New Content - Implemented January Stuff


The libram is the January IotM, the other two are the new yearly familiars.
Unknown item found: Libram of Resolutions (5463, 889610035)
5463     Libram of Resolutions usable all 0
5463 889610035 book5.gif Libram of     Resolutions
Libram of Resolutions Free Pull
Unknown     item found: The Groose in the Hoose (5377, 434937349)
5377     The Groose in the Hoose grow all 0
5377 434937349 groosehoose.gif The     Groose in the Hoose
The Groose in the Hoose Free Pull
Unknown     item found: The Kloop in the Coop (5442, 401744945)
5442     The Kloop in the Coop grow all 0
5442 401744945 kloopcoop.gif The Kloop     in the Coop
The Kloop in the Coop Free Pull
Between the content familiar and libram there is going to be a LOT of "January Stuff" to add.
Mr. Store successfully looted!
You acquire an item: Libram of Resolutions

I think I found all the resolutions...

Unknown item found: resolution: be happier (5465, 477542967)
5465 resolution: be happier usable all 0
5465 477542967 resolution.gif resolution: be happier
resolution: be happier Effect: "Joyful Resolve", Effect Duration: 20
979 Joyful Resolve resolve_happy.gif dcae28866f7dbb0a82440948f8c46ae6 use 1 resolution: be happier
Joyful Resolve Item Drop: +15
You acquire an item: resolution: be happier
Unknown item found: resolution: be feistier (5469, 132201344)
5469 resolution: be feistier usable all 0
5469 132201344 resolution.gif resolution: be feistier
resolution: be feistier Effect: "Destructive Resolve", Effect Duration: 20
983 Destructive Resolve resolve_feisty.gif 1fbc358b8c7daf280db289b1bec707be use 1 resolution: be feistier
Destructive Resolve Weapon Damage: +20, Spell Damage: +20
You acquire an item: resolution: be feistier
Unknown item found: resolution: be luckier (5472, 845740317)
5472 resolution: be luckier usable all 0
5472 845740317 resolution.gif resolution: be luckier
resolution: be luckier Effect: "Fortunate Resolve", Effect Duration: 20
985 Fortunate Resolve resolve_lucky.gif 2e71d195d32f5e12989fa9e6fca99c25 use 1 resolution: be luckier
# Fortunate Resolve: Bonus Luck!
You acquire an item: resolution: be luckier
You acquire an item: resolution: be feistier
Unknown item found: resolution: be kinder (5470, 943398376)
5470 resolution: be kinder usable all 0
5470 943398376 resolution.gif resolution: be kinder
resolution: be kinder Effect: "Kindly Resolve", Effect Duration: 20
984 Kindly Resolve resolve_kind.gif 853f46db06b5ac93411a309e4df63104 use 1 resolution: be kinder
Kindly Resolve Familiar Weight: +5
You acquire an item: resolution: be kinder
Unknown item found: resolution: be smarter (5467, 679001170)
5467 resolution: be smarter usable all 0
5467 679001170 resolution.gif resolution: be smarter
resolution: be smarter Effect: "Brilliant Resolve", Effect Duration: 20
981 Brilliant Resolve resolve_smart.gif c9c8700ab7922dc19805ea3294d7e965 use 1 resolution: be smarter
Brilliant Resolve Experience (Mysticality): +2
You acquire an item: resolution: be smarter
You acquire an item: resolution: be happier
Unknown item found: resolution: be wealthier (5464, 536202071)
5464 resolution: be wealthier usable all 0
5464 536202071 resolution.gif resolution: be wealthier
resolution: be wealthier Effect: "Greedy Resolve", Effect Duration: 20
978 Greedy Resolve resolve_greedy.gif d8a4db321361fbfb6b4b51f9860d3210 use 1 resolution: be wealthier
Greedy Resolve Meat Drop: +30
You acquire an item: resolution: be wealthier
You acquire an item: resolution: be smarter
Unknown item found: resolution: be stronger (5466, 331566154)
5466 resolution: be stronger usable all 0
5466 331566154 resolution.gif resolution: be stronger
resolution: be stronger Effect: "Strong Resolve", Effect Duration: 20
980 Strong Resolve resolve_strong.gif 33cd14f56a3bef360c0d7736b9269cfa use 1 resolution: be stronger
Strong Resolve Experience (Muscle): +2
You acquire an item: resolution: be stronger
You acquire an item: resolution: be wealthier
You acquire an item: resolution: be wealthier
You acquire an item: resolution: be happier
You acquire an item: resolution: be kinder
Unknown item found: resolution: be sexier (5468, 798256561)
5468 resolution: be sexier usable all 0
5468 798256561 resolution.gif resolution: be sexier
resolution: be sexier Effect: "Irresistible Resolve", Effect Duration: 20
982 Irresistible Resolve resolve_sexy.gif eeaa54a42b0979b162611290433e73ff use 1 resolution: be sexier
Irresistible Resolve Experience (Moxie): +2
You acquire an item: resolution: be sexier
You acquire an item: resolution: be stronger
You acquire an item: resolution: be wealthier
You acquire an item: resolution: be stronger
You acquire an item: resolution: be feistier
You acquire an item: resolution: be happier
You acquire an item: resolution: be wealthier
You acquire an item: resolution: be smarter
You acquire an item: resolution: be wealthier
missing a few i think. according to the wiki:

