OCD Inventory control

Brilliant! Thanks!

Incidentally, one other question. What app do you use to script in? I use TextWrangler (Mac), but I don't know of any way of getting it to colourise code the way yours is.
Brilliant! Thanks!

Incidentally, one other question. What app do you use to script in? I use TextWrangler (Mac), but I don't know of any way of getting it to colourise code the way yours is.

Your comment seems to be a non-sequitor since I never showed you a screenshot of my application, but FYI I use notepad++
Hmm. Downloaded that plist, and put it in the relevant folder, but I'm not seeing any changes to how my scripts look. Do I need to enable anything? I've hunted through preferences and the menus for anything that might apply it, but the closest thing I found was a "check syntax" option which was already checked.

@Bale: Oh sorry for the confusion, I just meant that when you (and others) post in the forums its always in helpful colours. Since you post that way so consistently I assumed your app had something to do with it. Aside from that, I figured that if your app wasn't responsible, then the colourisation must be performed automatically by the forums. If the forums are capable of displaying code in that way then it didn't seem too unreasonable to assume that at least some of the various apps used for coding would have similar functionality.
Hmm. Downloaded that plist, and put it in the relevant folder, but I'm not seeing any changes to how my scripts look. Do I need to enable anything? I've hunted through preferences and the menus for anything that might apply it, but the closest thing I found was a "check syntax" option which was already checked.

@Bale: Oh sorry for the confusion, I just meant that when you (and others) post in the forums its always in helpful colours. Since you post that way so consistently I assumed your app had something to do with it. Aside from that, I figured that if your app wasn't responsible, then the colourisation must be performed automatically by the forums. If the forums are capable of displaying code in that way then it didn't seem too unreasonable to assume that at least some of the various apps used for coding would have similar functionality.

Instead of CODE-blocks use PHP-blocks and you'll get the nice colours. I found this out by doing a quote on a post with such code in it :)
I would just love to say that this is the best script i have ever seen... So far. I love it 100% completely!!! took a while to set up though for my database XD but its awesome! Thanks Bale!!!
I was thinking about this the other day and it seemed to me to be the number one 'complaint' people have with this script. Perhaps you could include an option to load a default database? There are a huge number of items that 95% of people will want to do the same thing with and that in 99% of cases would be no great loss to anyone if they were mishandled, and it might speed things up to have suitable actions preconfigured for those (a simple cmd+F search in the relay display would allow users to remove items they collect etc. before running the script). More advanced logic could be added to check for items which seem low in intrinsic value, but which are probably valuable to a specific user (ie: 10,000 bottles of gin probably indicates a collection).
yike i hit something i don't like and it hit me hard. The mall sell on my clovers went at least 500 meats below price. Which i really did not like there... Checking out code and it seems to be just a historical data out of date. Can you implement a zlib variable for using historical and regular price?? i use it on my price script.. sort of well its not for prices though its for doing 2 different ways of doing things. instead of one way. It should be easy to implement...

for a first launch of script checks for a zlib variable that of your choice...
and have it as a boolean variable. Do the .to_boolean() thing when checking. variable can be like
//Do some hystirical pricing instead
//do some regular mall get pricing...

Its fairly simple if you check out my outfit script it should have it. and you should see it right away at the top for default set.. and you may see the variable get checked throughout the script.. its just i never knew about the .to_boolean() sooo. my script should get updated now to a simpler code but it still will work the same exact. Thanks again this is a great script...

BRB i will get back to that later something is going on in my house that i have to check
I was thinking about this the other day and it seemed to me to be the number one 'complaint' people have with this script. Perhaps you could include an option to load a default database? There are a huge number of items that 95% of people will want to do the same thing with and that in 99% of cases would be no great loss to anyone if they were mishandled, and it might speed things up to have suitable actions preconfigured for those (a simple cmd+F search in the relay display would allow users to remove items they collect etc. before running the script). More advanced logic could be added to check for items which seem low in intrinsic value, but which are probably valuable to a specific user (ie: 10,000 bottles of gin probably indicates a collection).

