Slime Tube Adventuring Script

Using the version of relay_slime in posted in the OP and r8521 of mafia the script gets stuck during combat when it's getting more turns of coated in slime. From the cli:

Visit to The Slime Tube: The Slime Tube in progress...

[35514] The Slime Tube
Encounter: cyclopean Slime colossus
Strategy: attack with weapon
Round 0: laser bullet loses initiative!
Round 1: Sidekick irritates the crap out of you and your opponent with his incessant high-pitched yapping.
You lose 4,755 hit points
You lose 41 hit points
Round 1: laser bullet executes a macro!
Round 1: laser bullet tries to steal an item!
KoLmafia thinks it is round 2 but KoL thinks it is round 1
Round 2: laser bullet attacks!
Round 3: slime5 takes 4425 damage.
You acquire an item: slimy sweetbreads
You gain 124 Strengthliness
You gain 83 Magicalness
You gain 188 Chutzpah

Requests complete.

Restoring HP! Currently at 477 of 5273 HP, 662 of 2531 MP, current meat: 3586700 ... Target HP = 5273.
_meatperhp => 0.0049520433
Casting Cannelloni Cocoon 1 times...
You gain 4,796 hit points
Cannelloni Cocoon was successfully cast.
The slimes in the tube or that slime covering you will kill you if you don't do something! Hitting up your clan.
You lose an effect: Coated in Slime
Chamois successfully used.
I'm feeling rather... dry. Let's go get slimy!
Putting on MinML...
Equipment changed.
Putting Sidekick the Purse Rat back into terrarium...
Taking Grort the Barrrnacle out of terrarium...
Requests complete.

battleAction => item tattered scrap of paper, tattered scrap of paper
Adventure 5 out of 130
1954 tattered scraps of paper left!
battleAction => attack with weapon
I'm feeling rather... dry. Let's go get slimy!
Putting on MinML...

[35515] The Slime Tube
Encounter: groping Slime paw
Round 0: laser bullet wins initiative!
You acquire an effect: Coated in Slime (duration: 8 Adventures)
Round 1: Grort latches onto it and slows it down...
You lose 264 hit points
Adjusting familiar weight by 5 pounds

The last line is where it is getting stuck. I have no idea why it would try to change familiar weight in the middle of combat? Could this be a problem caused by my barnacle not being leveled up all the way?

edit: it should be noted I was using an older non-relay version before today. The non-relay version started doing the same thing I've posted here, despite my using it yesterday successfully, and absolutely nothing changed. So I moved to the relay version and the same thing occurred.
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battleAction => item tattered scrap of paper, tattered scrap of paper
Adventure 5 out of 130
1954 tattered scraps of paper left!
battleAction => attack with weapon
I'm feeling rather... dry. Let's go get slimy!
Putting on MinML...

[35515] The Slime Tube

Something weird happened here: the script thought the fight was over before it even started.


I'm not in a position to test the script, so generally, I can't do much unless you include a debug log or it is something quite simple. If the debug log is too big to post, email it to me at alhifar[at]gmail[dot]com


For some reason, the request to "adventure.php?snarfblat=203" is returning blank. I'm completely clueless why this would be happening @.@


I am having the same problem as Deathless. It breaks there. Every time slime_relay.ash gets covered w/ slime it adjusts the familiar weight by 5 and twiddles it's thumbs.
I was running the slime.ash perfectly fine today before I updated. I am able to return to slime.ash and use it successfully, even after trying slime_relay.ash several times.


Again, I need a debug log to really be able to do anything. DA's problem was caused by KoL not correctly redirecting an adventure to the fight page.


How do I get mafia to manually print a log? I don't actually get an error from Mafia, iIt was just waiting for the fight to be over.


Downloaded the new version and still have the same problem.
Also notice something else that's really odd, it says it's shrugging off Ode to Booze, but the buff is still there.
Sending the debug log to the e-mail.


Looks like the same problem, I've updated the relay version with a couple of updates, including an abort if fight.php returns "" and an actual visible update notification. You may not receive a notification that the current version is new, but update anyways.

Also, the shrugging ode problem is caused by the exact same bug.


Using the new relay version I am still getting an error.

Nevermind. Just noticed I didn't check the box for using tatter like items to escape combat.

Now that I have the settings right when ever minml gets put on the battle action is still getting set to try to run away. See the code below.
I then have to set mafia back to using the CSS since the script sets the action to try to run away.

The slimes in the tube or that slime covering you will kill you if you don't do something! Hitting up your clan.
You lose an effect: Coated in Slime
Chamois successfully used.
I'm feeling rather... dry. Let's go get slimy!
Putting on minml...
Equipment changed.
Putting Dirty Insult the Purse Rat back into terrarium...
Taking Thumper the Baby Sandworm out of terrarium...
Requests complete.

battleAction => try to run away
Adventure 2 out of 275
Fight.php returned a blank response!

[10732] The Slime Tube
Encounter: Engulfed!
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Once again, I'm currently unable to personally test the script, therefore I really need a debug log to figure out what is going on.
This is a particularly odd case, because I haven't changed anything to do with the battleAction changing in months.


Staff member
I think so -- I haven't updated my copy of slime.ash in forever, and I get it occasionally.

Edit: On a marginally related note, the line that reads
int extra_ml = ( bladders * 20 + numeric_modifier( "Monster Level" ) ) % 100;
should read something like
int extra_ml = ( bladders * 20 + numeric_modifier( "Monster Level" ) + 200) % 100;
so that the script takes negative amounts of ML into account (e.g. from space trip safety headphones). Only really necessary, as mentioned, if you have the headphones and aren't doing a larva run.
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Once again, I'm currently unable to personally test the script, therefore I really need a debug log to figure out what is going on.
This is a particularly odd case, because I haven't changed anything to do with the battleAction changing in months.

Attached is the debug log from when I ran the relay version. The plain .txt must of been too big so I had to make into a zip. Hopefully that is what you need.

slyz said:
Does this happen with the non relay version of the script?

I downloaded the .ash version in the first post and it seems to run fine while I was watching the output in the gCLI.


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