New Content - Implemented KoL broke our Store Manager on 9/10/2012


Active member
I am new to this type of thing, just curious as to how I can apply the patch file you have provided us with. If you can assist me I'd be grateful.

The patch is only useful if you have an SVN repository set up on your local machine, it's mostly used by developers to review before they make it officially part of the code and commit it.

If you're using TortoiseSVN, once you've set up a folder to act as the local repository, you can right click on the folder, go to "Tortoise SVN > Appply patch..." and select the patch that you downloaded from here. That will apply the changes to your local SVN, which you can then make your own builds from.

If all of this is confusing and you just want a more up to date version of KoLmafia, you should probably check out the hourly builds section, or as an alternative for windows users, the JET build.


Active member
I am new to this type of thing, just curious as to how I can apply the patch file you have provided us with. If you can assist me I'd be grateful


In addition to what Catch-22 said, this has already been added to the current version of mafia. If you have a SVN repository built, you don't need to apply the patch, it's already in there (in some form) since 11486.

What you probably actually want is build 11486 or newer. If you don't know where to get these, click Daily Builds at the top of the screen. Download the top version (currently 11488) and put that into your mafia folder. Open that file, and you should have a fully up-to-date mafia complete with working store. Until whenever the next build comes out...


I quite like the new team. I think they understand the program well enough to do whatever is needed. And roippi, at least, understands the GUI and Swing BETTER than I ever did.
I think understanding the program, or more realistically specific bits of it, is what Veracity was looking for when she distributed commit access to a few new devs over the last year or so. Working on bugs and submitting patches shows that you have browsed around in the code, whether the patch is used for a commit or not. Seeing the changes made to your patch is another good way to learn.

And programming excellence isn't really that much of a requirement - after all, Veracity hasn't removed my dev access, so she must bet on my ability to keep learning! I generally don't have more than a faint idea of what I'm doing, I just reverse engineer code that does what I'm trying to do. But I have read and re-read a lot of the source, and I know a lot of the solutions that were used. That is generally enough for me add support for mechanics introduced in KoL that are similar to existing ones. When it isn't, I get a slap on the hand, and don't repeat the mistake :)

Oh, and data files. When I had more time I spend a lot of it entering new stuff in data files. That saved some trouble for the real programmers.