bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!


Active member
Sorry, was offline for a few days there. Yeah, don't need to import the script, just do the set. And if you want to type it in and be lazy, the fastest is just:
set bcasc_stage_manorlibrary=
set bcasc_stage_manorbathroom=
set bcasc_stage_manorbedroom=
set bcasc_stage_manorgallery=
refresh quests

That will wipe the 4 Manor values and force mafia to re-scrape the quest log. You should then be able to automate the quest again by re-running BCA. Worked for me earlier today. :)


New member
Is there a way to specify what Fairy type I want this script to use? 'Cause it keeps putting my Grimstone Golem away to get out my Grouper Groupie... when the Golem is better.

And it's not even a Bjorn thing, 'cause it's not considering my Angry Jung Man or Obtuse Angel...


Active member
You can change the order of the familiars in the different text-files in your /Data folder. bcasc_items I think is the one for items I believe.


Active member
It downloads those text file from the internet though. However as long as they don't change on the backend your files won't be overwritten, but be aware that they can be.


This script is aborting when I start to run it with the following error:

You can't equip an off-hand item while wielding a 2-handed weapon.

I'm not sure what it's trying to do, besides obviously equipping an off-hand item while wielding a 2-handed weapon.

How do I stop it from doing this? Do you need more information?


I hope this helps.

> call scripts\bumcheekascend.ash

BCC: IMPORTANT - You have not specified whether you would like to do the war as a frat or a hippy. As a result, the script is assuming you will be doing it as a frat, doing the Arena, Junkyard and Beach. Visit the following page to download a script to help you change these settings. http://kolmafia.us/showthread.php?t=5470
Countdown: 5 seconds...
Countdown: 4 seconds...
Countdown: 3 seconds...
Countdown: 2 seconds...
Countdown: 1 second...
Waiting completed.
Thankyou for using bumcheekcity's ascension script. Please report all bugs on the KoLMafia thread with a copy+paste from the CLI of the problematic points, and your username. Also ask on the thread on the kolmafia.us forum for help and assistance with the script, particularly first time problems, and issues setting it up. 

BCC: Ensuring that warnings that you don't have enough stats are disabled.
BCC: Trying to check bcs_aliases on the Bumcheekcity servers.
You do not have a recoveryScript set. I highly recommend Bale's 'Universal Recovery' - http://kolmafia.us/showthread.php?t=1780 - You may find this script runs into problems with meat without it.
To not be reminded about supplementry scripts, please set the appropriate option in the relay script (which you can find on the kolmafia.us forum thread for this script).
Countdown: 1 second...
Waiting completed.
You do not have a counterScript set. I highly recommend Bale's 'CounterChecker' http://kolmafia.us/showthread.php?t=2519 - This script, in combination with bumcheekascend, will allow you to get semi rares if you eat fortune cookies.
To not be reminded about supplementry scripts, please set the appropriate option in the relay script (which you can find on the kolmafia.us forum thread for this script).
Countdown: 1 second...
Waiting completed.
Ascending Starting
Conditions list cleared.
BCC: Trying to check bcsrelay_settings on the Bumcheekcity servers.
Level 1 Starting
BCC: We have completed the stage [toot].
BCC: We have completed the stage [guild].
BCC: We have completed the stage [knob].
BCC: We have completed the stage [pantry] and need to set it as so.
BCC: We have completed the stage [pantry].
BCC: levelMe(5, true) called.
Level 2 Starting
BCC: We have completed the stage spookyforest
BCC: levelMe(8, true) called.
Level 3 Starting
BCC: We have completed the stage tavern
BCC: levelMe(13, true) called.
Level 4 Starting
BCC: We have completed the stage [bats1].
BCC: We have completed the stage [meatcar].
BCC: We have completed the stage [bats2].
BCC: We have completed the stage [8bit].
BCC: levelMe(20, true) called.
Level 5 Starting
BCC: We have completed the stage [knobking].
BCC: We have completed the stage [dinghy].
BCC: We have completed the stage [manorbilliards].
BCC: levelMe(29, true) called.
Level 6 Starting
BCC: We have completed the stage [friars].
BCC: We have completed the stage [knobking].
BCC: We have completed the stage [friarssteel].
BCC: We have not completed the stage [ManorBilliards].
BCC: levelMe(40, true) called.
Level 7 Starting
BCC: We have completed the stage [friarssteel].
BCC: We have completed the stage [cyrpt].
BCC: We have completed the stage [innaboxen].
BCC: levelMe(53, true) called.
Level 8 Starting
BCC: We have completed the stage Trapper
BCC: We have completed the stage [wand].
BCC: We have completed the stage [piratefledges].
BCC: levelMe(68, true) called.
Level 9 Starting
BCC: We have not completed the stage [chasm].
BCC: We have completed the stage [aboopeak].
BCC: We have completed the stage [oilpeak].
BCC: We have completed the stage [oilpeak].
BCC: We have not completed the stage [twinpeak].
BCC: We have not completed the stage [peakitems].
BCC: Maximizing 'item'
Maximizing (1st time may take a while)...
88 combinations checked, best score 884.75
Putting on fuzzy earmuffs...
Equipment changed.
Cleared mood.
Set mood trigger: When I get Just the Best Anapests, uneffect just the best anapests
Set mood trigger: When I run low on Springy Fusilli, cast 1 Springy Fusilli
BCC: Need less combat, brave Sir Robin!
Set mood trigger: When I get Carlweather's Cantata of Confrontation, uneffect Carlweather's Cantata of Confrontation
BCC: Need items!
Set mood trigger: When I run low on Leash of Linguini, cast 1 Leash of Linguini
Mood swing complete.
Mood swing complete.
152 combinations checked, best score 115.00
Putting on miner's helmet...
Equipment changed.
You can't equip an off-hand item while wielding a 2-handed weapon.
Last edited:


