This is probably just me not sure how the script really works but..

Hmm, been having some trouble with my farming the last few days. Basicly, every day it consider the Upper Chamber in the pyramid to be the best option for both my Main and Multi! It has also been trying to send my main to The Orcish Frat House (Bombed back to the stone age) not realizing it is not available (as I instead have the Hippy Camp bombed).
It also decided to go with a +item outfit and a Hobo Monkey!

Best location is The Upper Chamber with the command line 'item drop,switch Hobo Monkey{Peeled Eyeballs};'. Expected value is 500. The best monster there is Iiti Kitty, who is worth 192 meat.
I thought going to the Giant Castle would give better yield but not according to the script atm.
Setting Upper Chamber as excempted from the list of allowed locations it instead recommend the 8-bit realm, again with +item outfit and the Hobo Monkey which is wierd since no monster in the 8-bit realm drop any meat.

Looking through the session logs of the last day, it seem to have some wierd communications with can_adv or something along those lines, especially based around it not realizing which faction I helped during the lvl12 quest.

The sessionlog for my Main say
> Considering Frat House: 
> Considering Frat House In Disguise: 
> can_adv reports that the area is unadventure-able.
> Considering The Orcish Frat House (Bombed Back to the Stone Age): 
> Considering Hippy Camp: 
> Considering Hippy Camp In Disguise: 
> Considering The Hippy Camp (Bombed Back to the Stone Age): 
> Considering The Obligatory Pirate's Cove:
With no mention of can_adv reporting either of the bombed places as unavailable. Doing a quick check in the gCLI however yield
> ashq import canadv.ash; print_html(can_adv($location[The Hippy Camp (Bombed back to the Stone Age)],false));


> ashq import canadv.ash; print_html(can_adv($location[The orcish frat house (Bombed back to the Stone Age)],false));

So at least can_adv recognize what is available and what is not.

Also, looking at the list where the script go through all the zones and search for the values of each item in the zone, several of the zones have no items. Sure, some zones have no items (such as the Throne Room) and naturally will not show up and some zones have already had their items parsed, but other zones like the 8-bit realm, the Barroom Brawl and the basement of the Giants castle have no items searched. I assume the script consider the zones worthless.
So the first comment is that I am not sure who is supporting this or even if it is being supported. I don't remember doing much and I can't recall anyone else showing interest. Harvest is an alternative but I don't recall the maintenance status of that.

In any event the basic structure of the script is sound, in that it is very data driven. You correctly noted canadv's involvement so one thing would be to verify that canadv is both correct in what it reports and that the format of the report has not changed. It may also be that it is using data that is not quite up to date in mafia.

One thing I do remember is that it makes its decisions assuming you will immediately sell everything that drops. So location that drops no meat may still be the best if the encounter rate, drop rate and mall sale value of an item is high enough.

I may get a chance to poke at this later this weekend and see if there is anything that is obviously in need of some tweaking, but no promises.
The script is more or less supported by me. At least I'm the manager of the Sourceforge page for the script :)
However I have little to no time for even logging in to KoL even less actually coding and as such it could probably live to get some loving.

I am working on getting supportive people to help maintain the scripts I am the only contributor to so if anyone want to help out with this script please let me know :)
I think I offered to try to help with this a while ago. I should probably actually run it again at some point. :)

Regarding the execution questions... a few simple checks, just to make sure... you are using the latest (r15830 or similar) daily build of mafia and your CanAdv is up to date, revision 59, right?
Noticing now that the script is not even considering the Sea. Or, well, not sure if it consider or not, need to check session log after a simulation to make sure. Before it would more or less always eat some sushi and spend ~150 turns in the sea. I guess sushi-prices and the mall-prices of the items that drop can explain that, but.. Not even going to McMillians for the 10 daily turns.

One thing I do remember is that it makes its decisions assuming you will immediately sell everything that drops. So location that drops no meat may still be the best if the encounter rate, drop rate and mall sale value of an item is high enough.

Well, yes. That is true. That is what I ment by saying the Giant's Castle would give better yield. Boosting +meat and with the monkey it can give me some 1400 meat/adv in pure meatdrop.
What I ment was that a zone that do have items, such as the pixels in the 8-bit realm, was not searched for. Maybe it already had those items cached somewhere and didn't need to re-search but, yeh..
Location 1/132: 8-Bit Realm

Location 2/132: A Barroom Brawl

Location 3/132: A Grocery Bag

Location 4/132: A Kitchen Drawer

Location 5/132: A Massive Ziggurat

Location 6/132: A Maze of Sewer Tunnels

Location 7/132: A Mob of Zeppelin Protesters

Location 8/132: A-Boo Peak

Location 9/132: An Overgrown Shrine (Northeast)

Location 10/132: An Overgrown Shrine (Northwest)

Location 11/132: An Overgrown Shrine (Southeast)

Location 12/132: An Overgrown Shrine (Southwest)

Location 13/132: Barrrney's Barrr

Location 14/132: Belowdecks

Location 15/132: Burnbarrel Blvd.

Location 16/132: Chinatown Shops

Location 17/132: Cobb's Knob Barracks

Location 18/132: Cobb's Knob Harem
Searching for "Knob nuts"...
Search complete.

