Wandering Monster Non-combat check



I was trying to expand my personal meat farming script to handle free combats off of barf mountain (to stop the barf mountain counter increasing for the non-combat event)

Per this post, on Veracity's meat farming script:

If you read my first report of this and Veracity's subsequent comment, it was simply a KoL change about wandering monsters being allowed to appear in the Shrine. It should be noted that this script is explicitly supported for aftercore but not necessarily in run, so the script assumes that the shrines have already been cleared and the big boss had been defeated. The one line fix I posted above has been working for me for several months.

Wandering Monster's no longer appear on the shrine non-combat. This is also reflected in the wiki:

There is still a non-combat that should allow the check for wandering monsters (not listed above), on the following wiki page:

It Hasn't Ended, It's Just Paused
It Hasn't Ended, It's Just Paused
  • Head upstairs: Leads to A Room With a View... Of a Bed
  • Check out the kitchen: Leads to Gone Kitchin'
  • Go to the back yard: Leads to Forward to the Back
  • Investigate the basement: Leads to Basement Urges
  • Pick a fight: Starts a combat encounter with one of the 5 zone monsters
  • Note: The first two occurrences of this non-combat happen on the 8th and 16th adventure in this zone, and every 7 turns afterwards (23, 30, 37...).
  • Note: Ascending or accepting the quest resets the counter (the non-combat will be at the 8th adventure in the zone that day), while refusing it does not (counter carries over from the previous day).
  • Note: Since this is a non-combat, and not a superlikely, any wandering monster will have priority over it. If this happens, this non-combat (and every future instance of it) is simply pushed back by a turn. This means that the way this zone works is probably by having a 100% combat frequency which simply turns into a 0% as soon as 7 (or 6, see first note) turns happened in this zone since the last non-combat (not affected by +/- combat (?)).

But in testing with a digitized monster it went to the non-combat, not the witchess fight that should have been there.

In searching I didn't see any other adventures that had a non-combat that could be skipped.

My question:

Are there any adventure.php's left that allow a non-combat option, with that non-combat re-occurring immediately if skipped, that also allows free combats? (this allows you test to for a wandering monster without spending a turn if there isn't a wondering monster).

Or is there another way to script it to check for a wandering monster without spending a turn? (I know of the monsters on a counter that I can automate so this is moot, like a digitized monster, but something like the sausage goblin you can't)

Unfortunately there is not a place to check wanderers anymore without spending turns. You can spend wandering monster turns in locations that don't allow wanderers and then, depending on the wanderer, it will appear the next time you spend a turn in a place where the wanderer is allowed. What garbo does is just not care about the wanderers (especially of the holiday variety) and just fights them in Barf Mountain anyway.

Also, the way sausage goblin works is not a fixed turn - it rerolls randomly every turn whether or not you encounter it. This means if the NC that you wanted existed, you'd be able to hit it infinitely for infinite sausage goblins, which is why this kind of NC does not exist anymore.