SmartStasis -- a complex script for a simple CCS


Active member
Could possibly be remedied by using
if hasskill entangling noodles
skill entangling noodles

in your CCS instead of that one line, but I'm not sure.


Well-known member
@MHoP: Thanks! Give it a try in-run; I've found it to be a huge timesaver -- I'm free to spend more time scripting! (?)

@frono: You give me an interesting idea. Perhaps, if you have not used your noodles for the fight yet, SS could do that as its final action before handing off the combat to the rest of your CCS? The conditions of use would be:

  • You have Noodles available.
  • You can't one-shot the monster with your regular attack (being able to read the next CCS action would be sweet here).
  • You have a chance of getting beaten up in the next few rounds.
    It is projected to be profitable -- min(3,monsterkillrounds) monster attacks would cost you more in HP loss than the MP cost of Noodles.


Success Zarqon! Thank you so much for your help. Maybe you should add the bounty.txt to the front page for other people to use if they want it? :D


Well-known member
Maybe instead I'll nag Theraze or someone else who knows how to spin mafia patches to make a patch adding bounty info to the proxy records -- especially considering the format was already suggested by Veracity. The proxy record feature requests are already second-page material, so who knows when the devs will have time to get through to those? As I'm aware, priority is given to a) things which personally affect the devs' gameplay, and b) saving server hits. This doesn't match either of those. :)

As a bribe, I promise to post an updated bounty-hunting script right away. :)

I'd look into doing it myself but I'm afraid that after taking the not inconsiderable time needed to brush up on Java and familiarize myself with the mafia source, I might start to blur the line between mafia and ASH -- if I couldn't fix it in ASH I'd fix it in mafia, and then people would have to be using my patches to be able to run my scripts. That seems somehow dangerous.

Interesting Side Note

This script has very recently established itself in my mind as "my best script." For quite a long time, I considered my clan's treasury script to be the best I'd written, and it's still pretty friggin' nifty, but I believe it has finally been eclipsed. Years in the making, SS 3.0 is an accomplishment I feel pretty dang proud of. I'm so proud of it I don't even give a tangle of rat tails about ending sentences with prepositions. Or using sentence fragments. oR caPITaLizAtioN wTf


Staff member
Could possibly be remedied by using
if hasskill entangling noodles
skill entangling noodles

in your CCS instead of that one line, but I'm not sure.

CCS, combat macros and consult scripts are all mafia features that I am content to know very little about and use sub-optimally. :)


This script has very recently established itself in my mind as "my best script.
It is an awesome script Zargon and you should be proud! It has almost totally removed my need for fiddling with CCS in different situations. Thank you very much for your work.


Active member
Unfortunately not certain of how it would be implemented... if it's just a matter of having the file in the 'data' folder when it compiles, that's easy... if it's a matter of actually changing the systems, that would involve everyone using a different system for non-override bounties.


4.07.11 - 3.0 changes: the new BatBrain-powered SS goes online, to much fanfare and holladoodlin'. This version absorbs and thus obsoletes FTF. Far too many changes to list here (or remember, for that matter). It's a completely different kind of combat script, altogether.

"It's a completely different kind of combat script!"

(Surely I wasn't the only one who wanted to say that?)


New member
batbrain 0.8.2
Line 899: match effect*Toad

This aborts on the positive effect "Squirming Like a Toad" in addition to the intended negative effect "Toad In The Hole"

I am still getting a CLI full of "Evaluator syntax error: unexpected end of expr" when using the hatrack and Spooky Putty mitre,


Well-known member
Thanks lazy_fire, I think these should be fixed now. I wasn't checking for hats that don't do anything. Also included the cost of player death in calculating action profit, and don't include HP/MP which will be regenerated. Also reworked macro() slightly due to a suggestion by Bale.


Staff member
The proxy record feature requests are already second-page material, so who knows when the devs will have time to get through to those? As I'm aware, priority is given to a) things which personally affect the devs' gameplay, and b) saving server hits. This doesn't match either of those. :)
I haven't forgotten. I've just been Really Busy with my Job recently.

The issue with the bounties is that we have a couple of internal maps regarding bounties, and with some effort, the location -> bounty item proxy fields are doable, but the item -> bounty location fields require a new data structure - and if I'm going to do that, I don't really like ANY of the internal bounty data structures, so it's time to refactor, so, it's not just a quick little "patch".

I'll try to get to it on Monday (at the earliest), but if I don't, it will be the following week...


Well-known member
No worries and no Pressure intended -- I was just explaining that this upcoming mafia change will obsolete any efforts I may make to fix the bounty bug, since once that is done I can use proxy records rather than a map file. I am excited to streamline that part of my script, but there's no hurry.

And if it saves you time, I don't actually think the item => bounty location field is necessary. If location => bountyitem and location => bountyamount are available, then all of the information about bounties is available.


First of all, thanks for this script. As a long-time fan of your scripts, I agree that this probably is your best work. :)

I've been babysitting a low-skill account, and it keeps dying due to slimeling starfishing. Problem is, the slimeling isn't even fed, so there's no point to draw out the combats. Would it be possible to see if the slimeling (and by extension spirit hobo and GGG) are running on empty, and to modify expected profit accordingly? Or perhaps treat them differently altogether. Sorry, I come bearing problems, rather than solutions.


the act() function in BatBrain.ash already tries to take this into account. In the case of the slimeling, it looks for "/slimeling.gif", and declares that the slimeling needs sating if it isn't found. What messages should the script look for instead?


BatBrain always declares that my slimeling needs sating since I do not have access to the KOL image server, so it does need to look for something else.
Mafia tracks its fullness somehow, I haven't had my slimeling long enough to discover how that works.


Mafia correctly removes charges, but can only track average charge gains, so it is possible for it to be off too.


Active member
How about
wiki said:
At the start of combat (indicates he's out or nearly out of charges)

<Name> is looking a little thin.
<Name> is just skin and bones. Well, slime and slime, technically, but still -- you should feed him!


Well-known member
We don't need to find new messages here. The detections for this just need to be altered to account for macrofication. Repeat conditions also need to be added to end the stasis macro when the familiar runs out. Not too hard to do.


Related request. Once you fix that, can you set slimelingFullness to 0 after it runs out? Sometimes slimelingFullness ends up at 1 or .5 after it runs out and I have to reset it to 0 manually, but since SmartStasis is checking anyway...


New member
Ever since upgrading to SmartStasis 3.0, and continuing with the most recent version, I keep getting:
Relay browser said:
You don't have or can't use skill #4014, macro aborted
which causes auto-adventuring to abort:
KoLmafia log said:
Encounter: drunken rat
Round 0: jdeyke wins initiative!
Round 1: jdeyke tries to steal an item!
You acquire an item: rat whisker
Round 2: jdeyke executes a macro!
KoLmafia thinks it is round 3 but KoL thinks it is round 2
You're on your own, partner.
This happens fairly reliably for me; though I'm not sure why.