CounterChecker: Wormwood, Semi-rares, Dance Cards and more


Well, it would be sorted by the user in their order of precedence. You could not simply check srqueue[1].loc in case Giant's Castle was in position 1 and the character was only level 1.

For some people the following list might make sense for hardcore...

1 Orc Chasm (ascii art) get 1
2 giant's Castle (inhaler) get 1
4 Cobb's Knob Kitchen (KGE Outfit) get 1
5 The Limerick Dungeon (cyclops eyedrops) get 1
6 Outskirts of the Knob (lunchbox) get infinite
7 Sleazy Back Alley (distilled spirits) get infinite

The beauty of this scheme is that it will alternate between food sources unless the character can get one of the priority items. When one of the limited acquisition targets is fulfilled (I'd check to see if the KGE outfit is in inventory just in case the character got it in another fashion), CC will remove it from the list, but BBB will still have to check for canadv.

At least that is my current plan. It seems to me this is the only way I can make CC useful for hardcore.
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Well-known member
In that case, the SR queue is actually irrelevant to BBB's communicating with CC -- BBB cannot determine where CC will go by looking at that file without also importing canadv and directly copying all of your selection code. No thanks.

So, an additional flag is still needed. Please implement as follows:

Prior to adventuring for the SR, set_property("BaleCC_next",$location[this SR loc]);
After adventuring for the SR, set_property("BaleCC_next",$location[next SR loc]);

This means you'll have to parse where to go twice -- once before going and once after. Of course if no SR was found, the result will be the same.

It's this or include a "next" flag in the "extra" field of the data file, which is messier and more prone to error.


I could do that, but you should consider that if the character levels up the choice of semi-rare may change. (At level 7 the lunchbox would seem to be the next semi-rare and would be set that way if CC ran then, but if the cookie counter comes up at level 9 it would become the ASCII art.) Perhaps it would be best if I simply cleared BaleCC_next after adventuring? Or I could set it only if all items on the queue are available so that I know it is safe?


Well-known member
I did. It won't affect "always", but for "timely" the negative repercussions are quite negligible. First, look at BBB's "good" zones.

  • Purple Light District
  • Haunted Billiards Room
  • Menagerie 2
  • Outskirts of The Knob
  • Limerick Dungeon
  • Sleazy Back Alley
  • Haunted Pantry
  • Harem

Next, consider the cases.

Case 1: no location set
BBB's current default behavior; save fullness in "good" zones. This presents a chance of missing the SR CC wants you to have if you are adventuring in one of these zones: BBB will allow you to adventure in a "good" zone with no counters, which means that CC will not fire! Fortunately, adventuring in most of these zones is unlikely after day 1 or 2.

Case 2: location set, it's correct
Ideal behavior. BBB will save fullness if you are adventuring in CC's chosen zone, but eat a cookie if you adventure outside it so as not to miss your SR.

Case 3: location set, but incorrect due to leveling up
The likelihood of a player adventuring in the "incorrect" location originally chosen by CC is fairly slim during a run (when someone would be leveling). Anyone ascending normally would promptly trigger BBB's cookie eating when they entered their SR window, thus enabling CC to get the correct SR when it ran.

I prefer case 3 to case 1, and I really like case 2.


Okay. Let's consider that a GO. I'll make use of the property "BaleCC_next" as you suggested.
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Active member
For some people the following list might make sense for hardcore...

1 Orc Chasm (ascii art) get 1
2 giant's Castle (inhaler) get 1
4 Cobb's Knob Kitchen (KGE Outfit) get 1
5 The Limerick Dungeon (cyclops eyedrops) get 1
6 Outskirts of the Knob (lunchbox) get infinite
7 Sleazy Back Alley (distilled spirits) get infinite

I like this list, but would it be possible in some way to have it also check for "path"? Quite often I run teet-runs because I cannot be bothered with coming up with booze to mix (yes I'm lazy) and in that case 7 would be rather useless while the pies from the haunted kitchen would be nice, but if I'm say out of hardcore or nto in a pathed run then the booze is probably more interesting.


