When doing the haunted boiler room and such, the familiar should default to items, not meat which seems to be the current case.
The boiler doesn't have any items you need so it goes to meat to train the familiar for nuns.
If you recover some of the Nuns meat manually, then start the script, it will find itself in a endless loop when it can't get 100,000 meat.
Not sure why it would do that. The logic is based on a KoLMafia property
while (get_property("currentNunneryMeat").to_int() < 100000) {
If you run out of adventures while paddling frats it enters an endless loop.
Thanks for catching that, added some aborts.
Any way to get it to stop if you hit one of the rare adventures on the hippy battlefield?
You can set this up yourself by changing your CCS. Have it abort when you fight a rare. Most of the items they drop aren't worth much like 5-10k meat. You could just buy all their rares if you want them.
Anyways, I checked, and despite having set in the settings form that I wanted it to pull the coffee pixie item, it still pulled the gravy fairy item, so maybe there's a bug there?
Maybe, or the setting got changed due to poor implementation on my part. Double check it is still set to the coffee item and if so Ill track down the problem.
Despite setting the settings for a 100% familiar run, it has decided to swap my familiar out anyways.... Strike this out.
Seems that when the script was updated it reset all my settings back to default.
Yep, that is a major flaw I am trying to fix. Currently, the only two ways to "save" changes is to rename the Vars file, change stuff in it, and import that new named file into the AscendFunctions.
The other way is to change stuff in the VARS file and then type "svn sync". But you have to make changes to the file in the SVN folder and remember to sync them. Without doing one of those two things, every time the VARS file gets updated, it will over-write your settings.
It would be nice if KOL Mafia didn't auto-scroll you to the bottom of the CLI every time something new pops up. Not your fault, but just throwing it out there if someone who does this stuff sees it.
Haha I feel the same way sometimes

. You can read everything in the session log, or throttle your connection to make it go slower. There might be other ways but I unfortunately don't know them.
The nam thing is a feature

. I don't think heavy petting on/off would make much of a diff.
It should probably hold off on finishing off the 16 - 19 drinking until after doing the cellar (unless you don't have the adventures needed to initiate Spookyraven), so that you can drink any wine you get while down there, instead of having it resort to some "decent" level booze to fill off the 3 points if you don't have anything better.
When did it drink the last 3?
The castle error is a problem with KoLMafia keeping track of your prefs. The killing jar thing....I have no idea what that is about. It seems like you are still have character pref issues. They *might* go away when you ascend but you can look to see what your prefs are and if they are changing appropriately. If you are still having issues with them you might want to make a topic in community support and maybe someone can give you advice.