BatMan Relay -- more info, less clicking

Looks like you're missing batman.css.

Also, what is this business you and Fluxxx are talking about with things being covered up? I bet that's yet another freakin' CAB issue. I'm pretty confident it will go away if you disable the CAB. In the meantime, I'll enable the CAB and try to duplicate.
I manually added the batman.css to the relay folder by going to the svn folder (no idea why it didn't install automatically) and now it looks correct but it just sits on "Batcomputer Calculating) and all the tab options like kol and wiki are greyed out and can't be selected. Any ideas again?

Edit: Also, what is the CAB? What does it do? How do I disable it? Are there any bad side effects if I do?
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Now it appears you're missing batman.js.

The CAB (Combat Action Bar) is an option in KoL and adds a bunch of.buttons at the top of your fight pages. It's mostly unnecessary if you have BatMan RE. If you don't have that active, then there is likely some other cause such as a browser issue; I was just assuming, since Fluxxx has the CAB and is having the same issue.
Everything is working perfectly now. I copied the entire relay folder from the svn folder and it added 3 files that were not there (no idea how it happened). I also disable the CAB. Works perfectly!
The CAB is excellent for when you want specific actions set up (I for example have one row set up for each class so I don't need to look for the current class skills all over the place). Granted this is somewhat less of an issue with the filter-relay addition, but that is, from my understanding of things, incompatible with BatMan RE...
I looked into it and EW. EWWWW.

KoL has changed fight.php for when the CAB is enabled. For some unimaginable reason, when you have the CAB enabled they now print the entire combat forms section to the page even when the combat is over -- skills and items dropdowns, the whole shebang. The only thing is, the [show old combat form] link isn't anywhere on the page, so you can't make it visible. Which means that nonfunctional, inaccessible content is the majority of the page load!

This disturbs me just as much as if they'd grabbed the fingernails of a hundred corpses and dragged them all across a blackboard at the same time. Why? WHYYYY???

I fixed BatMan RE to deal with this, but EW. EWWWW. r14
Thank you so much! BatMan finally works for me without having to surrender my CAB! This is soooo sweeeeeeeet!

Bug: This doesn't play nice with Manuel. It removes some of Manuel's information. I no longer have info for phylumn, element and initiative. If Manuel's info is there, it should be provided!
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I reported that bug myself when Manuel was expanded. It's not an easy fix, but it's on the list.
Ah. I missed it since I wasn't using BatMan back then. Making it play nice with the CAB was the make-or-break feature for me.

I do hope you work it out.
I'm glad you're enjoying being able to use both now. Although I must admit to confusion over why someone would prefer rigid shortcuts to a dynamic action menu and a sortable table of all your options -- not to mention the myriad helpful shortcuts provided in the Adventure Again box. I guess it is true that there's no accounting for taste. When I activated the CAB to test, I found its bulky presence on my fight page uncomfortable and breathed a sigh of relief when I disabled it again.

Then again, as lost explained before, people who already know everything don't need information to be available. He didn't like BatMan as he was confident he already knew the best actions to take and BatMan simply added time and distracting information to his page loads. Perhaps you are also a person for whom all the extra information is needless. I personally like having all the information visible, being able to compare all the actions side-by-side, see calculations which I might not even bother with manually (survival/kill rounds or the value of HP/MP, for example). I don't know everything, but even if I did, the organized presentation of all this information -- making the numbers and their interactions more visible -- would still appeal to me. For me, BatMan RE helps me explore the game (while also helping me play better).

Also glad you can now see CLI Links in action! :)
r15 Update

I worked today on an update which I've been planning for some time -- but which has finally become realize-able thanks to BatBrain's "custom as string" change: Filtering!

Now, there is a text input over the Actions Table (and non-CAB users can press '9' to give it focus). Typing in this input will filter the actions table. It matches against the name of the action, the canonical action ID, the custom type, and even the note field! It also matches multiple words independently. This means any of the following will work:

  • Any action name (as listed in the table): will match that action.
  • Any action ID (macro command): will match that action.
  • "skill": will match all skills. If there was an item called "Catskill Mountain moonshine bomb" it would match that too.
  • "use": will match all items. If there was a skill called "Light Fuse and Get Away" it would match that too.
  • "37.2": will match any action dealing that amount of damage, or that amount of healing, or granting that much MP... etc.
  • "3004": will match Entangling Noodles, or anything dealing 3004 damage, or any item you have 3004 of, etc.
  • "skill 3004": will match only Entangling Noodles.
  • "3004 skill": will also match Entangling Noodles, since the action contains both "3004" and "skill".
  • "sauce": will match all actions containing "sauce", such as Wave of Sauce or Saucegeyser. Will also match Colon Annihilation Hot Sauce.
  • "use sauce": will match items containing "sauce", in this case Colon Annihilation Hot Sauce.
  • "(2)": will match any item you have 2 of.
  • "custom": will match all custom actions.
  • "runaway": will match all custom actions of type "runaway". This also works for all other custom categories, such as attract, banish, yellow, and copy.
  • "kills monster": will match all actions predicted to kill the monster before you die.
  • "stasis": will match all actions which qualify for stasis.

