Bug - Fixed Wiki lookup and alternate names for identified slime vials fail


An entry for vials in the format of: vial of red slime Wiki Name: "Slime Potions", in the modifiers file will only work for an unidentified vial. Once identified, it tries to lookup the "discovered" version, ie: Vial of red slime: speedy, which fails. I'd like to suggest that even identified vials point to the global page for "Slime Potions".

There is a similar problem with the bang potions, before and after ID. That does not appear to be solved either.
Bumping after only 4 years and 8 months.

The issue is that AdventureResult.getName() will translate the name for dusty bottles, punchcards, slime vials, and bang potions into names with annotations. That makes them display nicer (in my opinion) in GUI components that display AdventureResult objects, but obviously we need the official item name to pass to the Wiki.

I think that another AdventureResult method to return the un-munged name would do the trick here.