Active member
On the maximization tab, it should let you see what maximization string it ran... which should help us know why it didn't work. :)


Active member
In the same place, it should also tell you what the results of the maximization were - i.e. what it's trying to equip.
It might also help to know what your equipment is before the maximalization.


It seems to maximize twice:

64 combinations checked, best score 884.75
Putting on fuzzy earmuffs...
Equipment changed.
Wielding rib of the Bonerdagon...
Equipment changed.
Putting on astral shorts...
Equipment changed.
Putting on pirate fledges...
Equipment changed.
Putting on badass belt...
Equipment changed.
Putting on arrrgyle socks...
Equipment changed.

I'm not sure what it's maximizing here. Might be this? "0 beeosity, mainstat 999999999 max, +10spell damage +mysticality experience +5 mp regen min +5 mp regen max, .5 hp, -10 ml, item -equip hilarious comedy prop" (the second line)

Then AFTER wearing all that, it tries to put on the following equipment:

hat: miner's helmet
weapon: hilarious comedy prop
offhand: fancy opera glasses
pants:astral shorts
acc3: observational glasses


It puts on the miner's helmet, but fails at the weapon. I CAN 'equip all' in the modifier tool, and it works. But because the script tries to do whatever the first maximization is BEFORE the item drop maximization, the script always fails.


Active member
So ... both hands are busy wielding rib of bonerdagon (2-h staff), and then something either tries equipping fancy opera glasses before equipping hilarious comedy prop, or completely fails to even try equipping the prop?
(do you perhaps have the prop equipped on a disembodied hand [1], or something?)

[1] not in position to check whether you are in heavy rains


Staff member
Any thought as to how I can avoid this?

Some of the cases where the maximizer suggests something that causes problems have been worked around by closeting one or more offending items.

If this can be reproduced independently of BCCA then it could be reported as a mafia bug. My recollection is that the reproducible bugs have been addressed and the anecdotal stories are not being looked at until they become reproducible.

I find BCCA maximizer strings to be a bit fiddly - for example do I want Beeosity even part of the string if it is not a Bees run - so discussion and a BCCA FR for a bit more user control (or the ability to override maximizer strings without editing the ash file) might eventually yield something you can use.


Active member
Huh ...
It seems to maximize twice:
... -equip hilarious comedy prop" (the second line)

Then AFTER wearing all that, it tries to put on the following equipment:
weapon: hilarious comedy prop

(and then it doesn't equip the comedy prop)