wealthier Greedy +30% Meat from Monsters
happier Joyful +15% Items from Monsters
feistier Destructive +20 Weapon Damage & +20 Spell Damage
stronger Strong +2 Muscle Stats per Fight
smarter Brilliant +2 Mysticality Stats per Fight
sexier Irresistible +2 Moxie Stats per Fight
kinder Kindly +5 to Familiar Weight
luckier Fortunate Bonus Luck!
more adventurous None Rollover adventures(?)

sorry about formatting, cant figure out how to get it to space well.
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Yah. Unfortunately there weren't "More Adventurous" in the mall when I checked or else I'd have caught that.
Content Familiar stuff

New potion to get in/Effect
5444 devilish folio usable all 0
5444 976929302 devilfolio.gif devilish folio
devilish folio Effect: "Dis Abled", Effect Duration: 30
963 Dis Abled dis_abled.gif 8260d60edd8373c27040148da5c65aeb
# Dis Abled: Grants access to the Suburb of Dis

New Area: The Suburbs of Dis
Has 3 new snarfblats

277 The Clumsiness Grove
278 The Maelstrom of Lovers
279 The Glacier of Jerks

There's also an altar (suburbandis.php?action=altar) which ties to into the overarching quest of the area. You need to collect 6 stones from various minibosses in the 3 zones (2 a piece). Then put all 6 stones into the altar, fight a boss, get some food or booze and a skillbook. There are 3 skills, all combat, and all permable:

New Skills

0077 Torment Plant
0078 Pinch Ghost
0079 Tattle

After beating the boss, you can then go back for more stones (minibosses regenerate once you use up the stone), and put combinations of 2 back into the altar.

These effects are gotten by placing stone combinations into the altar:
997 Inebriate Pride beerpride.gif 7952aa99d3b2fa72431b1523215e0ad1
Inebriate Pride Experience: +4 (This is not entirely accurate, the effect seems to be related to your drunkeness)
998 Amorous Avarice beermoney.gif 1e709ea0e47aa55a21b2e4e7499a64b0
Amorous Avarice Meat Drop: +100 (This is not entirely accurate, the effect seems to be related to your drunkeness)
999 Covetous Robbery meatstack.gif 8a22f94200ee7e8239a131c4c171cb82
# Covetous Robbery: Increases meat drops from stingy monsters
1000 Voracious Gorging knifefork.gif d9b987d7a727652855885d6535c2faa6
Voracious Gorging Item Drop: +30, Food Drop: +75
1002 Vanity Rage handmirror.gif 8013791092bfc2ae26faf70a0381e091
Vanity Rage Weapon Damage: +10, Spell Damage: +10

Assorted items & effects:

