Feature your own black heart needs max single use configured


You never need more than one as it refills your HP/MP and removes Beaten Up. It offers to use them all in the Recovery Items frame. I find them very useful on telescope runs and they don't seem to appear in the box of available goodies for MP tests.
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Staff member
From restores.txt:

your own black heart	item	[HP]	[HP]	[MP]	[MP]	0
In other words, we already know that they restore to your current max HP and max MP. Similarly:

scroll of drastic healing	item	[HP]	[HP]	0	0	0
Does that offer to use all of them when selected?

If so, it seems like the Recovery Items frame needs a little more smarts about [HP] or [MP] items. Like, use 1, if you are less than full, and use 0, if you are at full.

Which is to say, no special code (should be) needed to handle the single item you mentioned...