AWESOMESAUCENESS! It's now super easy to find any action you have in mind!

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New post: Here's a snapshot of scrolling issues. I lost a bit of several different effects, but I can't tell which because the overlay obscures it.
Chrome, but I don't know how much that affects it. I don't remember solving my own problem, but looking back, I saw a mention of it before where zarqon had mentioned if the CAB was active. Yeah, kinda messy. I tried it without the CAB and the screen scrolls properly. I had thought it was back to compatible, but I guess not fully.

I guess it's not a major thing, but not being able to scroll to see what happened does incite a sense of panic. "OMG WHAT HAPPENED I DONT KNOW AAAHHH!!!" and so on so forth.
Grrr. That means I have to enable the EWW. EWWWW. for more testing.

BatMan is deliberately padding the bottom of the text with a bunch of blank space specifically so that the content will be able to scroll above the Actions Table. Something about inserting that blank space is evidently broken when you have the EW. EWWWW
Poor zarqon, suffering for his art. Honestly, I wouldn't use the CAB if I could execute the macros I built in KoL. They may be basic, but they're mine ^^

Side thought: Is there a way to access those macros?
So, with the CAB enabled, the method of detecting combat completion has to be entirely different, and inaccessible and nonfunctional content is the majority of your page load when combat is finished.

Also, as I discovered today, all the content is removed from the body tag because it's all placed in a fixed-position "content" div. There is no content left in the body.

BatMan was adding a 300-pixel bottom margin to the body so that all the content would be scrollable above the table. Since the body had a size of 0 and no content, however, adding that margin with the CAB enabled was pointless.

Ok, I thought. I will add the margin to the bottom of the content div instead. But only with the CAB enabled of course, because without it enabled all the content is in the body instead of a fixed div.

Trying that out made all the content disappear! Because the content div is positioned at the bottom of the page, so adding a bottom margin pushes the content up and beyond the visible frame.

The next solution was to try positioning the bottom not at 0, but instead at the top of the table div. This worked, but resulted in a lot of wasted space. Plus I'd spent some time earlier making the non-table parts of the Action Table a bit translucent, so you could see that the content went on and have an immediately visible clue that you could scroll long content above the table. I didn't want it to appear that there were two windows stacked, but rather that there was one window with a box hovering over its lower portion.

My final solution was hackish, but possibly the best given what I had to work with. I added spacer.gif (the blank 1x1 image KoL itself uses for CSS-based image maps and such) at the end of the content, and set its height to 300.

My dream is that someday fight.php will have a content div in the body, regardless of whether you are using the CAB. Additionally, it would have some comments:

<!-- current round: 1 --><!-- fight finished: no -->

It would be a happier world. But alas, I know it is only a dream.

After EWWWWWWWing so much that I was actually just too tired to do it anymore, I crawled back to my computer and posted this update. Content now scrolls properly regardless of CAB enablement.

Additionally, the following updates made it in:

  • 8-Bit Realm: The table of pixels is useful even after you have your digital key, so always show it.
  • Twin Peak: Show which tests you have left, whether you can pass them, and if not, give links to maximize relevant stats.
  • The Hidden Hospital: Show image links to equip any unequipped doctor gear.
  • Anger/Fear/Doubt/Regret Man's Levels: Spoilers for the tests, as well as your current relevant stats.
  • Don't add a duplicate CLI box now that CLI Links is already adding it.
  • Don't bother altering KoL's runaway form to automatically repeat since Run Away is now in opts.

@Fluxxdog: I do have a vague plan to add a macro menu to BatBrain. You would have three options: 1) perform your previous fight again (all the same actions you just took vs. the previous monster, sent as a single macro), 2) perform your previous fight vs. this specific monster again, and 3) perform one of your pre-made combat macros. The first two options are presently impossible without changes to happenings tracking in BatBrain, but the third option is possible right now. I'll look into adding that for the next update. Also, you may want to check out the latest undocumented update to Psychose-a-Matic. No reason, just... you may.
This appears to have broken today with the most recent SVN build

Script execution aborted (java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class net.sourceforge.kolmafia.session.SorceressLairManager): (fight.ash, line 342)
This appears to have broken today with the most recent SVN build

Script execution aborted (java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class net.sourceforge.kolmafia.session.SorceressLairManager): (fight.ash, line 342)

You may find r12918 or higher fixes this.