That's nice, but I wasn't planning to hardcode that list. Everyone can make their own list and change it based on their current ascension/farming plants. I'd suggest that you don't ask for semi-rares that you cannot eat.

Released CounterChecker v1.498

This is the "GO GO Gadget BBB" release.

I'm not implementing the SR Queue yet, but this does use the next semi-rare property and check to see if you have hobo nickels.


Active member
Yes I was aware that I had to make my own list, I was just wondering if it would be possible for the script to disregard ones I could not use in a similar way that it disregards once it cannot get. If not then I'll have to use multiple files and swap between them, not that much of a deal :)


I was just wondering if it would be possible for the script to disregard ones I could not use in a similar way that it disregards once it cannot get.

Nope. The user might want stuff he cannot use because he likes the mall price and intends to sell them. I don't get it, but there are people who bizarrely think about farming when they are ascending. (That doesn't work for several reasons, but I don't intend to stop them from doing it.)


Feature Request:
Before visiting a hobo zone for semi-rares, can you check to see that the boss is not up first by checking the image?
If the boss is up and it visits for the semi-rare, it will either fight the boss or abort. Neither are good choices.


Feature Request:
Before visiting a hobo zone for semi-rares, can you check to see that the boss is not up first by checking the image?
If the boss is up and it visits for the semi-rare, it will either fight the boss or abort. Neither are good choices.

Hrm? Just to check, it was my understanding that if the boss is up you can still get the semi-rare. Is that true?

Assuming that I am correct about getting the semi-rare when the boss is up, then the real problem is if the counter is incorrect. In that case you need to skip the adventure. I should certainly add handling for skipping the adventure.

BTW, as I remember there is no way to be sure if the boss is up by checking the image since sometimes it is image 9 and sometimes it is image 10. I remember that quite clearly from when I was in Hobopolis a lot. Has that bug been fixed?


Active member
Checking image is wrong anyway, since someone might have killed the last hobo a split second after you checked.


Well-known member
You can still get the semi-rare if the boss is up, so you only need to skip it if you have multiple active counters. In that case, as xKiv points out, you have to either risk automation being aborted or just skip that zone. Personally, I'd just risk aborting, especially if I was shooting for a deck of cards.
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Staff member
Personally, I'd just risk aborting, especially if I was shooting for a dick of cards.
This is a disturbing image. The two clauses seem strangely connected, somehow, but I don't really want to figure out the connection.



Well-known member
Oh, what an embarrassing and yet amusing typo.

EDIT: Also, there are rare cases when all of the counters are invalid. Suppose someone blasted right past their semirare turn working out in their sign's gym, then ate some fortune cookies before hitting adventure.php again (which would reset their new SR counter). Even if they have only one active counter, it will be a completely random number, almost certainly not their actual SR.

This won't happen often, but it happens. It actually happened to me this run -- I'm doing something weird and spending lots of time in the gym. I was pretty confused when I ate two cookies and the common number between them was 283. Then I ate another one out of curiosity and ended up with 6 active cookie counters. !!!! Perhaps some extra handling for that odd case should be added to mafia -- if you have more than 3 cookie counters after eating a cookie, discard them all and print a warning message explaining why.
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The problem is when the counter is incorrect, like you have already pointed out.
One solution would be for counter checker to set properties to skip the adventure and then reset the property back where it was after adventuring.
I thought that the images worked the same as the frat war, I was unaware of any bugs.


Active member
I thought that the images worked the same as the frat war, I was unaware of any bugs.

The main problem is that it's a shared area, and you have no guarantees that the zone hasn't been visited by someone else between your validation of one image and the adventuring that follows... In frat war, it's personal to you, and you KNOW that what you see is what you'll see in 5 second, 5 minutes, or 5 hours, barring further adventuring...
There's an issue with adventuring in Vanya's Chapel for the pixel stopwatch. I don't know if this is new, or if CounterChecker just never sent me there before due to market conditions, but after manually doing semirares and then letting CC try again, I can report that CC is not properly equipping the necessary pixel whip-type weapon required for adventuring in that zone (I always use a pixel morningstar, but a pixel whip or pixel chain whip should also work).