New Content - Implemented KoL broke our Store Manager on 9/10/2012

store manager is no longer showing my items in the store r11485

I can't reprice my items in the store manager because they aren't listed. If it makes a difference
I'm using java 1.7.0_06

Edit: tried it with 1.6.0_33 and still the same bug.
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My Mafia login is getting hung up on "Requesting store inventory...", so maybe these two things are related to the recent in-game update to store price changes and etc.

Edit: upon further review, I went into my preferences and removed Store Manager from the tabs that open up on startup. Problem solved, Mafia logged in just fine.
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Edit: upon further review, I went into my preferences and removed Store Manager from the tabs that open up on startup. Problem solved, Mafia logged in just fine.

I was wondering why my mafia would not start up today. Thanks for the solution. I removed Store Manager from my startup tabs as you suggested and I can start mafia again.
I didn't notice anything different, but something has certainly broken Mafia's parsing of managestore.php. What has changed exactly? I don't have the time to investigate right now :(

Hola did some refactoring (pulling non-gui code out of Frame classes), I think store manager was involved.
Maybe related to
August 27, 2012 - 12 days from now, Mall store logs should start going back 2 weeks instead of 2 days. In the interim, the interim. Respectively.
since this IS 2 weeks out from that update...
The additions tab still works, although the newly added items still don't show in the Price Setup or Removals tabs.
They are added correctly though, since I can see them in the relay browser.

And the store log tab is still working too, so that suggests it's not related to the logs going back 2 weeks update...
Someone get a debug log of hitting save prices in the store manager tab, then. Maybe do some adding some items from the additions tab too.

Sounds KoL-side, like the last time store manager broke.
Impossible. the Store Manager will not load as either a tab or its own panel.

It does for me, but it just doesn't show anything in the price setup tab (even though there are items in there). The manageprices.php request goes through fine, so I'm looking into what happens after that at the moment.

Edit: At a guess, I'd say the PRICER_PATTERN matcher is no longer working. I'm pretty busy so if anyone wants to look at it, here's some html for you to match against:

<script language=Javascript>
if (parent.frames.length == 0) location.href="game.php";
<script language=Javascript src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">


<centeR><table  width=95%  cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td style="color: white;" align=center bgcolor=blue><b>Manage your Prices</b></td></tr><tr><td style="padding: 5px; border: 1px solid blue;"><center><table><tr><td><center><a href="managestore.php">Back to Store Management</a></center><p><form name=updateprices action=manageprices.php method=post><input type=hidden name=action value="update"><input type=hidden name=pwd value="cf9baa421fb495cd8562c50407e559c9"><center><table><tr><td><b>Item:</b></td><td><b>In<br>Store:</b></td><td><b>Autosell<br>Price:</b></td><td><b>Min. Sale<br>Price:</b></td><td><b>Your<br>Price:</b></td><td><b>Limit</b></td><td><b>Cheapest<br>in Mall:</b></td></tr><tr><td><b>"DRINK ME" potion   </td><td>1</td><td></td><td>100</td><td><input class=text size=10 type=text value="999999999" name=price0[4508]>   </td><td><input class=text size=5 type=text value="0" name=limit0[4508]>   </td><td>100</td></tr></table><input class=button type=submit value="Update Prices"></center></form></td></tr></table></center></td></tr><tr><td height=4></td></tr></table></center></body></html>

Edit 2: I don't know if it's as simple as this, but it got things working for me. Maybe it indicates that some further changes will be coming from Jick & Co. in the future.

For some reason I wasn't able to reprice "DRINK ME" potion or anything with the ™ symbol in the name, I am thinking this is a separate bug...


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I was in /PVP today and CDM came in and said that the problem with managing large stores should be fixed (not an exact quote). I believe this was to help the pvpers who have been loading their stores with TONS of junk the last couple of days.
Thanks for the info IceColdFever, time to load up my store and test it out.

Edit: Okay, the new page basically splits the reprice fields in to 100 items, so the first 100 items have the form fields price0 and limit0, the next 100 are price1, limit1, etc. This shouldn't be too hard to fix.

Something else that came up is that I noticed when you have a lot of items in the store the store inventory request takes a really really long time (potentially manifesting itself as a "freeze" for impatient folk), I am guessing this is due to the lookahead in the matcher, so I'll try to fix that too.

Edit 2: Here's the patch. The previous issue I had of not being able to reprice certain things was due to me telling KoLmafia not to price things at minimum sell price, d'oh! This patch updates the store manager to use the new behaviour of splitting reprice requests per 100 items. I also optimized the way manageprices.php was being parsed so now the frame should load noticeably faster when you have a bunch of stuff in your store (ie. >100 items), but it's also faster generally.


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I tried the patch above, but I couldn't get the Store Manager frame to load. It looks like some people can have more 1000 items in their store. In PRICER_PATTERN:
should be

The patch seems to be working now... more thorough testing later today.
should be

Ah yes, that would do it. I only tested with 130 items, and that's like 130 more items than I would normally have in my store :) Even then, the old matcher took a long time to process 130 items so 1000+ items would certainly cause some problems for people that aren't running super computers at home :p
I suspect this server-side change is what broke things: August 15 - A few new options have been added for Mall store shopkeepers.

I cannot figure out where exactly the parsing is failing, however. HTML from one of my characters' mall stores is attached for the KoLmafia devs to look over.

EDIT: Oops, didn't realize this thread had 2 pages. :O
I found the needed regex change, and then I saw that Catch-22 already posted it. I made the d+ change, and did something with the substring() result. 11486.
I think this might be worth releasing an official version for, this is probably going to cause a bunch of people some grief if they're not on dev builds.