New Content - Implemented Conspiracy island leftover issues


r15160 should track shop unlocks, appropriately display items in item manager depending on that, and detect unlocks when visiting bunker, using keycards and clicking on locked doors with keycards. Partially tested.


Found I had an alt with Conspiracy Island active, verified the combat items listing clippers after quest completed bug was present in vanilla kol.


r15178 adds automation for Paranormal Test Lab. I hope I didn't break much. I had to significantly alter the recognising a choice option regex, as it wasn't working for that choice. I also had to add a check for href=choice.php as well as action=choice.php so ChoiceManager recognised it as a choice. Interestingly that line 5809 looks like someone started adding protection against infinite loops, "stepCount", but it doesn't look like anything is done with that. I guess that's why we sometimes get caught in an infinite loop on choices that aren't standard choice pages.


Staff member
It doesn't have anything to do with infinite loop protection. It passes stepCount into Dungeon Fist, the Louvre, Safety Shelters, etc., all of which need it, for whatever reason.


Ah. Maybe we should set a maximum somewhere high. That's the place where unusual html choice adventures get stuck in an infinite loop if they don't include "action=choice.php" (or now, "href=choice.php").


Staff member
Ah. Maybe we should set a maximum somewhere high. That's the place where unusual html choice adventures get stuck in an infinite loop if they don't include "action=choice.php" (or now, "href=choice.php").

I have not given up yet. That said if I were going for a more specific solution, I would look at the auto-adventure loop and decide a loop existed if the iteration count advanced and the adventure count remained the same. In theory, my solution - if and when - will handle that and more so...


This is a pain to support. 10 days after Omega reset, Omega device is at 100% again and still no EVE quest so I can work on automation.
Mafia's data on the "meat" stick says it gives a base 4-5 adventures. My observation is that it gives a static 3 adventures, and the wiki agrees with that.


Fixed. I clearly miscopied from my notes, as I spaded it, updated the wiki with it's current data and updated Mafia !


r15222 automates EVE quest. All that was actually necessary was to set choiceAdventure988 to something other than 0 to automate, as the automation code was already there and worked.

Are we all done, given that the Clipper quest issue is a KoL bug ?