What editor do you use?

I have been using EditPad Pro for my editor. I was wondering what do most people use when they outgrow notepad.



It's free and very helpful. I'm attaching my customizations for context highlighting of ASH in case you want to try it.
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mredge73: On Windows XP, Just unzip the file and copy it to C:\Documents and Settings\yourusername\Application Data\Notepad++\

It's free and very helpful. I'm attaching my customizations for context highlighting of ASH in case you want to try it.

Here's a much more recent version of my customization file. There have been many functions added since then. (Plus I figured out how to fix a few highlighting inaccuracies.)


Just started using Visual Studio 2008 Express, but have not yet figured out how to configure it to recognize and do syntax highlighting for ash scripts.
Here's a much more recent version of my customization file. There have been many functions added since then. (Plus I figured out how to fix a few highlighting inaccuracies.)

That ancient file doesn't even work with the current version of Notepad++. I'm attaching my current version of syntax highlighting.

From the language definition panel, click "Import" and select the file you extract from the attached zip file.
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They did? I thought it was having trouble with that. I'll remove the complicated instructions from my previous post.
Thanks for the updated language def file Bale. Comparing to mine I was missing a lot of the keywords your file had but I have a few defined that you are missing. So in case the differences are important, here's what I noticed.

For Keyword group #1 I also have the following defined:
$coinmaster $coinmasters $float $int $phyla $string $thrall $thralls

For Keyword group #2 I also have the following defined:
bounties bounty bountys coinmaster thrall

For Keyword group #3 I also have the following defined:
import notify script sort to

For Keyword group #4 I also have the following defined:
florist_available get_moods

I'm pretty sure I probably copied these from another language def file at some point so I'm not sure how accurate those are but wanted to share just in case. For the operators, I have a lot that were copied from the Operators wiki page that you don't have but since neither of us have operators styled differently than the default style, I don't think that's too important.

On a mostly unrelated note, what font does everyone use for coding? Personally, I tend to alternate between Consolas or Anonymous Pro.
Thanks for the updated language def file Bale. Comparing to mine I was missing a lot of the keywords your file had but I have a few defined that you are missing. So in case the differences are important, here's what I noticed.

Huh. ASH actually allows both phyla and phylums. I had to test that to believe it. I also tested $boolean[false] and it didn't throw an exception although I think that is ridiculous to ever use.

I could not verify bounties or bountys as data types, however $bounty, $bountys and $bounties do belong in group #1.

I've incorporated everything I could verify. Thanks so much for the assistance at refining this. Here's my improved language definition.