Looking at item #5531...
Unknown item found: cup of hickory chicory (5531, 425795161)
5531 cup of hickory chicory usable, combat all 15
5531 425795161 coffeecup.gif cup of hickory chicory
# cup of hickory chicory
Looking at item #5532...
Unknown item found: magnolia blossom (5532, 766388381)
5532 magnolia blossom usable, combat all 10
5532 766388381 magnolia.gif magnolia blossom
# magnolia blossom
Looking at item #5530...
Unknown item found: baobab sap (5530, 480811691)
5530 baobab sap usable all 30
5530 480811691 blooddrops.gif baobab sap
baobab sap Effect: "Buff as a Baobab", Effect Duration: 10
993 Buff as a Baobab baobab.gif 41fa51a52ab859c8e53bd82b56853731 use 1 baobab sap
Buff as a Baobab Experience Percent (Muscle): +20
Looking at item #5529...
Unknown item found: berries of suffering (5529, 982415373)
5529 berries of suffering food all 50
5529 982415373 sadberries.gif berries of suffering
# berries of suffering
Looking at item #5528...
Unknown item found: whimpering willow bark (5528, 902885812)
5528 whimpering willow bark usable, combat all 25
5528 902885812 spookybark.gif whimpering willow bark
# whimpering willow bark
Looking at item #5539...
Unknown item found: glass of warm water (5539, 561214863)
5539 glass of warm water none, curse all 5
5539 561214863 waterglass.gif glass of warm water
# glass of warm water
Looking at item #5537...
Unknown item found: purple prose pen (5537, 944942173)
5537 purple prose pen usable all 50
5537 944942173 purplepen.gif purple prose pen
# purple prose pen
Looking at item #5538...
Unknown item found: half-empty carton of milk (5538, 315265902)
5538 half-empty carton of milk none, combat all 15
5538 315265902 milkcarton.gif half-empty carton of milk
# half-empty carton of milk
Looking at item #5535...
Unknown item found: Marvin's marvelous pill (5535, 369803823)
5535 Marvin's marvelous pill usable all 20
5535 369803823 stimpill.gif Marvin's marvelous pill
Marvin's marvelous pill Effect: "Pharmaceutically Cool", Effect Duration: 10
995 Pharmaceutically Cool stimpill.gif d23d50b55be3737e65eba071efb74256 use 1 Marvin's marvelous pill
Pharmaceutically Cool Experience Percent (Moxie): +20
Looking at item #5533...
Unknown item found: Mortimer's nostrum (5533, 967400737)
5533 Mortimer's nostrum usable all 40
5533 967400737 potion4.gif Mortimer's nostrum
Mortimer's nostrum Effect: "Limber as Mortimer", Effect Duration: 10
994 Limber as Mortimer missingpants.gif a80bae78df0c3361b76bfd36b71c5770 use 1 Mortimer's nostrum
# Limber as Mortimer: +100% Gear Drops from Monsters
Looking at item #5534...
Unknown item found: Barulio's bottle (5534, 573239011)
5534 Barulio's bottle drink all 40
5534 573239011 whitebottle.gif Barulio's bottle
# Barulio's bottle
Looking at item #5542...
Unknown item found: pink-belly slapper (5542, 843267797)
5542 pink-belly slapper none, combat all 80
5542 843267797 slapper.gif pink-belly slapper
# pink-belly slapper
Looking at item #5540...
Unknown item found: desktop zen garden (5540, 618386151)
5540 desktop zen garden usable all 20
5540 618386151 zengarden.gif desktop zen garden
desktop zen garden Effect: "Everything's Zen", Effect Duration: 10
996 Everything's Zen zengarden.gif b7eeb98a0bceff38ef78038d37f370cd use 1 desktop zen garden
Everything's Zen Experience Percent (Mysticality): +20
Looking at item #5544...
Unknown item found: green eggnog (5544, 237276764)
5544 green eggnog drink all 0
5544 237276764 coffeecup.gif green eggnog
# green eggnog
Looking at item #5445...
Unknown item found: clumsiness bark (5445, 459056964)
5445 clumsiness bark none, combat all 0
5445 459056964 bark3.gif clumsiness bark
# clumsiness bark
Looking at item #5446...
Unknown item found: jar full of wind (5446, 898482871)
5446 jar full of wind none, combat all 0
5446 898482871 windjar.gif jar full of wind
# jar full of wind
Looking at item #5447...
Unknown item found: dangerous jerkcicle (5447, 726861308)
5447 dangerous jerkcicle none, combat all 0
5447 726861308 jerkcicle.gif dangerous jerkcicle
# dangerous jerkcicle


These drop from area minibosses. Collect all 6 to fight The Thing with no Name at the altar

Looking at item #5448...
Unknown item found: furious stone (5448, 551811863)
5448 furious stone none none 0
5448 551811863 sstone_furious.gif furious stone
# furious stone
Unknown item found: vanity stone (5449, 743896241)
5449 vanity stone none none 0
5449 743896241 sstone_vanity.gif vanity stone
# vanity stone
Looking at item #5453...
Unknown item found: gluttonous stone (5453, 862135131)
5453 gluttonous stone none none 0
5453 862135131 sstone_glutton.gif gluttonous stone
# gluttonous stone
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Revision 10187 adds a lot of this. Still needed:

skills from skill books
monsters and item drops in Suburbs of Dis areas
making the altar be an adventuring area so it logs correctly (like the haert of the cyrpt)

I haven't tried my skillbook yet. Do they turn into "used" skillbooks?
Oh, yeah: we do not detect loss of the various sinful stones when you turn them in at the altar, yet, either to release the The Thing with No Name or to get the various status effects.
Revision 10187 adds a lot of this. Still needed:
I haven't tried my skillbook yet. Do they turn into "used" skillbooks?

