Bug - Fixed VIP Daily Deeds marked complete if in a clan which doesn't have that item


Currently on some Daily Deeds involving VIP Lounge, if you are in a clan without the item, if you visit it using the Daily Deeds button, it is marked complete and you get a message that you've previously used it.

The reason for this is that Swimming Pool and Shower have a check for "<table><tr><td></td></tr></table>", indicating no results. I'm not exactly sure what that check is for in the code, but I've added an extra check when looking for <table><tr><td></td></tr></table> to also check that the appropriate image (swimming pool or shower) also exists so that blank results and item not present doesn't mark success. I've then added a check for the images not existing on the piece that gives the message, to say that the item is not present in the clan.

View attachment ClanLoungeRequest.java.patch


Staff member
I noticed this for the first time this morning when I tried to use the shower in my private clan - which has no Mr. Furniture - rather than my main clan, and was told that I'd already used it today.

I have no idea why the code looks for that sequence of HTML directives. If that you get for "This clan has no shower", it should log that message.


Yeah, it's basically just a no results thing. I thought of just removing that check, but assumed there must have been a point to it.


Staff member
I took your patch and inserted it (manually) and tried it a bit. Worked well enough, so I submitted it in 12570.

The HTML markup things still bugs me, but I didn't feel like pursuing it right now. "There must have been a point to it" - but the point might have been that there wasn't a "you don't have a shower" check and a kludge was inserted instead. :)


Yeah, but why interpret that as successfully used it, which was done consistently across the functions!


Active member
It may be from the Rumpus Room. Say you use the Mr. Klaw machine then go to another clan with a snack machine, KoL won't let you get chips. Essentially, once you use a limited use spot in the room, it's considered used for all other clan item that take that spot. That been my experience anyway.


Staff member
Which has nothing to do with the VIP lounge, since the same furniture is always in the same place, and is either present or absent.