I think that it might be nice for you to post such a database here for other users to copy, but I don't think I should do that. Would you like to write a script that checks someone's inventory and display case to configure OCD? It might be an interesting script, but it offends my OCD to think that such a solution would be satisfying so I don't intend to do that.

yike i hit something i don't like and it hit me hard. The mall sell on my clovers went at least 500 meats below price. Which i really did not like there... Checking out code and it seems to be just a historical data out of date. Can you implement a zlib variable for using historical and regular price?? i use it on my price script.. sort of well its not for prices though its for doing 2 different ways of doing things. instead of one way. It should be easy to implement...

Right now, the script checks the age of the historical price. If it is over 1 day old it will check for a current mall price. Considering the inherent inaccuracy of mall_price() that seems plenty good enough for me. This is just the sort of problem you're likely to have with a script that automatically prices for you. A better solution would be for me to add an option to add items to your store at max price and let you manually reprice them.
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I think that it might be nice for you to post such a database here for other users to copy, but I don't think I should do that. Would you like to write a script that checks someone's inventory and display case to configure OCD? It might be an interesting script, but it offends my OCD to think that such a solution would be satisfying so I don't intend to do that.

Right now, the script checks the age of the historical price. If it is over 1 day old it will check for a current mall price. Considering the inherent inaccuracy of mall_price() that seems plenty good enough for me. This is just the sort of problem you're likely to have with a script that automatically prices for you. A better solution would be for me to add an option to add items to your store at max price and let you manually reprice them.
Yes that might be a lot better. Thanks. You are right about repricing scripts. It would be a problem there. Another idea would be that it prices above it slightly but ehh not needed. Just an option for max pricing ;) Thanks again bale happy scripting.
Patch made... Please check out

The latest version of the scripts fails to save the option for max price :| don't know why

This is the relay script. It does not adjust the save properly can you check it i have no leads on the cause... i dont know relay scripting...

	write("</td></tr><tr><td align=right>Empty Closet First: </td><td>");
	vars["BaleOCD_EmptyCloset"] = write_radio(vars["BaleOCD_EmptyCloset"], "EmptyCloset", "Never,", -1);
	write_radio(vars["BaleOCD_EmptyCloset"], "EmptyCloset", "Only once per ascension,", 0);
	write_radio(vars["BaleOCD_EmptyCloset"], "EmptyCloset", "Every time.", 1);
	write("</td></tr><tr><td align=right>Automatic Pricing: </td><td>");
	vars["BaleOCD_EmptyCloset"] = write_radio(vars["BaleOCD_EmptyCloset"], "Pricing", "Automatic,", "auto");
	write_radio(vars["BaleOCD_EmptyCloset"], "Pricing", "999,999,999 meat.", "max");
Its got a duplicate entry that means your empty closet variable is messed upt oo....

491 - 497

I fixed it and i made a patch. using turtoise SVN thing.. here is the .patch file.

THIS PATCH FILE IS FOR BALE ONLY... it is not meant for anyone to use without his permission. I am just providing a fix for him.. ITS NOT IN ANY WAY OFFICIAL


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Sorry. I made a copy-paste error. Fixed it and updated first post.

If you compare versions I'm sure you'll understand how I messed it up.

Edit: It seems that coaster3000 didn't need any help figuring it out. He edited his post just as I was posting this.
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Glancing at this thread, it looks like this script will be incredibly useful. However, without actually reading the entire thread (it is 24 pages long), I'm not 100% sure of what the features are.

Now, I did download it and plan to use it, and in said use I'm sure that I'll find out what the features are, but it might be useful to have, in the first post, a list of the features that is edited as the features are edited.

Also, does the script check for updates automatically? 'cause people (like me) who probably won't be obsessively checking this thread could very well miss an update (or two or ten). If it does, awesome, but that'd be one of the benefits of the feature list in the first post, I'd not have to dig through 24 pages of thread to find the answer.
Yes it checks for updates.

The best way to see its features is just to take a look at what the relay script is asking you. It will enable you to go through all your inventory and tell the script how much to keep in inventory of each item plus how to dispose of the extra.

If you run the Inventory Control script with unknown items in your inventory, it will prompt you to continue or abort so that you can run the relay script to tell it what to do with those unknowns.

Here are some screenshots of the relay script. They should pretty clearly spell out a lot of the features. The first screenshot indicates all features. The following screenshots merely show how a few of them are used.

Note that anything in the above image with 0 items do not even have a tab in the screenshots below. That's a feature to reduce clutter. There will be a tab if I add any items to those categories.

(information continued in the next post since this forum limits the number of images in a single post.)
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