It doesn't appear so. Since this content will be perpetually available, they're technically not limited release skillbooks.

Still, the fact that the skillbooks have blank spots in the item spindle seems a bit odd. Especially since there are 6 demons, and only 3 of them have skillbooks. Though no one's reported getting any skillbooks aside from those 3. Maybe the content is bugged, scrapped, or not-finished.
Just the Best Anapests can be removed for free, just like buffs cast by other people. I got confirmation that it's intentional. Since people will likely want to remove it to keep KoL parsable by mafia, that will make a difference sometime soon probably.
Since people will likely want to remove it to keep KoL parsable by mafia...
Revision 10187 already parses rhymes on the fight page. I leveraged off of the existing haiku parsing code, since KoL itself obviously leveraged off of the haiku generating code, complete with specific images for hp loss, mp gain, myst gain, and so on.

Just as with haiku, there are specific messages for winning initiative, gaining mp, and presumably gaining hp while in a fight. I ran with the effect for probably 80 adventures and saw - and coded in - many of those. I have none for gaining hp, yet.

So, there are undoubtedly glitches in rhyme parsing, but hopefully not too many. They can be reported on this forum as bugs, and I will fix them.
So, there are undoubtedly glitches in rhyme parsing, but hopefully not too many. They can be reported on this forum as bugs, and I will fix them.


Sorry I wasn't paying more attention because I might have been able to gather more data. EatDrink decided it liked groose grease so I had 150 turns of Just the Best Anapests while I adventured at Fudge Mountain. KoLmafia did not seem to recognize my substat gains while doing so, although it did see the fudgecules. When the effect wore off substat gains were recognized.

Sorry I wasn't paying more attention because I might have been able to gather more data. EatDrink decided it liked groose grease so I had 150 turns of Just the Best Anapests while I adventured at Fudge Mountain. KoLmafia did not seem to recognize my substat gains while doing so, although it did see the fudgecules. When the effect wore off substat gains were recognized.
Works for me.

[23031] Fudge Mountain
Encounter: fudge weasel
Strategy: attack with weapon
Round 0: Veracity wins initiative!
Round 1: Veracity executes a macro!
Round 1: Veracity attacks!
Round 2: fudge weasel takes 1014 damage.
Round 2: Veracity wins the fight!
After Battle: Infernal Grrl surveys the scene from atop the throne and sighs.
After Battle: The Kloop leaps and it twirls and it whirls and it scoops!It does cartwheels and jumps through a set of Kloop hoops!
You acquire an item: fudgecule (5)
You gain 21 Strongness
You gain 13 Magicalness
You gain 12 Roguishness
There is nothing I can do for you without a debug log of the fight - or, at least, the dump of the HTML tree of the fight.
Hmm, I just assumed it wouldn't be worth parsing that stuff. But there's still the niche case of fighting scratch or something, and mafia doesn't need to use an SGEEA to remove Anapests.
Hmm, I just assumed it wouldn't be worth parsing that stuff.
I guarantee that if we did not parse it, we'd have bug reports here for years to come, just as we did with the haiku katana. As I said, KoL reused its own mechanism for displaying poetic combat: images for items and hp and mp, tags on (some of) said images that give the amount of damage done, and so on. It was not hard to leverage off of our own haiku handling code.

But there's still the niche case of fighting scratch or something, and mafia doesn't need to use an SGEEA to remove Anapests.
Revision 10190
Works for me.
[531974] Fudge Mountain
Encounter: fudge weasel
Round 0: fronobulax wins initiative!
Round 1: fronobulax executes a macro!
Round 1: fronobulax attacks!
Round 2: fudge weasel takes 42 damage.
Round 2: fronobulax casts WEAPON OF THE PASTALORD!
You lose 4 hit points
Round 3: fronobulax casts WEAPON OF THE PASTALORD!
Round 4: fronobulax casts WEAPON OF THE PASTALORD!
Round 5: fronobulax wins the fight!
You acquire an item: fudgecule (6)
After Battle: 

