Slime Tube Adventuring Script


New member
Yes. Once you mentioned the server was back up, I went ahead and did that.

float min( float a , float b )
if( a < b ) return a;
return b;

int max( int a , int b )
if( a > b ) return a;
return b;

int get_bladders()
string log = visit_url( "clan_raidlogs.php" );
int bladders;
matcher m_bladders = create_matcher( "squeezed a Slime gall bladder" , log );
while( m_bladders.find() ) bladders = bladders + 1;
return bladders;

boolean check_version()
if( get_property( "_slime.ash_ver" ) != "true" )
set_property( "_slime.ash_ver" , "true" );
string ver = visit_url( download_location + "slime_ver.txt" );
if( ver == "" ) return true;
else return ver == version;

Thats from a bit further down. I apologize for asking so many questions, but ive never used a script on this scale before.


int min( int a , int b )
	if( a < b ) return a;
	return b;

float min( float a , float b )
	if( a < b ) return a;
	return b;

int max( int a , int b )
	if( a > b ) return a;
	return b;
Huh, you're still using that? Veracity implemented min() and max() 6 months ago, back in r7751. No need for those functions anymore.


Staff member
Psst. Since they're implemented in KoLMafia's base, those functions don't actually do anything (i.e. even if you had it return random(15), it'd still use the Mafia function). =D


Honestly just never removed them. I'm sure I'll get around to it some time >.>

Also, Krukester, make sure that there's nothing extra added at the top, because the script works perfectly fine exactly as downloaded for me.


New member
## Set run type to either "larva" or "nodule" to automatically set certain settings to the most usual values for those types of runs.
string run_type = "nodule";

string max_ml_outfit = "MaxML Slimes";
string max_ml_familiar = "green pixie";

string min_ml_outfit = "MinML Slimes";
string min_ml_familiar = "green pixie";

## Set use_tatter_like to true to use a tatter to escape from combat, or to false to simply kill the slime and use an adventure.
## Set which_tatter to which tatter-like item to use to escape from combats
boolean use_tatter_like = true;
item which_tatter = $item[green smoke bomb];

## This CCS is ONLY used if use_tatter_like is set to false, and it is not blank
string max_ml_ccs = "";
string min_ml_ccs = "";

## Set this to the amount of rounds you want to add to the number of rounds expected to account for fumbles
int fumble_buffer = 0;

boolean use_hottub = false;
boolean verbose = true;

## Switch between spleen familiars until all spleen items you can get are obtained,
## then switch to the familiars in the above settings
##boolean get_spleeners = false;

## End Options

switch( run_type )
case "larva":
max_ml_familiar = "purse rat";
##get_spleeners = false;
case "nodule":
use_tatter_like = false;
##get_spleeners = true;

## Do not modify anything below this line unless you know what you are doing!

Thats the very start of the script. I dont know if I should delete anything...


New member
Yeah sorry. Alhfir said to make sure theres nothing extra at the top, so I was just showing the start of the script to make sure I didnt mess up anywhere


You seem to be missing this section:
## Slime Speed Run Script by Alhifar/zeroblah
## Modifications added in from Bale, Veracity and Thok
## Many thanks to everyone who has contributed and tested!

## Currently supported skills for damage calculations:
## Attack with weapon, Thrust-Smack, Lunging Thrust-Smack, Sauceror spells, Weapon of the Pastalord, Shieldbutt,
## Fearful Fetuccini, Moxious Maneuver and divines, both single and funkslung
## Any requests for other skills to be added in should be sent to Alhifar.
script "slime.ash";
notify "Alhifar";

string version = "2.2.9";
string download_location = "";

which is definitely in the script uploaded.


New member
Sorry to post this all here, but maybe someone could scan this quick and let me know if I made a mistake anywhere. Thanks.

## Slime Speed Run Script by Alhifar/zeroblah
## Modifications added in from Bale, Veracity and Thok
## Many thanks to everyone who has contributed and tested!

