Please help me make my first custom combat "script" :)

I know how to change the first attack, but that's all I have been able to figure out thus far. Here is what I'm wanting it to do: (brush fires obviously)

Saucegeyser X3

Funksling raind-oh indigo cup and gauze garter

Saucegeyser X2

Run away

So how exactly do I set this up with that folder thing and all?
Unless you can think of something better than saucegeyser and snowclone (I have it but can't afford the mana) that's what I use.

Same with the gauze garter, is there anything better I should be using?
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Active member
Guessing here, but...

skill saucegeyser
skill saucegeyser
skill saucegeyser
item raind-oh indigo cup, gauze garter
skill saucegeyser
skill saucegeyser
try to run away


If you want to learn more about CCSs, you can read up on the KoLMafia Wiki.

Hint: if you want to learn more about anything KoLMafia-related, you can search the KoLMafia Wiki. You seem to like new threads a lot, so you'll probably create one to learn some more after reading up, but at least it will help you gather information faster!


Now why does default have to be in there?

Short answer: Because that way it works.

Slightly longer answer: A ccs is a list of monsters and how you want mafia to customize your combat actions to deal with those monsters. Any monsters not specifically called out are handled by the "default" case. Therefore, you need at least a default case to specify your battle plan, which will then apply to all monsters encountered.


I just realized the Wiki page should be updated with the feature added by Holatuwol in r10815 (the ability to specify the phylum, defense elemental or an item in the section name).