bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!


ioeth, the script does not use zlib. So there's no vprint.

Yep, I see that now. My bad for committing before having tested and then getting roped into a discussion at work about web service authentication and authorization that then prevented me from doing any testing. Sorry about that; it won't happen again.
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It's using mafia's auto-bits, specifically guardians(), so that's not a script bug. And mafia's auto-bits won't buy the pet spray. If you want it to... request it as a FReq. But it's not a bug. Except maybe in that it always tries to use the pool table whether or not you're actually about to fight the NS.

I don't want it to use pet buffing spray. My point is though that the script aborted saying it couldn't get to 20 lbs familiar weight, and I switched familiars back from my hound dog to the mosquito and the mosquito was at 22 lbs with the pool table buff and the sugar shield. I'm not sure, but maybe it equipped a magic whistle...I'm not sure where the other 1 lb would come in.

1 Base
+10 Sugar Shield
+ 5 Amphibian Sympathy
+ 5 Empathy (wasn't cast for some reason)
+ 5 Leash of Linguini (wasn't cast for some reason)
+ 5 Billiards Belligerence (not needed, wasted a pool table use)
+ 5 Kindly Resolve (wasn't used, thankfully)

Normally I manually do the tower so it's not an issue, but to me any abort because it can't do what it's trying to do, even though it already did what it was trying to do, is a bug...either here or in mafia... :)


Active member
The billiards actually happened after it gave up. Not sure why it didn't cast. That's a mafia question though, not a BCA question.
(another) minor optimization- When hunting for insults in the barrr, run +combat.


Didn't the pool table thing get fixed?

Apparently not... (though you did say you fixed it)

Putting on sugar shield...
Equipment changed.
Come back with a 20 pound Barrrnacle
Putting Grobert the Barrrnacle back into terrarium...
Taking Grog the Fancypants Scarecrow out of terrarium...
Approaching pool table with an aggressive stance.
You acquire an effect: Billiards Belligerence (duration: 10 Adventures)
You lost. Boo hoo.
You are stuck at the top of the tower.

Again- I do have sympathy, empathy, leash, access to pet buffing spray, and even a sugar shield this time.
SCBIG, as an AT, if it matters.
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I have been using Daily Build 12262 because it seems to be the only build that I can get to run using BCA v0.55.ash. Everytime I download the newest daily build I get errors such as "change Haunted Pantry to "The Haunted Pantry". I used editpad to change everything and I ran it again and it gave me a new list of things to change. I've been doing this for over 2 hours and I've still made no progress.

I know hardly anything about scripting or anything else. I'm a nurse, so the tech stuff just slips by me. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


Staff member
I have been using Daily Build 12262 because it seems to be the only build that I can get to run using BCA v0.55.ash. Everytime I download the newest daily build I get errors such as "change Haunted Pantry to "The Haunted Pantry". I used editpad to change everything and I ran it again and it gave me a new list of things to change. I've been doing this for over 2 hours and I've still made no progress.

I know hardly anything about scripting or anything else. I'm a nurse, so the tech stuff just slips by me. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Those are warnings that you can ignore, and their purpose is to get the script author to update the script. Unless mafia is aborting... that shouldn't be happening, but if it is you need to post more details, like a different message that's red instead of those warnings that you focused on.
This is the last few lines of the CCS when I try to run BCA

Changing "Knob Barracks" to "Cobb's Knob Barracks" would get rid of this message (bumcheekascend v0.55.ash, line 3233)
Changing "Knob Treasury" to "Cobb's Knob Treasury" would get rid of this message (bumcheekascend v0.55.ash, line 3233)
Changing "Knob Harem" to "Cobb's Knob Harem" would get rid of this message (bumcheekascend v0.55.ash, line 3234)
Changing "Greater-Than Sign" to "The Enormous Greater-Than Sign" would get rid of this message (bumcheekascend v0.55.ash, line 3234)
Changing "Dungeons of Doom" to "The Dungeons of Doom" would get rid of this message (bumcheekascend v0.55.ash, line 3234)
Changing "Black Forest" to "The Black Forest" would get rid of this message (bumcheekascend v0.55.ash, line 3234)
the knob shaft
the knob shaft (mining)
Multiple matches against Knob Shaft.
Bad location value: "Knob Shaft" (bumcheekascend v0.55.ash, line 3234)


Active member
Or alternatively you could make sure you use the SVN-version of the script which has fixed all those errors and will be updated much quicker if any more change.
*grins. I didn't realize that the first post was always updated with the most up to date script. I have always used sourceforge to update. So...now I know.