## Currently supported skills for damage calculations:
## Attack with weapon, Thrust-Smack, Lunging Thrust-Smack, Sauceror spells, Weapon of the Pastalord, Shieldbutt,
## Fearful Fetuccini, Moxious Maneuver and divines, both single and funkslung
## Any requests for other skills to be added in should be sent to Alhifar.
script "slime.ash";
notify "Alhifar";

string version = "2.2.9";
string download_location = "";

## Set run type to either "larva" or "nodule" to automatically set certain settings to the most usual values for those types of runs.
string run_type = "nodule";

string max_ml_outfit = "MaxML Slimes";
string max_ml_familiar = "green pixie";

string min_ml_outfit = "MinML Slimes";
string min_ml_familiar = "green pixie";

## Set use_tatter_like to true to use a tatter to escape from combat, or to false to simply kill the slime and use an adventure.
## Set which_tatter to which tatter-like item to use to escape from combats
boolean use_tatter_like = false;
item which_tatter = $item[green smoke bomb];

## This CCS is ONLY used if use_tatter_like is set to false, and it is not blank
string max_ml_ccs = "";
string min_ml_ccs = "";

## Set this to the amount of rounds you want to add to the number of rounds expected to account for fumbles
int fumble_buffer = ;

boolean use_hottub = true;
boolean verbose = true;

## Switch between spleen familiars until all spleen items you can get are obtained,
## then switch to the familiars in the above settings
##boolean get_spleeners = false;

## End Options

switch( run_type )
case "larva":
max_ml_familiar = "purse rat";
##get_spleeners = false;
case "nodule":
use_tatter_like = false;
##get_spleeners = true;

## Do not modify anything below this line unless you know what you are doing!

float[11] slime_percent;
slime_percent[0] = 0;
slime_percent[1] = 5.334167;
slime_percent[2] = 4.001677;
slime_percent[3] = 2.9025;
slime_percent[4] = 2.016667;
slime_percent[5] = 1.325;
slime_percent[6] = .805833;
slime_percent[7] = .4391667;
slime_percent[8] = .200833;
slime_percent[9] = .066667;
slime_percent[10] = .01;

if( get_property( "badkitty" ) != "" ) max_ml_familiar = get_property( "badkitty" );
if( get_property( "goodkitty" ) != "" ) min_ml_familiar = get_property( "goodkitty" );

int min( int a , int b )
if( a < b ) return a;
return b;

float min( float a , float b )
if( a < b ) return a;
return b;

int max( int a , int b )
if( a > b ) return a;
return b;

int get_bladders()
string log = visit_url( "clan_raidlogs.php" );
int bladders;
matcher m_bladders = create_matcher( "squeezed a Slime gall bladder" , log );
while( m_bladders.find() ) bladders = bladders + 1;
return bladders;

boolean check_version()
if( get_property( "_slime.ash_ver" ) != "true" )
set_property( "_slime.ash_ver" , "true" );
string ver = visit_url( download_location + "slime_ver.txt" );
if( ver == "" ) return true;
else return ver == version;
return true;
int expected_rounds_needed()
int slime_hp = monster_hp( $monster[slime1] );
int weapon_damage = max( 1 , floor( .1 * get_power( equipped_item( $slot[weapon] ) ).to_float() ) );
int offhand_damage = 0;
if( weapon_type( equipped_item( $slot[offhand] ) ) != $stat[none] )
offhand_damage = max( 1 , floor( .1 * get_power( equipped_item( $slot[offhand] ) ).to_float() ) );
int elem_damage = numeric_modifier( "Hot Damage" ) + numeric_modifier( "Cold Damage" ) + numeric_modifier( "Spooky Damage" ) + numeric_modifier( "Sleaze Damage" ) + numeric_modifier( "Stench Damage" );
int bonus_damage = numeric_modifier( "Weapon Damage" ) + elem_damage;
int lts_factor = 1;
int damage;

float spell_per;

boolean funk = false;

boolean shieldbutt = false;

boolean noisemaker = false;
boolean blowout = false;
boolean sillystring = false;

boolean stream = false;
boolean storm = false;
boolean wave = false;
boolean saucegeyser = false;

boolean wotpl = false;
boolean ff = false;

boolean mm = false;

