Feature When the mayo wasp deposits an egg in your abdomen, set a preference visible in ASH


Staff member
Should be as easy as adding a setting to defaults.txt and adding a single line to set it in FightRequest.handleMayoWasp. The only hard part would be deciding what to name the setting. :)


Is this really significant for something any character does exactly once? After it is done, absolutely nothing needs to be done except spend turns. Even ascension is irrelevant to the process.

To add something meaningful to the discussion though, I'd like to recommend that impregnatedByMayoWasp contain the total_turns_played() on which the impregnation took place.
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I would use this variable to skip a Daily Dungeon "suggestion" routine that fires when my BMC is high enough. As it is, I can't tell if clicking the daily dungeon button and fighting a wasp actually got me preggers since the text doesn't show in the logs. Multiply this by 8 characters and I have no chance of remembering to even note the possibility.

I love the idea to use turns played vs a default value. The ASH test vs the default would be simple and spading would easy for those who want to spade it. Glorious!


Staff member
As it is, I can't tell if clicking the daily dungeon button and fighting a wasp actually got me preggers since the text doesn't show in the logs.!
I guess you didn't notice the code I submitted this morning about three hours before you started this thread.

r15881 | veracity0 | 2015-05-28 09:45:33 -0400 (Thu, 28 May 2015) | 2 lines

When the mayo wasp deposits an egg in your abdomen, log to gCLI and session log
Since today was a mayo wasp day, the various multis I'd boosted BMC over the past few days finally were able to do something about it. The first one got a DEBUG log for me, allowing me to develop the code I later submitted, and the second one logged this:

Round 2: The mayo wasp deposits an egg in your abdomen!


Indeed that update is what gave me the idea to make the feature request. My bad memory (as evidenced there) would lose any preggers status the moment I got distracted or the log rolled off the page. My suggestion script doesn't access/read/parse session logs. Basically, the code is thus:
if(!have_familiar($familiar[Baby Mayonnaise Wasp]) 
	&& item_amount($item[newly-hatched mayonnaise wasp])==0 
	&& get_property("mayoLevel").to_int()>100) 
	print("Hit the daily dungeon and fight a mayo wasp!","purple");

It just means I'm getting suggested a DD run when it may not be necessary.