_limit(), false);

eatdrinkne => ashq import <EatDrink.ash>; SIM_CONSUME=false; eatdrink(0, inebriety_limit(), spleen_limit(), false);

eatdrinknema => ashq import <EatDrink.ash>; SIM_CONSUME=false; MINIMUM_AVERAGE = %%; eatdrink(0, inebriety_limit(), spleen_limit(), false);

eatdrinknemq => ashq import <EatDrink.ash>; SIM_CONSUME=false; MINIMUM_QUALITY = %%; eatdrink(0, inebriety_limit(), spleen_limit(), false);

eatdrinkod => ashq import <EatDrink.ash>; SIM_CONSUME=false; eatdrink(fullness_limit(), inebriety_limit(), spleen_limit(), true);

eatdrinkodma => ashq import <EatDrink.ash>; SIM_CONSUME=false; MINIMUM_AVERAGE = %%; eatdrink(fullness_limit(), inebriety_limit(), spleen_limit(), true);

eatdrinkodmq => ashq import <EatDrink.ash>; SIM_CONSUME=false; MINIMUM_QUALITY = %%; eatdrink(fullness_limit(), inebriety_limit(), spleen_limit(), true);

seatdrink => ashq import <EatDrink.ash>; SIM_CONSUME=true; simfullness = my_fullness(); siminebriety = my_inebriety(); simspleen = my_spleen_use(); eatdrink(fullness_limit(), inebriety_limit(), spleen_limit(), false);

seatdrinkma => ashq import <EatDrink.ash>; SIM_CONSUME=true; MINIMUM_AVERAGE = %%; simfullness = my_fullness(); siminebriety = my_inebriety(); simspleen = my_spleen_use(); eatdrink(fullness_limit(), inebriety_limit(), spleen_limit(), false);

seatdrinkmq => ashq import <EatDrink.ash>; SIM_CONSUME=true; MINIMUM_QUALITY = %%; simfullness = my_fullness(); siminebriety = my_inebriety(); simspleen = my_spleen_use(); eatdrink(fullness_limit(), inebriety_limit(), spleen_limit(), false);

seatdrinknd => ashq import <EatDrink.ash>; SIM_CONSUME=true; simfullness = my_fullness(); siminebriety = my_inebriety(); simspleen = my_spleen_use(); eatdrink(fullness_limit(), 0, spleen_limit(), false);

seatdrinkndma => ashq import <EatDrink.ash>; SIM_CONSUME=true; MINIMUM_AVERAGE = %%; simfullness = my_fullness(); siminebriety = my_inebriety(); simspleen = my_spleen_use(); eatdrink(fullness_limit(), 0, spleen_limit(), false);

seatdrinkndmq => ashq import <EatDrink.ash>; SIM_CONSUME=true; MINIMUM_QUALITY = %%; simfullness = my_fullness(); siminebriety = my_inebriety(); simspleen = my_spleen_use(); eatdrink(fullness_limit(), 0, spleen_limit(), false);

seatdrinkne => ashq import <EatDrink.ash>; SIM_CONSUME=true; simfullness = my_fullness(); siminebriety = my_inebriety(); simspleen = my_spleen_use(); eatdrink(0, inebriety_limit(), spleen_limit(), false);

seatdrinknema => ashq import <EatDrink.ash>; SIM_CONSUME=true; MINIMUM_AVERAGE = %%; simfullness = my_fullness(); siminebriety = my_inebriety(); simspleen = my_spleen_use(); eatdrink(0, inebriety_limit(), spleen_limit(), false);

seatdrinknemq => ashq import <EatDrink.ash>; SIM_CONSUME=true; MINIMUM_QUALITY = %%; simfullness = my_fullness(); siminebriety = my_inebriety(); simspleen = my_spleen_use(); eatdrink(0, inebriety_limit(), spleen_limit(), false);

seatdrinkod => ashq import <EatDrink.ash>; SIM_CONSUME=true; simfullness = my_fullness(); siminebriety = my_inebriety(); simspleen = my_spleen_use(); eatdrink(fullness_limit(), inebriety_limit(), spleen_limit(), true);

seatdrinkodma => ashq import <EatDrink.ash>; SIM_CONSUME=true; MINIMUM_AVERAGE = %%; simfullness = my_fullness(); siminebriety = my_inebriety(); simspleen = my_spleen_use(); eatdrink(fullness_limit(), inebriety_limit(), spleen_limit(), true);

seatdrinkodmq => ashq import <EatDrink.ash>; SIM_CONSUME=true; MINIMUM_QUALITY = %%; simfullness = my_fullness(); siminebriety = my_inebriety(); simspleen = my_spleen_use(); eatdrink(fullness_limit(), inebriety_limit(), spleen_limit(), true);
Basically, if it starts with S, it's a simulation. If it has OD on the end, it will overdrink. MA is minimum average, wants a float. MQ is minimum quality, 0-4 int. NE means no eating. ND means no drinking.

Lots of aliases, but they've basically all gotten used at one point or another, so it's easier to keep them around.