for i from 0 upto 30
switch ( get_ccs_action( i ) )
case "skill lunging thrust-smack":
lts_factor = 3;
case "skill thrust-smack":
lts_factor = 2;
case "skill shieldbutt":
shieldbutt = true;
case "item divine noisemaker, divine noisemaker":
funk = true;
case "item divine noisemaker":
noisemaker = true;
case "item divine blowout, divine blowout":
funk = true;
case "item divine blowout":
blowout = true;
case "item divine can of silly string, divine can of silly string":
funk = true;
case "item divine can of silly string":
sillystring = true;
case "skill stream of sauce":
stream = true;
case "skill saucestorm":
storm = true;
case "skill saucegeyser":
saucegeyser = true;
case "skill wave of sauce":
wave = true;
case "skill weapon of the pastalord":
wotpl = true;
case "skill fearful fettucini":
ff = true;
case "skill moxious maneuver":
mm = true;
TODO: Add Capped Pasta spells
Name Base Myst percent Myst cap Spell damage cap
Pastamancer spells
Ravioli Shurikens 3-8 7% +15 +25*
Cannelloni Cannon 8-16 15% +20 +40*
Stuffed Mortar Shell 16-40 25% +30 +60*
int musc_dam = max( 0 , ( my_buffedstat( $stat[muscle] ) ) - monster_defense( $monster[slime1] ) );
if( mm ) musc_dam = max( 0 , ( my_buffedstat( $stat[moxie] ) ) - monster_defense( $monster[slime1] ) );
if( have_skill( $skill[Eye of the Stoat] ) && lts_factor == 3 )
if( my_class() == $class[Seal Clubber] )
musc_dam = max( 0 , ( my_buffedstat( $stat[muscle] ) * 1.3 ) - monster_defense( $monster[slime1] ) );
else musc_dam = max( 0 , ( my_buffedstat( $stat[muscle] ) * 1.25 ) - monster_defense( $monster[slime1] ) );

if( weapon_type( equipped_item( $slot[weapon] ) ) == $stat[none] ) musc_dam = musc_dam * .25;
if( shieldbutt ) offhand_damage = get_power( equipped_item( $slot[offhand] ) ) * .1;
spell_per = ( 100 + numeric_modifier( "Spell Damage Percent" ) ) / 100;
case noisemaker:
damage = my_buffedstat( $stat[muscle] );
case blowout:
damage = my_buffedstat( $stat[moxie] );
case sillystring:
damage = my_buffedstat( $stat[mysticality] );
case stream:
damage = floor( spell_per * ( 3 + max( .1 * my_buffedstat( $stat[mysticality] ) , 10 ) + max( numeric_modifier( "Spell Damage" ) , 10 ) ) );
case storm:
damage = floor( spell_per * ( 14 + max( .2 * my_buffedstat( $stat[mysticality] ) , 25 ) + max( numeric_modifier( "Spell Damage" ) , 15 ) ) );
case wave:
damage = floor( spell_per * ( 20 + max( .3 * my_buffedstat( $stat[mysticality] ) , 30 ) + max( numeric_modifier( "Spell Damage" ) , 25 ) ) );
case saucegeyser:
damage = floor( spell_per * ( 35 + ( .35 * my_buffedstat( $stat[mysticality] ) ) + numeric_modifier( "Spell Damage" ) ) );
case wotpl:
case ff:
damage = floor( spell_per * ( 32 + ( .35 * my_buffedstat( $stat[mysticality] ) ) + numeric_modifier( "Spell Damage" ) ) );
damage = musc_dam + bonus_damage + ( weapon_damage * lts_factor ) + offhand_damage;
int rounds = ceil( slime_hp.to_float() / damage.to_float() );
return max( 1 , rounds );

int max_possible_damage()
int def_stat = my_buffedstat( $stat[moxie] );
if( have_skill( $skill[Hero of the Halfshell] ) && item_type( equipped_item( $slot[offhand] ) ) == "shield" && my_buffedstat( $stat[muscle] ) > my_buffedstat( $stat[moxie] ) )
def_stat = my_buffedstat( $stat[muscle] );
int slime_attack = 100 + ( numeric_modifier( "Monster Level" ) * ( my_familiar() != $familiar[O.A.F] ).to_int() );
int diff = max( 0 , slime_attack - def_stat );
float absorb_frac = min( .9 , ( square_root( numeric_modifier( "Damage Absorption" ) / 10.0 ) - 1.0 ) / 10.0 );

int damage = ceil( diff + ( .25 * slime_attack ) - numeric_modifier( "Damage Reduction" ) );
damage = ceil( damage * ( 1 - absorb_frac ) );