cast 1 Cannelloni Cocoon
You gain 4,668 hit points

[531975] Fudge Mountain
Encounter: fudge poodle
Round 0: fronobulax wins initiative!
Round 1: fronobulax executes a macro!
Round 1: fronobulax attacks!
Round 2: fudge poodle takes 34 damage.
You lose 4,544 hit points
Round 2: fronobulax attacks!
Round 3: fudge poodle takes 42 damage.
You lose 4,592 hit points
Round 3: fronobulax casts WEAPON OF THE PASTALORD!
Round 4: fudge poodle takes 5815 damage.
You lose 4,128 hit points
Round 4: fronobulax casts WEAPON OF THE PASTALORD!
Round 5: fudge poodle takes 5833 damage.
Round 5: fronobulax casts WEAPON OF THE PASTALORD!
Round 6: fudge poodle takes 5843 damage.
Round 6: fronobulax wins the fight!
You acquire an item: fudgecule (10)
After Battle: PeggyLee bends its brim into an approximation of a smile.
You gain 2732 Muscleboundness
You gain 5268 Enchantedness
You gain 2689 Sarcasm
You gain a Moxie point!

cast 1 Leash of Linguini
You acquire an effect: Leash of Linguini (duration: 10 Adventures)

cast 1 Cannelloni Cocoon
You gain 13,264 hit points

Just so we know I'm not crazy :-) The effect wore off after 531974. That said, I will see if I can reproduce and then generate more data. I note, however, that you seem to have a CoT and a Kloop whereas I have only a sombrero. The fudgecule messages seem to occur in different "places" which might indicate you have a between battle script (which I don't) or some other relavent difference.

Now that I look, it also seems as if damage from WOTP did not make it into the session log while the effect was active.
[531974] Fudge Mountain
Encounter: fudge weasel
Round 0: fronobulax wins initiative!
Round 1: fronobulax executes a macro!
Round 1: fronobulax attacks!
Round 2: fudge weasel takes 42 damage.
Round 2: fronobulax casts WEAPON OF THE PASTALORD!
You lose 4 hit points
Round 3: fronobulax casts WEAPON OF THE PASTALORD!
Round 4: fronobulax casts WEAPON OF THE PASTALORD!
Round 5: fronobulax wins the fight!
You acquire an item: fudgecule (6)
After Battle:
And here it ends. Perhaps you got an exception and it aborted processing.

As I said, a debug log would help...

I note, however, that you seem to have a CoT and a Kloop whereas I have only a sombrero. The fudgecule messages seem to occur in different "places" which might indicate you have a between battle script (which I don't) or some other relavent difference.
We parse the fight page in the order that the HTML is displayed. My throne and familiar generated messages before the item drops.

Now that I look, it also seems as if damage from WOTP did not make it into the session log while the effect was active.
Yup. With the effect active, it says "The magic you launched at your foe overflowed, and made some of itss internal organs explode." KoL doesn't tell you how much damage it did. Here is MY test with Weapon of the Pastalord:

[23032] Fudge Mountain
Encounter: fudge oyster
Round 0: Veracity wins initiative!
Round 1: Veracity jiggles the Staff of the Deepest Freeze
Round 2: Veracity casts WEAPON OF THE PASTALORD!
Round 3: Veracity wins the fight!
After Battle: Infernal Grrl surveys the scene from atop the throne and sighs.
After Battle: What a dance your Kloop does! What a joy to behold!He folds and he flounces and shivers like mold!
You acquire an item: fudgecule (9)
You gain 22 Strongness
You gain 11 Magicalness
You gain 17 Roguishness
Note also that jiggling does not tell you how much damage it did; it simply says "You hold up your staff and you give it a shake! Some magic things happen, but just what is... opaque."
Here is a test with a sombrero. The text of the battle:

You ready your weapon, and lunge to attack,
wounding your foe with a chop and a hack.
The beast falls to the ground, 'cause you've taught it a lesson!
It won't feel good in the morning, I'm guessin'.

Your pet did a thing that might just save the day,
I'm afraid you were looking the opposite way.
You added a fudgecule to your collection!
No booty will escape your careful inspection!

A grin from your pet makes you feel more than thrilled,
Because it implies that you're getting more skilled.
Your strengthliness increases 29 times
from exacting revenge for that foe's heinous crimes.
10 points of knowledge drip into your head.
It tickles, like when you eat paint made of lead.
You're slick as a snake and as quiet as mice!
27 points moreso now, to be precise.
which was parsed as:
Round 4: fudge poodle takes 986 damage.
Round 4: Veracity wins the fight!
After Battle:
You acquire an item: fudgecule (10)
After Battle:
You gain 29 Strongness
You gain 10 Magicalness
You gain 27 Roguishness
The first "your pet" had the image of my CoT familiar. The second "your pet" had the sombrero image. I'll look into why we didn't recognize them. But, as you can see, it had no problem picking up the stat gains.