Just an FYI....you guys have taught me more on this thread over the last few years than anyone. So thank you, and I apologize for being an idiot. :D

Edit: Ok, I pasted that into the CLi and it's still doing the same thing. Not sure what to do now.
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Active member
Use the latest mafia build. Then run:
svn checkout https://svn.code.sf.net/p/bumcheekascend/code/bumcheekascend


Active member
Okay, here's a question... do we have a good reason to have a return type for boolean bcascEpicWeapons() when we never check it? Also, is there a reason to abort out of our class-epic-weapon construction when it just means that re-running the script will try to construct an AT epic if we haven't already, so that it currently takes 2 executions of bcascEpicWeapons to get our RnRL (when not AT)?

If there aren't objections, I'd just as soon change the bcascEW to a void and remove the returns out of the class checks, since they just break consistency between executions. I've been wondering for a while why sometimes the script makes the RnRL and sometimes it doesn't and finally remembered to check. :)


Active member
Both of those issues are legacy issues. From the beginning it wouldn't do anything but the RnRL and when I started adding the other ones I copied code to save time leading to extra returns where they are not strictly needed. Also, the boolean value is there because it was created and has stayed behind :)

There is probably no problem what so ever with changing that.


Active member
Done. Left the if-checks, but changed the return true; lines to just the ; which should make their result irrelevant. :)

Which should make me no longer end up without a RnRL on day1 when the clovers all get used on the Guano Junction. Grr. :)

Edit: Confirmation that it did make both the 5AS and the RnRL for my Sauceror this rollover. Excellent. :)
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Active member
One more automation tweak request that I finally traced down to BCA:
Any objections to changing the auto-stasis in the junkyard from 25 rounds down to 20 or even lower? In 3 years of logs, I've had it take until round 17 twice. Never longer than that, and the forced automating until round 25 makes the combat unhappy since I tell it to give me manual control around then. :) If someone has a confirmed log of it happening later, I'd go with that round, but... my guess is that the two round 17 fights are both involving quick actions and it was actually KoL-round 15, as I have a moderate amount of successful magnets thrown then. I'd happily set it to 15 rounds of forced stasis, but would settle for 20 if anyone objects. :)
I wouldn't mind an option to abort and let the user run the junkyard. ;)

The last non-BIG! ascension I did, I did the junkyard with only 4 adventures. I got lucky with my RNG, wore an outfit with a ton of HP and used the bander's free runaways on the gremlins I didn't want to see.

Normally I can do the junkyard with a lot fewer adventures than the script seems to take. I think having more HP helps and so does using free runaways, or when in BIG using a crystal skull on the AMC Gremlin.


Active member
I wouldn't mind an option to abort and let the user run the junkyard. ;)

The last non-BIG! ascension I did, I did the junkyard with only 4 adventures. I got lucky with my RNG, wore an outfit with a ton of HP and used the bander's free runaways on the gremlins I didn't want to see.

Normally I can do the junkyard with a lot fewer adventures than the script seems to take. I think having more HP helps and so does using free runaways, or when in BIG using a crystal skull on the AMC Gremlin.
I've set up my personal copy to abort before that entire quest. I do the side quests manually, because there's a number of tiny optimizations that BCC ascend just can't reasonably do. I also have a script to generate MP with PADL and windchimes, so I do that part outside ascend as well.


Active member
That should maybe be one of the options for how to do the war automation... allowing abort in addition to frat and hippy so that it just goes down to the user. Any objections to that?

And still haven't gotten any objections to dropping the forced-round-stasis count to 15...

If I don't end up with any objections by tomorrow, I'll probably try to make both of those possible... aborting automation on the war entirely (for whose who like to micromanage) and dropping the forced stasis. Note that if you've set it to use a CCS and it's set to stasis gremlins, you can still stasis them for 25 rounds... or 29... or however many more you want. :)
Ok I don't know if this is BCA or Mafia. CC: Going to try to use some spleen items if you have them.
BCC: Going to try to use some spleen items if you have them.
Spleen: 0 Agua: 0 Stick: 0 Token: 0 Grease: 0 Dream Jar: 0
Total Spleen: 0
Putting Gofflesby the Jumpsuited Hound Dog back into terrarium...
Taking Gron the Rogue Program out of terrarium...
Mood swing complete.

Request 1 of 179 (Island: The Obligatory Pirate's Cove) in progress...
Unknown adventure type encountered.

I am at the most mafia and SVN of BCA. I can do more verbosity if someone can share a command