int lowest_elem = min( min( min( min( elemental_resistance( $element[hot] ), elemental_resistance( $element[cold] ) ) , elemental_resistance( $element[stench] ) ) , elemental_resistance( $element[sleaze] ) ) , elemental_resistance( $element[slime] ) );
float elem_resist = ( 100 - lowest_elem ).to_float() / 100.0;
damage = ceil( damage * elem_resist );
return max( 1 , damage );

int slime_damage( int turns )
int noodle_turns = 0;
for i from 0 upto 30
if( get_ccs_action( i ) == "skill entangling noodles" ) noodle_turns = 2;
if( noodle_turns > 0 && my_familiar() == $familiar[Frumious Bandersnatch] ) noodle_turns = noodle_turns + 1;
int damage = my_maxhp() * slime_percent[min( 10 , turns )];
return ceil( damage * ( ( 100 - elemental_resistance( $element[slime] ) ) / 100 ) ) + ( ( expected_rounds_needed() + fumble_buffer - noodle_turns ) * max_possible_damage() );

int slime_damage()
return slime_damage( min( have_effect( $effect[Coated in Slime] ) , 10 ) );

boolean chamois()

visit_url( "clan_slimetube.php?action=chamois" );
if ( have_effect( $effect[Coated in Slime] ) > 0 )
## Tub code stolen... err... "borrowed" from matt.chugg
if( verbose ) print( "Chamois failed!" , "red" );
if( use_hottub && get_property( "_hotTubSoaks" ).to_int() < 5 )
if( verbose ) print ( "Using VIP bath..." );
cli_execute( "soak 1" );
if ( have_effect( $effect[Coated in Slime] ) > 0 )
return false;
return true;
return false;
if( verbose ) print( "Chamois successfully used." );
return true;

int max_mcd()
int max_mcd = 10 + ( in_mysticality_sign().to_int() );
int mcd = 1000 - numeric_modifier( "Monster Level" ) + current_mcd();
if( run_type == "larva" || mcd < 0 || mcd > max_mcd ) return max_mcd;
return mcd;
string run_adv( string page_text )
matcher m_choice = create_matcher( "whichchoice value=(\\d+)" , page_text );
while( contains_text( page_text , "choice.php" ) )
m_choice.reset( page_text );
string choice_adv_num = 1 );

string choice_adv_prop = "choiceAdventure" + choice_adv_num;
string choice_num = get_property( choice_adv_prop );

if( choice_adv_num == "326" && choice_num == "0" ) adventure( 1 , $location[Slime Tube] );

if( choice_num == "0" ) abort( "Manual control requested for choice #" + choice_adv_num );
if( choice_num == "" ) abort( "Unsupported Choice Adventure!" );

string url = "choice.php?pwd&whichchoice=" + choice_adv_num + "&option=" + choice_num;
page_text = visit_url( url );
if( contains_text( page_text , "Combat" ) ) run_combat();
return page_text;

void main( int adv_to_use )
if( !check_version() )
if( !user_confirm( "You do not have the latest version of the script!\nYou can download the latest version from " + download_location + "slime.ash.\nWould you still like to continue?" ) )
abort( "Download the latest version from " + download_location + "slime.ash" );
if( get_property( "customCombatScript" ) != min_ml_ccs )
for i from 0 upto 30
if( get_ccs_action( i ) == "try to run away" || get_ccs_action( i ).contains_text( which_tatter.to_string() ) ) abort( "Reset your battle action to something sane!" );
boolean ml_outfit_on;
string old_action;
string page_text;
boolean combat;
if( adv_to_use < 1 ) adv_to_use = my_adventures();
else if( adv_to_use > my_adventures() ) adv_to_use = my_adventures();
int total_adv = adv_to_use;
int bladders = get_bladders();
cli_execute( "autoattack disabled" );

