Character Info Toolbox

One strategy is to pull the Book of Pirate Insults, and hunt insults while finding the outfit.

Not that the script shouldn't be changed, but that isn't a normal strategy. Either pulls are tight enough that you shouldn't be pulling the insult book (or the outfit), or they're loose enough that you should pull the full outfit. It's common to pull a clockwork pirate skull (assuming knoll sign) (or an NPZR head if you have the meat to spend) to get +turngen and an eyepatch, and then it's only 2 pulls for the outfit versus 1 for the book.
So I used the new update method, and now when the side frame tries to load I get, "main method must appear at top level (charpane.ash, line 4159)" in the CLI, and CHIT doesn't load. Help!

Browser is FF, v21.0. Mafia v16.0 r12158.
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At least two people are still unable to manage svn update due to issues with a proxy server. For their sake I'm posting a zip file of verison 0.8.5 r16 here.

Updating to this version without svn is a bit of a PITA. Not only did I modify chit.ccs, but I even added several images and moved them to a new directory (three levels of nested directory seemed excessive to me) so make sure you do a full install with the images going to their new home in /images/chit.


Wait, what? I just checked and chit.css still has #chit_pickerfam{ overflow-y:auto; }

Please find the problem and tell me how to fix it! Maybe I should give you svn access so that you can edit it directly.
That was the first time we had the problem, with the familiar equipment menu, which is fine. But the new outfit menu and mood menu you just added need the same things. You added them at some point but they appear to be gone now.

EDIT: Here is what disappeared:

#chit_pickeroutfit {
#chit_pickermood {

Looks like this change was lost too. While it didn't actually fix Chish's problem, it fixed a similar issue for people not using the progress bars.

#chit_stats.nobars tr {
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Is there some way to add overflow-y:auto to all picker menus without having to make entries for #chit_pickerfam, #chit_pickermood, #chit_pickeroutfit, etc?
Do they all have the same class ? A quick glance looks like they may all be class chit_launcher ? If so:

.chit_launcher {

would probably work.

Never mind. A closer look indicates that's a class for the links which make the menus appear, but I guess you could add a class to those divs which contain the menus/lists and then add it to the css.
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An alternate solution is that it could be added to the jQuery stuff for launcher links in chit.js. That might be the best solution. Attached is an updated copy of chit.js which does that:


meowtiger, did r12163 fix your problems with updating through a proxy server? livercat said that this fixed it for him, but I would be happy if you could confirm it also so that I don't have to worry.

An alternate solution is that it could be added to the jQuery stuff for launcher links in chit.js. That might be the best solution. Attached is an updated copy of chit.js which does that:

Thank you: svn update

I finally figured out how I ended up deleting that class. It was an unfortunate instance where I was trying to alter the appearance of the picker and after I made it worse I deleted the class instead of restoring it. Urgh. This is better though so I think it turned out very well.
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That still leaves the issue in "EDIT 2" of post 848. Although, since that issue has only been seen in my testing and never reported (almost everyone must use the progress bars) there is no urgency to make the change.

Also, this makes:

#chit_pickerfam {

in chit.css redundant, so it can be removed from there. Again, there is no urgency for such an update. Just thought I would mention them to you.
New update functionality is sweet!

Maybe this has been addressed (I didn't read the whole thread) but is there something I can do about long zone names in the "Last" box screwing with the length of the stat/HP/MP bars?
New update functionality is sweet!

Maybe this has been addressed (I didn't read the whole thread) but is there something I can do about long zone names in the "Last" box screwing with the length of the stat/HP/MP bars?

This has been discussed at length. It is a known problem that a few people are having. We would like to address the problem, but it is tricky since the main developers for this script aren't seeing that issue at all. Perhaps you can help.

Please do the following.
  1. Please tell us what browser you are using.
  2. In the CLI type: zlib chit
    Copy/paste the result into this thread.
  3. In the CLI type: zlib chit.disable = true
    • Refresh your browser.
    • Right-click in your charpane and choose Frame -> Source (this might vary depending on your browser... please figure it out)
    • Copy/paste the source code for your (default) charpane into this thread.
    • Surround the charpane's html with [HTML] [/HTML] tags.
  4. In the CLI type: zlib chit.disable = false
    • Refresh your browser.
    • Right-click in your charpane and choose Frame -> Source (this might vary depending on your browser... please figure it out)
    • Copy/paste the source code for your (modified) charpane into this thread.
    • Surround the charpane's html with [HTML] [/HTML] tags.
ChIT is Updated!

Added a nice new feature in r23:
  • Add plus icon to mood picker so that you can easily create compound moods. It's an awesome KoLmafia feature so I am happy to be able to finally use it without needing the CLI.

I bet a lot of people didn't even know that feature existed! If you have a mood called "noncom" and a mood called "default" it is possible for mafia to put those two moods together and run them as one. In the cli this would use the command "mood default, noncom" but now you can do it straight from the mood picker in ChIT.

svn update mafiachit
This will download a new image, so be prepared for a popup confirmation when you update.​
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So while at work I get this error message when trying to checkout chit:
[COLOR=olive]> svn checkout[/COLOR]

svn: E175002: unknown host
[COLOR=red]Unable to connect with repository at /p/mafiachit/code[/COLOR]
I'm guessing it might have something to do with me connecting through a proxy, or the company firewall, or something like that? Anyway, I was wondering, is there any other way to get a working copy of chit, with the new distribution model?