One-Click Wossname -- automatic level 12 quest completion

Having this issue atm.
Cannot apply operator && to get_property() (string) and retrieve_item() (boolean) (Wossname.ash, line 317)

Line 317:
obtain(1,"memory of some delicious amino acids",$location[the primordial soup]);
I am having the Sonofa Beach issue, where it doesn't register completion of the quest.
I have re-logged and re-downloaded Mafia at least 3 times.
I have tried visiting the lighthouse in the correct outfit about 20 times.
The letter still does not appear above the lighthouse, and the script keeps trying to adventure there.
Any ideas?
You aren't giving NEARLY enough information to solve your problem. As a start, I'd request the gCLI logs - what exactly happens when you run the script?

The letter above the lighthouse means that mafia itself isn't believing that the quest is done, and that isn't the responsibility of this script to fix mafia. If you've done something to break mafia's recognition, then either you need to fix it or you need to report that clearly so that the mafia bug can be fixed.

But saying that you have "the Sonofa Beach issue" when there isn't a Sonofa Beach issue that people are talking about in the last year just makes it sound like you're confused. :(
You aren't giving NEARLY enough information to solve your problem. As a start, I'd request the gCLI logs - what exactly happens when you run the script?

The letter above the lighthouse means that mafia itself isn't believing that the quest is done, and that isn't the responsibility of this script to fix mafia. If you've done something to break mafia's recognition, then either you need to fix it or you need to report that clearly so that the mafia bug can be fixed.

But saying that you have "the Sonofa Beach issue" when there isn't a Sonofa Beach issue that people are talking about in the last year just makes it sound like you're confused. :(

woke up on the wrong side of the bed huh?
just did it manually
easier than dealing with people like you...
woke up on the wrong side of the bed huh?
just did it manually
easier than dealing with people like you...
Nope. Just that when I don't use this script anymore so I don't have the problem you're experiencing, and I didn't have your problem back when I used it, I don't know exactly what error you're having and therefore how to fix it.

If you want us to fix your problems for you, then you need to give us enough information. If you want me to get snarky, I can do that. I haven't even begun to snark.

But if you've managed to break your mafia so that it believes that the zone is not completed, there's not too much that we can do without specific information to fix it. Enjoy your manual runs. When you want us to actually help you, information will help that process.
After installing SmartStasis and Wossname and fixing the problem in line 317, I now get this problem:
> call scripts/Wossname.ash

Invalid field name 'water_level' (zlib.ash, line 644)

Any suggestions on how to fix this? Thanks!
Yeah it does, just used it last night and completed the frat alpha medal.

Took me a bit to remember how kolmafia works but after setting it up it ran with no problems
I'm a bit surprised this script still works, as I am no longer supporting it and use a totally different script for this now. Good!
He's got a proprietary method that gets a Wossname in half the number of turns that any other script requires. :)
Open the wossname.ash file in notepad (or other similar non-formatting editor) and change line 317 from:
if (get_property("cloverProtectActive" == "false") && retrieve_item(1,$item[ten-leaf clover])) {}
      if (get_property("cloverProtectActive") == "false" && retrieve_item(1,$item[ten-leaf clover])) {}

After Running this script with the fix, the only complaint I have is when this message appears:
KolMafia said:
> call scripts\Wossname.ash

Internal checkpoint created.
"optimal.txt" loaded (14 steps).
Verifying Wossname progress...
Current step: 1
Completing step 1 of 14...
Finding best familiar of type "items"...
First match for type "items": Baby Gravy Fairy
Putting on "current"...
No outfit found matching: current
Countdown: 5 seconds...
Countdown: 4 seconds...
Countdown: 3 seconds...
Countdown: 2 seconds...
Countdown: 1 second...
Waiting completed.
Conditions list cleared.
Step 1: Organic Orchard sidequest
Visiting The Organic Produce Stand
You need 2 more lavender candy heart to continue.
You need 2 more Knob Goblin eyedrops to continue.
Finding best familiar of type "items"...
First match for type "items": Baby Gravy Fairy
Putting on "current"...
No outfit found matching: current
You need 1 more filthworm hatchling scent gland to continue.
Condition added: filthworm hatchling scent gland

Request 1 of 109 (Orchard: The Hatching Chamber) in progress...
Your stats are too low for this location. Adventure manually to acknowledge or disable this warning.

You need 1 more filthworm hatchling scent gland to continue.
You need 1 more filthworm hatchling scent gland to continue.
Conditions list cleared.
Condition added: filthworm hatchling scent gland

Request 1 of 109 (Orchard: The Hatching Chamber) in progress...
Your stats are too low for this location. Adventure manually to acknowledge or disable this warning.

You need 1 more filthworm hatchling scent gland to continue.
You need 1 more filthworm hatchling scent gland to continue.
Conditions list cleared.
Condition added: filthworm hatchling scent gland

That it gets stuck in a loop. I get that the message says I need to adventure manually, or up my stats, but it would be good if the script terminated instead of looped indefinitely.