while( my_adventures() > 0 && adv_to_use > 0 )
if( slime_damage() >= my_maxhp() )
if( verbose ) print( "The slimes in the tube or that slime covering you will kill you if you don't do something! Hitting up your clan." , "blue" );
if( !chamois() ) abort( "Slime removal failed! You won't survive another turn!" );
if( !restore_hp( slime_damage() + 1 ) ) abort( "Unable to restore HP!" );
if( slime_damage() >= my_maxhp() ) abort( "You can't survive after removing the coating of slime, you need more HP!" );
else if( slime_damage() >= my_hp() )
if( !restore_hp( slime_damage() + 1 ) ) abort( "Couldn't restore enough HP!" );
else if( have_effect( $effect[Coated in Slime] ) == 0 )
if( verbose ) print( "I'm feeling rather... dry. Let's go get slimy!" , "blue" );

outfit( min_ml_outfit );
use_familiar( min_ml_familiar.to_familiar() );
if( get_spleeners )
if( !use_tatter_like && min_ml_ccs != "" )
set_property( "customCombatScript" , min_ml_ccs );
set_property( "battleAction" , "custom combat script" );
ml_outfit_on = false;
int extra_ml = ( bladders * 20 + numeric_modifier( "Monster Level" ) ) % 100;
case my_familiar() == $familiar[O.A.F.]:
case extra_ml <= current_mcd():
change_mcd( 0 );
case extra_ml <= numeric_modifier( "ur-kel's aria of annoyance" , "Monster Level" ) && have_skill( $skill[Ur-Kel's Aria of Annoyance] ):
cli_execute( "uneffect Ur-kels" );
case extra_ml <= current_mcd() + numeric_modifier( "ur-kel's aria of annoyance" , "Monster Level" ) && have_skill( $skill[Ur-Kel's Aria of Annoyance] ):
cli_execute( "uneffect Ur-kels" );
change_mcd( 0 );
old_action = get_property( "battleAction" );
boolean gazing = false;
if( my_familiar() == $familiar[Frumious Bandersnatch] && get_property( "_banderRunaways" ).to_int() < floor( numeric_modifier( "Familiar Weight" ) + familiar_weight( $familiar[Frumious Bandersnatch] ) ) / 5 )
## TODO: Fix breakage when you don't have Aria available, have ode available,
## and have 3 AT buffs already. Temp fixed by changing abort to print, possibly needs handled better
if( have_effect( $effect[Ur-Kel's Aria of Annoyance] ) > 0 && have_skill($skill[Ur-Kel's Aria of Annoyance] ) ) cli_execute("uneffect Ur-kels");
if( have_effect( $effect[Ode to Booze]) < 1 && have_skill( $skill[Ode to Booze] ) )
use_skill( 1 , $skill[Ode to Booze]);
if( have_effect( $effect[Ode to Booze] ) > 0 )
set_property( "battleAction" , "try to run away" );
else print( "Problem casting \"Ode to Booze\" to help your Bandersnatch run away. Probably too many AT Buffs." , "red" );

else if( equipped_amount( $item[Navel Ring of Navel Gazing] ) > 0 && get_property( "_navelRunaways" ).to_int() < 3 )
gazing = true;
set_property( "battleAction" , "try to run away" );
else if( use_tatter_like )
if( item_amount( which_tatter ) == 0 ) abort( "Out of " + which_tatter.to_plural() + "!" );
if( have_skill( $skill[Ambidextrous Funkslinging] ) )
set_property( "battleAction" , "item " + which_tatter.to_string() + ", " + which_tatter.to_string() );
else set_property( "battleAction" , "item " + which_tatter.to_string() );

int ml = numeric_modifier( "Monster Level" );
int coated_turns = max( 1 , floor( ( 1000 - ml ) / 100 ) + 1 );
if( slime_damage( coated_turns ) >= my_maxhp() ) abort( "Your low ML outfit doesn't bring your ML low enough to survive the first turn of Coated in Slime!" );
if( slime_damage( coated_turns ) >= my_hp() )
if( !restore_hp( slime_damage() + 1 ) ) abort( "Can't restore enough HP!" );
if( verbose ) print( "Adventure " + ( total_adv - adv_to_use + 1 ) + " out of " + total_adv , "blue" );

