Volcano Map Solver - New Map ?


Active member
Can anyone tell me if the mafia "Solve" button is supposed to solve maps which are not in this list ?

This is the first time I have gotten a map which wasn't one of those six. When I press the "Solve" button, I get this in the CLI :

Map #1 has 36 platforms
Map #2 has 32 platforms
Map #3 has 35 platforms
Map #4 has 30 platforms
Map #5 has 35 platforms
169 total platforms seen.

> volcano solve

Paths examined/made 3/3 ->no solution found.
You can't get there from here. Swim to shore and try again.

Here's what the map looks like at the starting position, if that's any help.

EDIT: So...I tried to play the puzzle in the browser and after swimming back to shore the first time, the map was replaced by the known map #4, and mafia solved it as usual. Have no idea what happened here.
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Active member
You need up to 5 paths/steps seen. My guess is you got stuck one step before it knew how to solve things.

Short original answer though: Yes, mafia's solver will do unknown maps.


Staff member
KoLmafia has no maps built-in. It is perfectly willing to start from wherever you leave off, but if you've moved on your own, it may not be possible to reach the goal. That is what happened to you this time.

Here's what the map looks like at the starting position, if that's any help.
That is clearly not "the starting position" of the map when you entered the cave; the platform with the little man is not in the center of the bottom row. Looks to me like you took 5 steps (and the log confirms that), ended up where you showed us on that map and then told KoLmafia to solve it for you. It already knew where all the platforms were, since it had watched you take 5 steps, ran the paths from your current location, saw that you that you couldn't get to the goal from where you were, and told you to swim to shore and try again. You did so, and KoLmafia was able to go to the goal.


Active member
Yes...once I swam to shore and the map changed to one that was recognizable, I knew I must have screwed it up somehow. Thanks to you both for your genius and time !!