Location 19/132: Cobb's Knob Kitchens
Searching for "oven mitts"...
Search complete.

Location 20/132: Cobb's Knob Laboratory

Location 21/132: Cobb's Knob Treasury

Location 22/132: Eager Rice Burrows

Location 23/132: Exposure Esplanade

Location 24/132: Frat House

Location 25/132: Goat Party

Location 26/132: Guano Junction

Location 27/132: Gumdrop Forest

Location 28/132: Hippy Camp

Location 29/132: Hippy Camp In Disguise

Location 30/132: Hobopolis Town Square

Location 31/132: Infernal Rackets Backstage

Location 32/132: Inside the Palindome

Location 33/132: Itznotyerzitz Mine

Location 34/132: Itznotyerzitz Mine (in Disguise)

Location 35/132: Lair of the Ninja Snowmen

Location 36/132: Lemon Party

Location 37/132: McMillicancuddy's Farm

Location 38/132: Near an Abandoned Refrigerator

Location 39/132: Next to that Barrel with Something Burning in it

Location 40/132: Noob Cave

Location 41/132: Oil Peak

Location 42/132: Out by that Rusted-Out Car

Location 43/132: Over Where the Old Tires Are

Location 44/132: Pandamonium Slums
Searching for "hypnodisk"...
Search complete.

Location 45/132: Pirate Party

Location 46/132: Portal to Terrible Parents

Location 47/132: Post-Cyrpt Cemetary
Searching for "Talisman of Bakula"...
Search complete.

Location 48/132: Post-War Junkyard

Location 49/132: Pump Up Moxie

Location 50/132: Pump Up Mysticality

Location 51/132: Richard's Hobo Moxie

Location 52/132: Richard's Hobo Muscle

Location 53/132: Richard's Hobo Mysticality

Location 54/132: Rumpelstiltskin's Workshop

Location 55/132: Seaside Megalopolis

Location 56/132: South of the Border

Location 57/132: Sweet-Ade Lake

Location 58/132: The "Fun" House

Location 59/132: The Ancient Hobo Burial Ground

Location 60/132: The Arid, Extra-Dry Desert

Location 61/132: The Barrel Full of Barrels

Location 62/132: The Bat Hole Entrance

Location 63/132: The Batrat and Ratbat Burrow

Location 64/132: The Beanbat Chamber

Location 65/132: The Black Forest

Location 66/132: The Bugbear Pen

Location 67/132: The Castle in the Clouds in the Sky (Basement)

Location 68/132: The Castle in the Clouds in the Sky (Ground Floor)

Location 69/132: The Castle in the Clouds in the Sky (Top Floor)

Location 70/132: The Copperhead Club

Location 71/132: The Daily Dungeon

Location 72/132: The Dire Warren

Location 73/132: The Enormous Greater-Than Sign

Location 74/132: The eXtreme Slope

Location 75/132: The F'c'le

Location 76/132: The Fun-Guy Mansion

Location 77/132: The Goatlet

Location 78/132: The Haiku Dungeon

Location 79/132: The Haunted Ballroom

Location 80/132: The Haunted Bathroom
Searching for "handful of bees"...
Search complete.

Location 81/132: The Haunted Bedroom

Location 82/132: The Haunted Billiards Room
Searching for "cube of billiard chalk"...
Search complete.

Location 83/132: The Haunted Boiler Room

Location 84/132: The Haunted Conservatory

Location 85/132: The Haunted Gallery
Searching for "antique greaves"...
Search complete.
Searching for "antique spear"...
Search complete.
Searching for "antique shield"...
Search complete.

Location 86/132: The Haunted Kitchen

Location 87/132: The Haunted Laundry Room

Location 88/132: The Haunted Library

Location 89/132: The Haunted Pantry

Location 90/132: The Haunted Wine Cellar
Searching for "page of the Necrohobocon"...
Search complete.

Location 91/132: The Heap

Location 92/132: The Hidden Park

Location 93/132: The Hidden Temple

Location 94/132: The Hippy Camp (Bombed Back to the Stone Age)
Searching for "stone frisbee"...
Search complete.

Location 95/132: The Hole in the Sky

Location 96/132: The Jungles of Ancient Loathing

Location 97/132: The Knob Shaft

Location 98/132: The Knob Shaft (Mining)

Location 99/132: The Laugh Floor

Location 100/132: The Limerick Dungeon

Location 101/132: The Middle Chamber

Location 102/132: The Oasis

Location 103/132: The Obligatory Pirate's Cove

Location 104/132: The Old Man's Bathtime Adventures

Location 105/132: The Orcish Frat House (Bombed Back to the Stone Age)

Location 106/132: The Outskirts of Cobb's Knob

Location 107/132: The Penultimate Fantasy Airship

Location 108/132: The Poker Room

Location 109/132: The Poop Deck

Location 110/132: The Primordial Soup

Location 111/132: The Prince's Balcony

Location 112/132: The Prince's Canapes Table

Location 113/132: The Prince's Dance Floor

Location 114/132: The Prince's Kitchen

Location 115/132: The Prince's Lounge

Location 116/132: The Prince's Restroom

Location 117/132: The Purple Light District

Location 118/132: The Red Queen's Garden

Location 119/132: The Roulette Tables

Location 120/132: The Shore, Inc. Travel Agency

Location 121/132: The Sleazy Back Alley
Searching for "crazy bastard sword"...
Search complete.