page_text = visit_url( to_url( $location[The Slime Tube] ) );
if( page_text.contains_text( "Combat" ) ) combat = true;
else combat = false;
page_text = run_adv( page_text );
if( !use_tatter_like )
if( combat ) adv_to_use = adv_to_use - 1;
if( verbose && use_tatter_like ) print( item_amount( which_tatter ) + " " + to_plural( which_tatter ) + " left!" );
if( use_tatter_like || my_familiar() == $familiar[Frumious Bandersnatch] || gazing )
set_property( "battleAction" , old_action );
if( ( have_effect( $effect[Ode to Booze] ) > 0 && have_skill( $skill[Ode to Booze] ) ) || ( get_property( "_banderRunaways" ).to_int() >= floor( numeric_modifier( "Familiar Weight" ) + familiar_weight( $familiar[Frumious Bandersnatch] ) ) / 5 ) )
cli_execute( "uneffect Ode to Booze" );
if( verbose ) print( "Covered in slime, adventuring normally in the tube!" , "blue" );
if( verbose ) print( "Adventure " + ( total_adv - adv_to_use + 1 ) + " out of " + total_adv , "blue" );
if( !ml_outfit_on )
outfit( max_ml_outfit );
use_familiar( max_ml_familiar.to_familiar() );
if( !use_tatter_like && max_ml_ccs != "" )
set_property( "customCombatScript" , max_ml_ccs );
set_property( "battleAction" , "custom combat script" );
ml_outfit_on = true;
change_mcd( max_mcd() );
if( have_skill( $skill[Ur-Kel's Aria of Annoyance] ) && have_effect( $effect[Ur-Kel's Aria of Annoyance] ) == 0 )
use_skill( 1 , $skill[Ur-Kel's Aria of Annoyance] );
adventure( 1 , $location[The Slime Tube] );
adv_to_use = adv_to_use - 1;


Staff member
For, uh, future reference, could you post scripts of that size as an attachment? Sorry; it's just easier to compare then.

Anyway, the error you were hitting should've been solved by re-adding that header. Does it work now?


New member
Nope. Wheres the attachment button ? I'll edit my last post. Hopefully someone can scan over it and tell me where I went wrong. Im so new to this crap. I thought you just downloaded it and it worked, but mine doesnt use chamosis or change outfits.


And jeebus freakin' heck, can't you learn to use code tags? Just copy what everyone else is doing 'cause it looks so ugly without them. (If you tried to quote someone's post you'd have seen how to do that.) Just use [code] ... [/code] tags around the script.

Though of course with a chunk like that, attach it. You need to edit in advanced mode. You'll find the "manage attachments" button below the text entry under additional options.
Last edited:


It occurs to me that this script would be much easier to configure as a relay UI script. I created a very basic UI for it. It could be much prettier than what I did, but I just wanted to throw the idea out there. Also, it would be best if this script saved it's settings instead of needing to be set up from scratch each time. I or someone else could easily do that by using zlib. I didn't do that either because I just wanted a simple proof of concept.

Anyway, the cool thing is that this version of slime will create an interface in the relay browser. Just set up your settings in the user interface without needing any knowledge of how to edit a script, then click the big button that says "Run Slime Tube NOW" and then it does all the goodness that Alhifar programmed into it.

Note that I haven't tested this, but it should work. Will someone test it out for me? I'd love to know if anyone wants this developed and improved.

It requires htmlform
(put htmlform in the /scripts directory)

Download the attached file and put it in the /relay directory.
Last edited:


Staff member
So it should be converted to a boolean.

use_tatter_like = write_check(use_tatter_like, "use_tatter_like", "Use tatter-like item to escape combat").to_boolean();

(Do likewise for all other errors like that.)


Bale will surely change it quickly, but all you need to do is change line 540 to:
use_tatter_like = write_check(use_tatter_like, "use_tatter_like", "Use tatter-like item to escape combat").to_boolean();

The actual problem is that Jason should post a corrected version of htmlform.ash that fixes a little typo Bale pointed out (and probably corrected in his local copy). Line 400 of htmlform.ash should read:
boolean write_check(boolean ov, string name, string label)

EDIT: you should also add .to_boolean() before the semi-colon on lines 554 and 556.

EDIT2: I forgot to mention you should only fix relay_slimetube.ash, OR change line 400 of htmlform.ash and not change relay_slimetube.ash.
Last edited:


He didn't fix that? Damn. I just changed my local copy of htmlform and forgot about it so I didn't realize that it does not work.

Rather than fix this, I posted a request in the htmlform thread for Jason to fix his bug.