Location 122/132: The Smut Orc Logging Camp

Location 123/132: The Spooky Forest
Searching for "Talisman of Baio"...
Search complete.

Location 124/132: The Spooky Gravy Burrow

Location 125/132: The Sunken Party Yacht

Location 126/132: The Upper Chamber

Location 127/132: The Valley of Rof L'm Fao

Location 128/132: Throne Room

Location 129/132: Twin Peak

Location 130/132: Unleash Your Inner Wolf

Location 131/132: Whitey's Grove

Location 132/132: Ye Olde Medievale Villagee
Sorting locations by meat drops...

Best location is The Upper Chamber with the command line 'item drop,switch Hobo Monkey{Peeled Eyeballs};'. Expected value is 482. The best monster there is Iiti Kitty, who is worth 187 meat.

Regarding the execution questions... a few simple checks, just to make sure... you are using the latest (r15830 or similar) daily build of mafia and your CanAdv is up to date, revision 59, right?

I have the thingy (program, script, whatever) that automatically download the latest KolMafia daily build and I have can_adv on svn subscription so I hope it download the latest version! :D
Last edited:
Hmm, again now it decided it wanted to give the bombed frat house as try

autoOlfact => monster caveman frat boy, monster Iiti Kitty, monster caveman frat boy
Now executing on item drop,switch Hobo Monkey{Peeled Eyeballs};
168973 combinations checked, best score 329.00
338712 combinations checked, best score 329.00
514052 combinations checked, best score 329.00
607552 combinations checked, best score 329.00
Cleared mood.
Set mood trigger: When I run low on Peeled Eyeballs, use 1 Knob Goblin eyedrops
Set mood trigger: When I get QWOPped Up, uneffect QWOPped Up
Set mood trigger: When I run low on Polka of Plenty, cast 1 The Polka of Plenty
Set mood trigger: When I run low on Fat Leon's Phat Loot Lyric, cast 1 Fat Leon's Phat Loot Lyric
Set mood trigger: When I run low on Leash of Linguini, cast 1 Leash of Linguini
Set mood trigger: When I run low on Empathy, cast 1 Empathy of the Newt
autoOlfact => monster caveman frat boy, monster Iiti Kitty, monster caveman frat boy, monster caveman frat boy

Request 1 of 140 (Island: The Orcish Frat House (Bombed Back to the Stone Age)) in progress...
You can't get to that area.

Also, again it want to maximize for +item gear and use a +meat familiar when it have the jumpsuited hound dog available to it.
Could this be because I'm in aftercore after an Ed run?
Right. My time to code is very limited (even more so by second kid being born) and as such I'd like to know if anyone would want to help maintain this script. If yuo want to then please send me a message with your Sourceforge userID and I'll see if I can get it to work.
I can at least push my personal updates to fix the entirely broken modifier check and so forth into the script. :)

SF username is maymne.
I get the following.
Command: Commit
Error: Commit failed (details follow):
Error: Server sent unexpected return value (500 Internal Server Error) in response to
Error: POST request for '/p/winterbay-mafia/farm/code/!svn/me'

For the record, here is the proposed commit log:
Generated modifier checks need to be noted as Generated. Do so. This makes speculation actually work properly again.

If number of adventures aren't requested, recalculate the number of adventures AFTER EatDrink finishes, rather than before.
Right. No idea why that didn't work. Try again, and if that doesn't work I'll just ignore all kind of security thoughts and just add everyone to the Admin group and see if that works :)
Fair enough. I looked at bumcheekascend setup and have now done things the same way (i.e. everyone has developer access to all subprojects). I hope. It should then hopefully work now, but who knows :)
That seemed to work with r17. Thanks!

For people actually using this, the modifier fix should make the script actually kinda-useful again.
The adventure fix means that if you had 100 adventures after rollover and run the script, you won't have the script get another 200 adventures from ED and then adventure somewhere for 100 adventures, then go to the next best place for 100 more, then finish up with your last 100 adventures somewhere else. It will just adventure for 300 adventures at the best place rather than punishing you for trusting the script to consume well.

If you run into more problems, let me know and I'll look into it.
Done a few changes, but I think that the current problem with farm is that it doesn't have proper capitalization to work with mafia's new case sensitive checks. So I'll be trying to work those up today, if possible. That should help farm to go back to getting 2-4* the VoA and better maximizations.
This script always seems to farm Litl Kitties, for me, even in aftercore.

I've seen it choose the Castle and 8 bit realm as well as Kitties so I think the choice is because of your parameters and market values rather than a flaw in the script.
Yeah, I've had it do at least 4 different zones recently. I even had it do a leprechaun meat-farm once recently. But it's usually an item farming location.
My multi is generally running around in the sea. Although lately without eating sushi which is an interesting one...